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Grille 24-07-2004 06:49

***SPOILER*** Killer-Grille
This is an emperor game w/o SGL on a standart size continental map.
All (other) settings, such as civ choice, were generated by the Banzai RNG.
I drawed the Mongols, Killer got Arabia.

This is my starting location, it's looking like a fertile landscape.:)

We both moved the settler in the first turn.

Killer said he hut-popped a town in turn 4! [wallbash] He was not kidding, as the score shows.
I got a conscript warrior from a hut.

Kemal 24-07-2004 09:07

Nice lands!

Not that I want to discourage you, but if Killer has about the same kind of land as you have, one wonders how the advanced tribe killer popped could ever be on an ill location, as he claims in the open thread, since any of your tiles able to sustain a city would result in a good location, I'd say...[sad]

Hopefully future huts will result in other units than warriors joining your empire. :)

Grille 24-07-2004 15:54

Thanks for the 'condolences' and wishes.
I think I should ignore really anything but expansion now. Having said that, I don't know if there's a time trigger for the appearance of the first barb camps. Obviously, I must plop a town at the river next to those cattles ASAP. No fun to meet barbs on that spot, since, at the most, I would only have the conscript for escorting duty.

Grille 08-08-2004 23:56

After getting a boring conscript "SoD" (3 warriors in total),
hut-popping revealed a settler!
Consequently, Mongols name their new town after a famous
eastern pop group.

CB and BW were found in other huts.

I met France in turn 13 (traded masonry, alphabet, 10g for CB, WC
and pottery). They seem to live somewhere in the north.

Actual map:
103.82 KB

I met a Mayan warrior in the east. No new techs available.

Grille 16-08-2004 13:09

In turn 22, a Mayan warrior entered my territory.
Of course, I was scared, but could not do anything against it.

One turn later, that cunt razed Ta-tu![aargh]

Looks like max aggression is one of the surprises Banzai promised.
Now I am really scared, because I noticed at least 3 French warriors
to the north who are heading south. They are actually about 7 turns
away from my closest city (cow city north of my capital, upload did
not work). I'm very sure they're coming for me. There goes my expansion plan.:(

anarres 16-08-2004 13:31

Wow! Serious shit...

Banzai 16-08-2004 14:01

Wow! Serious shit indeed!
btw.. I did not change the aggression setting..

Good luck.


Grille 17-08-2004 22:59

'Actually, the situation is hopeless, but not serious...'


Strangely, Maya only had 2 towns (me 3) so I wasn't exactly an
underdog as far as power was concerned. Now Maya have
seemingly 3 towns, France 2. The advisor says that Maya have
Jav-throwers, but my scout lurking in their territory has not
seen one yet.

Paparazzi chasing Ta-tu compressed the moment of most infamous
annoyance in this photograph:
95.54 KB

The French lot underway... to whom???
104.05 KB

Not sure what they're heading for. Barb camps? Me? I changed prod
from worker to warrior in cow-town. One conscript already there,
another one returns to my capital and should arrive before Mayan
warrior approaches.
After pressing end-turn, the southern French warrior kept on
marching S [scared], the nothern one W [hmm] and the remaining
one climbed the gold hill NW [confused].

Currently no MA possible (no writing plus no contacts
between France-Maya) to let France defend my... erm 'core'.

Grille 22-08-2004 13:38

IBT 28:
The first French warrior could have entered my territory near Kazan,
but he didn't (now 2 tiles NE of Kazan). Apparently, I was just too
Trouble is that I used the whip like mad.
Anyways, at least one granny is in place now (Karakorum).

Grille 09-10-2004 14:38

quick update (48 turns played):
Around turn 35, I could talk to Maya. They wanted the city of Kazan in exchange for peace... after lots of cursing, I've ordered more units for defense and calmed down with a vision of dancing on their graves at some future point.
My scout managed to go out of their territory, but ran into a fortified Mayan warrior south of Karakorum.
No Mayan units ever entered my lands whatsoever.
I finally made it to writing in turn 46. I hesitated to buy in France, but they're obviously too far away. No effect of war happiness present (could possibly just have figured it wrong due to razing of Ta-tu and the whipping I did). So I started a trading round: peace with Maya; in the process, they got writing and 7g, I receive poly.
I exchange poly and writing for wheel, IW and some gold with France (tech parity among us 3). Embassy established in Paris.

A scout formerly lurking in French territory tried to talk to barbs in a camp. All scouts gone now.:(

Meanwhile, I have 2 grannies online. Killer's score bursts at the seams and I really have to catch up now. Btw, he sent a note that he's about to finish philo, eager to know if either me or he got there first... funny joke, just look at my info box below.[rolleyes]
Goliath really knows how to rub it in! Inflates David's foe image and there will be judgement![nya] And if it's the unlucky RNG slaps Killer one more time!
Now that the obligatory ranting;) is done, here's a recent shot of Mongolia:

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