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Aggie 20-06-2003 22:34

Aggie - OPD
Here's my start, as the Egyptians in a monarch game vs OPD:

OPD 20-06-2003 22:50

don't know if this will work haven't posted images here before.
My start location as the chinese

thanks to Dr A BTW for the map

Aggie 09-07-2003 22:20

Turn 105:

A lot happened until now. I killed Scandinavia and OPD did the same to Russia. I then turned my attention to OPD and dragged the other civs in the war.

After 5 turns (I razed three Chinese cities), we started talking:

OPD starts:
How about a cease fire then untill peace can be declared in game?

I haven't attacked any of your units this turn.

Perhaps we can agree on a border? If I am allowed to rebuild on my furthest
south cites then take all land north of it, with you getting all land to the

Aggie replies:
Well, I'm not going to play my turn just yet...

Since I can see that you could only attack and kill one of my units at the most (I retreated my units for healing), I'd say that it wasn't a big >sacrifice not to attack at all.

I also think that I'm in a very good position in this war. So a border were you propose it seems a bit too favorable for you. And considering the fact that you still have to get your Unique Unit (and Golden Age), I believe that it would be an unwise move from me. You will be stronger then.

I'm willing to have a cease-fire and make peace, but I want to have more from it than you propose.

I suggest the following:
- I want 1000 gold or 2 middle age techs for peace. The 1000 gold can be paid in parts.
- I want both the incense spot and the ivory spot to settle.
- You will not use your Unique Unit, the Rider, against me as long as that unit is the strongest of the area. That means until cavalry)

In return:
- I agree with a cease fire until the MA's run out
- I agree on peace between us until the Industrial age
- you may settle below the line incense-invory-Reykjavik

OPD responds:
I think you're overestimating your advantage if you have one at all.
Defending is far easier than attacking in MP. The borders I suggested were far more advantageous to you than to me considering the vast land that you would be getting, also I am likely to resettle the spots I proposed whether we are at war or not.

However I do understand your concern over riders, I propose the following:

I can resettle the spots where I previously had cities and all north of there. You get everything else.
A NAP is agreed untill JS bachs catherdral is built.
I will not use riders against you in anyway untill I can build cavalry.
You give me free Ivory.

What do you think?

I see, the Ivory city was Viking instead of yours... OK, I agree with the territory.

I believe that the war chariots have an advantage as fast units. They can retreat and you only have 2 defense against them. Plus they are very cheap... I can build a lot of them very fast. So I don't think I'm overestimating my chances.

- I agree with the territory proposal
- I also agree with the non-agression pact until Bach
- Of course I agree with the no riders until cavalry

But I don't see why I would give you ivory. That I will not do. Instead I want a middle age technology.

After re-looking at things I'd prefer to settle the ivory myself although I'm prepared to give you free Ivory. I think can prolong this war untill chivalry so giving up riders would be a serious sacrifice on my part, whereas you have already got very good use out of your UU. I'm willing to give you a tech of your choosing if you'd like to propose terms.


What about this:

- You get the ivory and incense spots. I get a free luxury, could be any luxury. For the rest we agree upon your proposal on the territory division
-Non-agression pact until Bach is built
-No riders vs me until cavalry
- You give me chivalry once you have it yourselves


As a sign of goodwill I shall comission a road building from my land to yours for what ever lux you like.

OPD 09-07-2003 22:25

I've learnt a valuable lesson here. But have paid for it dearly.

Aggie 09-07-2003 22:26

The world map at turn 105:

The powergraph:

Aggie 09-07-2003 22:33

Hmmm, OPD just told me that he didn't know the world map :(

Aggie 30-07-2003 11:40

@OPD: Although our game still is very much alive, I'd like to say that next time I want to play emperor or deity. You are clearly a fine player ;)

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