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Wosret 23-04-2006 03:55

[SPOILER] 4 Vs 4 Locked Alliance - A Pression Game
SO on. the game is in discussion atm, but im puting it up for the possibility of my team want to discuss something here.

About the Civs, the first thing i noticed is that whomp asked for a 3/4 sea distancy of the continents.
And from this i just wonder for a way to take the early control of the seas, and thinked about Bizantines, dromom will rulez for a long. and if you choose a high impact attack unique units we may have a great combo.

What do you think about mates?

barbu1977 24-04-2006 03:49

Singning in...

I agree, Biz will rock on this king of map.

Anyway's looks like we'll pick the other team civs not our own. Looks like we'll see americans, germans and english. we may also want to pick very early UU like egypt.

Wosret 24-04-2006 05:06

About english we must take care, because if the game take too long, Man o War will be an issue to deal off.

And i think we'll really have pick the other team civs not our own.

I forgot to say, there are 4 teams now, sow the task is harder, because the treads cant match.

Ill think some thing good to post about it. hehehehe

killercane 24-04-2006 05:56

So we are picking the other teams civs? They will need all different traits.... Germany... Portugal..... thats mil/sci/exp/sea. Leaves agr, com, ind, and rel. Then Ghandi and Maya? That still gives them a few good civs to play as, but only one useful UU.

Wosret 24-04-2006 06:12

well, i got some different options, i did an excel archive:
56.29 KB

And in Chat with whomp he said he got that combo i showing up there, and the first i thought with celts.

Lets choose ^^


ops, it cant be french / maya [blush]

classical_hero 24-04-2006 15:11

EDIT. I was starting to think that we choose our own civs. Whoops. There are some good options that we could have. Now I have some things that they could be.

Egpyt Ind Rel
Hittites Com Exp
Sumeria Sci Agr
Scandinavia Sea Mil

Only one good UU in this lot, but it is a good one.

Egpyt Ind Rel
Zululand/Mongols Exp Mil
Greece/Korea Sci Com
Dutch Agr Sea

America Ind Exp
Aztecs Mil Rel
England Com Sea
Sumeria Agr Sci

What do people think of these choices for them?

killercane 24-04-2006 16:40

This is a complicated calculus. Nice chart btw CH, makes it easier on everybody. Sumeria might be a pain if they decide to just spam some suicide EWs to pillage our lands.

I dont think we will end up picking the exact same teams. Definitely I dont like giving them Scandinavia.

Inca is the worst agr civ, useless UU and a useless exp trait. +Carthage, Korea, and Japan? I cant see any way to cut it without giving them a good AA/MA UU.

Mistfit 24-04-2006 16:58

Whomp willingly chose Japan for a PBEM I am in with him.

killercane 24-04-2006 21:07

Looks like hey have our civs selected. We have as possibilities:

Egpyt Ind Rel
Hittites Com Exp
Sumeria Sci Agr
Scandinavia Sea Mil

Egpyt Ind Rel
Zululand/Mongols Exp Mil
Greece/Korea Sci Com
Dutch Agr Sea

America Ind Exp
Aztecs Mil Rel
England Com Sea
Sumeria Agr Sci

Maya (or France + Celts, Iro+Egypt, ugh)


barbu1977 24-04-2006 21:38

IMHO Samurai would be a great UU in this game. Also, I think Korean canons could be deadly.
We also cannot pick Japan, as it is the only way the other team will have the wheel in their stating techs.

I've made a list of useless UU (in no particular order):
(EXP-AGR) Inca's Chasqui scout
(EXP-IND) America's F15
(SCI-MIL) German Panzer
(MIL-AGR) Aztec Jaguar Warrior
(MIL-EXP)Zulu's Impi
(SCI-REL)Babylon's Bowman

And those that are not realy damagable
(SEA-REL) Spanish conquistador
(AGR-SCI) Sumerian's E-man
(SEA-IND) Cartage Nubian Merc.
(EXP-COM) Hittite's 3 man charior
(IND-REL) Egypt's War Charriot

Those that realy depend:
(IND-AGR) Mayan Javelin
(EXP-MIL) Mongolian Keshik
(EXP-REL) Arabian Ansar
(SCI-IND) Ottoman's Sipahi
(EXP-SEA) Postugeese Carrack

Those that are bad:
(SCI-COM) Greek hoplite
(MIL-COM) Roman Legion
(IND-SCI) Persian Immortal
(REL-AGR) Celts Galeic
(SEA-AGR) Dutch Swiss Merc.
(COM-IND) French Musket
(REL-COM) India's War Elephant
(MIL-IND) Chineese Rider
(EXP-SCI) Russian Cossack
(SEA-COM) English Man-O-War
(SCI-COM) Korean Hwach'a

Those we should never face:
(MIL-SEA) Viking Beserk
(MIL-REL) Japan's Samurai
(SEA-SCI) Biz Dromon

I'll try to put that in excell to find someting.

BTW Does anyone knows if the Mongol Keshik ingnores mountain also when attacking a unit on a mountain?

EDIT: Xpost with KillerCane

barbu1977 24-04-2006 21:57


quote:Originally posted by killercane
America Ind Exp
Aztecs Mil Rel
England Com Sea
Sumeria Agr Sci
This looks nice.


Maya (or France + Celts, Iro+Egypt, ugh)
Could you elaborate on this a little?

barbu1977 24-04-2006 22:27

I give you:
The Hittites, the Aztecs, Cartage and the Babs...

To do this, I graded colours from the list above to the UU ranking, and noticed that in the com. civs, the hittites were the nicest one to keep.

From there, I did the same thing with the Agri civs, trying once with the Sumerians and once with the aztecs. Sumerians left either the chinese, the viking or japan. The aztecs gave left nothing realy threatning.

The only concern we may have is that all these civs will have an early GA if there is early fighting.

killercane 25-04-2006 00:37

Those above (the ugh comment) were the other civs that filled out the remaining civ traits if we went with Portgal and Germany, if that makes any sense.

I like Barbu's suggestions. They are all early UUs, and with sea lanes probably wont be useful. The 3 man chariot is the only good upgradeable fast unit, and at 30 shields its still going to cost them the same as regular horses.

Edit: I just noticed where WHomp requested an "early warfare" sea map. I think we can still go with Barbu's list but I can be convinced otherwise.

Wosret 25-04-2006 02:58

so we may have 3 options in the end:
2)My 1st:
3)My 2nd:

I vote 3, with korea instead grecia.

Wow, and should be our team name!? :D

killercane 25-04-2006 03:48

I'll go with whatever the team decides. I'm interested to know what they picked for us. How do we want to divide up who will take which civ?

classical_hero 25-04-2006 05:08

Do not forget that it is Mongol/Zululand. I would prefer to have Zululand than the Mongols.

Here is my attempt at an excel picture of my rating of UUs.

According to the colours here are the civs we most want to give to them. Included are civs that are poor but have another paring and thus have a different colour
America Ind Exp
Inca Agr Exp
Hittites Com Exp
Aztecs Mil Agr*
Egypt Rel Ind*
Germany Sci Mil
Babylon Sci Rel
Portugal Exp Sea *
Zuluand Exp Mil
Korea Sci Com *

It is amazing but Expanisitic civ have shitty UUs. Since we need a useless sea civ then Portugal are our choice there. We can have Egypt, Aztecs and Korea.

So basically here is my choice for the four civs after some elimitation. I think this is a pretty poor choice of a group of civs, which is what we want. ;)

barbu1977 25-04-2006 06:01


quote:Originally posted by Classical_Hero
I like this better than mine.

I guess putting the Korean as OK makes this nice. It's still a powerfull UU than can do it's share of damage.

But I realy like the fact that their GA will not be grouped.

classical_hero 25-04-2006 06:09

The thing is that w can counter that UU because they will need to have enough defenders to stop us form make it ineffective. The H'wacha hass only been beefed up just like the F15 because those units could not trigger a GA before. With the H'wacha it can actually be pretty useless.

Wosret 25-04-2006 16:12


Agreed :D

killercane 25-04-2006 20:20

We have America, England, Aztecs, Babylon.

How do we want to divide it up? I am fine with any of them, but would prefer Aztecs or Babs I think. I would like to drop off some hostiles in their territory early on.

killercane 25-04-2006 20:57

Another thought: Though I feel the game will be decided by Industrial, those Man of Wars will be able to protect our shores for a long long time once we have them.

I think we will be better off taking the fight to them as soon as possible. Perhaps even with a Mapmaking slingshot-curragh upgrade-drop some spears/swords off kind of deal. Whoever chooses the Aztecs will have the best chance to hit the slingshot, I would think.

barbu1977 25-04-2006 22:44

I can't wait to see those F15 in action ;)

I'll play whatever you guys like me to.

With theese civ in the game, we better have a good defence as I think they will come early.

Wosret 26-04-2006 01:39

Ill be america!

Try to get some Wonders for us ;) this will be a Mayan/American fight i think :D

Killer, I think it should be good if you go as England, to take the Earlies Battles while we support you the research and others issues, what do you think?

killercane 26-04-2006 05:53

So just spawn a heavier number of troops rather than infrastructure, thats an interesting idea. I could have a number of troops ready for war by the time we get mapmaking (curraghs to upgrade, spears, and swords). THat is an interesting plan.

Wosret 26-04-2006 07:01


classical_hero 26-04-2006 12:22

I could be the Babs and I can create culture very quickl and this will help my cities stay as mine and plus I can research faster than anyone. I can make these two traits a winning combination.

Darkness 26-04-2006 13:15


quote:Originally posted by Classical_Hero

I could be the Babs and I can create culture very quickl and this will help my cities stay as mine and plus I can research faster than anyone.
Korea would be faster (if one assumes equal terrain). COM beats REL for science...

barbu1977 26-04-2006 13:40

On our side England will be the research powerhouse with comercian and seafaring

classical_hero 26-04-2006 14:00

I can use the sci trait to get librarys and this is what can help out.

barbu1977 26-04-2006 14:45

This is where city trading can help. Gift the city, let the other build the library, trade it back...

(BTW, what happens to the sheild in production when the city is gifted?)

Mistfit 26-04-2006 15:10

any shield in queue is lost

digger760 26-04-2006 17:20

this looks like a civ3 game...ekkk why not do it in civ4?

killercane 27-04-2006 00:34

Civ 4? Who still plays that? ;)

killercane 27-04-2006 01:38

America- Wosret
Babs- CH
England- me
Aztecs- Barbu

Is that acceptable to everyone? We will need to see what our mapmaker concocts for us to come up with some strategy. If I start coastal I will probably walk the settler inland for something of a ring placement.

Wosret 27-04-2006 02:06

Does one of you have PBeM exchange (city, techs, resources, etc.) experience?

Despite i've played some pbems already this isnt a constant, so may there details (as Mistfit showed) that can make a diference, btw, if needed be we may test in a alternative pbem.

Ps.: ow, i just posted our civies just like Killer exposed.

barbu1977 27-04-2006 05:07

Aztecs are fine for me.

As for locked aliance, I'm curently playing one with whomp. Basicly, appart from the fact that you cant declare war on your partner and talk to your opponents, it is a bit like business as usual.

Wosret 27-04-2006 23:49

I asked epecifically about pbem exchange because I know fo some freaks that happens and thought could be more.

And things like the non lose of the city when its gift is great knowledge... imagine, i produce the half of a temple with americans, then I give the city to Babs, next turn he gives me back the city with a library, this may cause a boost in every single city.

And more, if we get GLH this will be very important, imagine england holding it! and then sharing it every and every turn... Leonardo will be a great deal for this... so there are many things i know.. and i imagine there are many things i dont know... but about the game generally i think i can help you a little^^

classical_hero 29-04-2006 17:06

The first thing we need to do when e play the save is send each other the techs that we do not have and thus we can all have the opening techs and thus we can formulate a plan from there. Also what should be the gov of our choice because we need to know which would be our best chnce for us go for our goal.

classical_hero 07-05-2006 14:22

I think we should post our passords here just so that anyone can play the save should RL get in the way, which I know it will. my password is ****************************.

Also we are still waiting for Wosret and killercan to send in their passwords.

Pastorius 07-05-2006 17:42

I think you guys should pm eachother your passwords, just to be safe ;)

So CH, I would remove the pw from the above post, and send it to everyone else, and everyone else do the same to you.

Or use MSN or whatever, since that is faster...

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