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Robi D 26-10-2007 11:36

*Spoiler* Rule the World II - BtS
We were enjoy the current earth map so much we started another one before we had even finished:D

The obvious difference is that it is now in BtS. But we also tinkered with the map a bit more to even out the starts and we are also up to 14 players. Tech Trading remains off.

Matrix - Aztecs - Montazuma
akots - India - Asoka
Beam - Khmer - Suryavarman II
BCLG100 - China - Qin
grahamiam - Egypt - Ramesses II
socralynnek - Zulus - Shaka
Robboo - Maya - Pacal II
Dandridge - Russia - Cathy
Robi D - Rome - Julius Ceasar
nitro1974 - Native Americans - Sitting Bull
IanDC - Mali - Mansa Musa
Darkness - Vikings - Ragnar
NHJ - Inca - Huayna Capac
killercane - Mongolia - Genghis Khan

As you can see BCLG and myself did a direct swap[lol]. Although we both have extra nations around us to deal with.

Also like kast time we get a bit of an accellerated start with 2 settlers, 2 warriors and a worker. In case you didn't know what Italy looks like here the the opening screenshot

The second settler is off to the west to secure my iron

Robi D 03-11-2007 00:43

3720 BC

Got my second city up and running where my iron will be. Haven't run into anyone else yet. My worker is just sitting around because he has nothing to do for the moment.

I'll be looking to get a third city going up in France when i can. Hopefully i can do a few deals for peace then grab as much land as possible.

Shabbaman 03-11-2007 10:33

Don't forget to settle Carthage before Egypt does.

Robi D 04-11-2007 11:30

I'll have to see about that. First priority is keeping northern europe out of viking hands.

Robi D 18-11-2007 00:11

3080 BC

Not too much going on just yet. My worker has run out of things to do for the moment. I'll have my settler ready in a couple of turns to go up to france for my third city.

I also met Dandridge. I'm hoping we can get some sort of peace deal. If i learned anything from the 1st game its early peace is a key to a fast start.

Robi D 19-11-2007 08:10

I sent Dandridge a message just to say hi and ask if he was interested in a peace deal for this first part of the game.

I got the reply back which i don't really know what to make of. I split up the conditions he requested for ease of reading


quote:Hi Robi D of the Romans,

I'm very interested in a long term peace agreement with you. The fact that you'll have the famous Roman Pretorians at your disposal quite early in the game however preconceives some special conditions to this agreement.

1-I must be able to scout inside your territory when open borders are possible.

2-You must not move any Pretorians near my border or stock them in large amounts.

3-If you build pretorians I must know who you are going to attack with them(my emphasis), since they are not defensive units.

All this is required since I know how people usually make use of Pretorians. If you agree these terms I'm ready for a peace treaty that last at least untill 1000 AD. I'm also interested in making military co-operation with you.
DanDRidge of the Russia
Point 1 is not an issue for me as long as i have the same rights

Point 2 sounds a bit ridculous to me. If we have a peace deal why would i stockpile any units at his border, and even if i did it wouldn't make a difference since we would be at peace.

Point 3 i highlighted. I really don't see why this would be his buisness. There is no way i would want anyone to know if i'm planning an attack on someone. Should i tell him my strategy too.

I feel this an attempt to be controlling of me, make me a quasi vassel to him. I'll send a reply basically to say point 1 is fine as long as i have the same right but point 3 is not acceptable.

What i want to know is what you guys think. Am i overreacting, is he being reasonable in the circumstances. Also do you think this is a genuine offer or has he already decided i have to go and this is just a ploy to get me involved in dragged out talks while he sets up his attack. I'd like to know everyones 2 cents:)

Shabbaman 19-11-2007 09:12

He doesn't trust you, that's all. Anyone would be nervous if he's living next to someone stocking up praetorians.

Robi D 20-11-2007 09:03

Yes but by 1000AD he should have crossbows and maces available so pretorians shouldn't be such a big issue. Plus i had offered the possibility of a deal longer then 1000AD. Anyway i guess i'll see from his next reply if he is serious about a treaty.

Robi D 09-12-2007 08:45

2320 BC

Its been a while since the last update. DanDridge and myself were able to come to an agreement. There was a couple more PM back and forth but we got the details sorted. The deal is to 1000AD and i wont be reprting any preatorians i build to him. He was pushing for an attack against Darkness (Vikings) which i wasn't keen on myself since a war this early is very draining on resources. However that issue was decided when akots tried and opportunist attack on dan so his busy dealing with India now.

I met killercane next, he had sent a scout from far away mongolia for a bit of a walk. Not much to discuss since we are nowhere near each other. Then in the last few turns i ran into Darkness and IanDC on the same turn. Darkness seem happy to stay peaceful but no formal agreements were discussed and the conversation with IanDC was a basic hello, nice to meet you thing.

At home things are moving a little too slow for my liking. The GNP definately needs some work to get the tech rate moving. I'll have my 4th city soon which will close off access to europe once culture expands the borders. I'm also in desperate need of some happiness otherwise my cities wont be growing much more

Robi D 23-12-2007 05:03

1800 BC

Thing are slowly moving forwards. I've met akots and grahamiam in the last couple of turns. Building on our good relationship from CDZ earth 1, akots and i signed a deal to 1000AD. If i can get one from darkness too then i can focus on filling up europe.

At the moment my economy is 3 versions of shite. 10 out of 14 is not that good. Otherwise the demographics are ok. My major problem is my cities are at their happiness limit so i'm really sweating on getting writing (due next turn). That way i can build libraries and expand those borders to get the gems.

Also having had a look around i've set my strategy for the game. With my cities not able to grow and my economy low anyway, i'll follow my China strategy from CDZ Earth 1 for the early part and fill out europe quickly. Also given that i'm looking like winning the game the chance of me facing a multi-national dogpile are pretty high, so i'm going to lower those chances. If i can secure peace a peace deal from darkness, then its africa here i come. Total control of the continent would be the goal. After that, it will really depend on what deals i have in place, but my target will be either the rest of europe, central asia or south america. Either way i figure to win i wont be able to be peaceful so it will be a matter of conquest after conquest.

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