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Kingreno 08-03-2005 20:02

What's up with KR?

As several others have a "personal" topic in their own forum I decided to make one as well.
As some of you may know I lost my job at Aristo last December due to bad economic results over the last years. I worked there for over 4 years, the last 2 years as chef de buffet (that's someone responisible for everything having to do with F&B). I really did well in the last function and the restaurant (250+ seats) was doing pretty well compared to other parts of the company. However, as 40% of the employees were fired (that's about 50 people) in the last 2 years I too had to go. Kind'a sucks as my Manager wanted to keep me but the upper-management fired people based on contracts.
That meant, that from half-december on I was unermployed! Well, technicly from january first but that is not how it felt. Going through the governemnt channels was something miraclous to do as that felt like going through a whole new world! It showed me that anyone who has not been there has no clue what it is like. I had, and have, many long discussions about how and why I think things do not work the right way. (feel free to ask...)
Anyways, around the first week I had my many aplications sent to various functions. I have no education to speak of so this is realy hard! The market utterly sucks and nice jobs are hard to find (though sucky jobs come plenty!!). This all seemed to take ages. then at the start of Februari a woman from a company very near my house called me asking if I had interest to come and talk for an Internal commercial sales function.
I hesitated at first as it usually means hard sales either by phone or by door, with salary based on sales and a very though atmosphere. This turned out to be untrue! The company (called Ergonimoque) sells ergonomic products to companies in Europe, while "guiding" these companies in an anti-RSI strategy. This mainly means finding out which complaints people have when they are doing their (office-) work and finding ways to fix it. I could go on but I took the job and am working there very happily for 3 weeks now, getting the hang of it quite fast!
This job is on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays only for now. I want to study something at a relaxed tempo besides this, but there is also something I will become a father rather soon! me and the gf have planned this well and some of you knew this for some time now (and kept it at silence[thumbsup]). Just not too surprise you when the moment is there I thought to let you know. The gf is doing great and there are no complications. We expect him/her to arrive late April, the predicted date being exactly on Queens-day. We are very very much looking forward to this. For CDZ this will mean a very steep decline of participation in the first months as you will understand but don't expect me to go byebye either. I will do my very best to fullfill duties here, for a very long time to come.
Sorry for the long read but I guess you deserve to know why that pbem does not get to your inbox at the same speed as it once did. :)

Pastorius 08-03-2005 20:12

Lemme be first (or second) to congratulate you on becoming a father (at least in this thread, no)

And also, great to hear that interesting work do exist. The transitional period can be very hard I ve heard, so I am happy that you did not have to look for too long (all is relative, no?)

Very happy for you man!

Socrates 08-03-2005 20:22

Congrats ! Life is changing very fast for you these days, isn't it ? It must be cool to see positive things change your life so quickly, and I hope you're happy to discover 'new worlds'. Father ? W00t, I have to picture you as a father now. [saiyan] Sorry if it's too personal, maybe don't answer here or at all, but : what do you mean by "no education" ? It seems you're intelligent, so it must just be that you didn't go the academic way, and that's no problem in my book (maybe even a force...).

Pastorius 08-03-2005 20:33

Seing Krys' post there, and I thought it would be good for laughs that I actually thought that you were some sort of programmer/IT-educated (like many here), or in some firm as a consultant for something obscure like management or whatever... You do come off as educated, at least that has been my perception since I came here [:o]

Kingreno 08-03-2005 21:45

Thanx guys :D

On the education. Well, I am astonished you thought I am an IT-guy Paal; my cat knows more about computers then I do, not to mention this bunch here at CDZ. [lol]
As for "not going the academic way" krys, I agree that needn't be a problem in a theoretical or just way of thinking, but the last months showed me that it sure helps if you have a tiny paper that says you completed an education! I found out the hard way...which does not mean some get very lucky and get a great job.

Socrates 08-03-2005 21:49

Kingreno, I completely understand you. I also lack a beautiful piece of paper but I don't fucking care. Nor does Socrates. Fuck 'em all. Nah seriously, my comment was a bit more general, but... I hope you're doing OK without that piece of paper as well. :)

Pastorius 08-03-2005 22:02

KR: the email u use for msn has or something, so I thought that was a work related email. Add to that that u sound like you know upside down on a comp, and that you sound knowledgable in general. [crazyeye]

akots 08-03-2005 22:35


quote:Originally posted by Paalikles

KR: the email u use for msn has or something, so I thought that was a work related email. ...
Yep, I also got that impression that you are sitting somewhere in the office doing some paperwork. I've been wrong then and hopefully for good.

Looks like exciting times are coming! May these be the lucky ones!

Banzai 08-03-2005 23:51

Congratulations with your new job and with you becoming a father very soon!
I also wish you good luck and lots of sleep :)
First time daddy?

Grille 09-03-2005 01:16

Congrats, KR!![party]

[whatsthis] lol, the date...

quote:Originally posted by Kingreno

We expect him/her to arrive late April, the predicted date being exactly on Queens-day.
...for 'PR' seems royally appropriate.:D

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