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Irigy 09-02-2004 10:23

*SPOILER* Lt. Killer M vs. Irigy
Oh wow... first PBEM, round 29 and things go as worse as they possible could. When i learned that mongols are in our game, all i hope for was that they would NOT be on my lands, esp. not my neighbours, and guess what? Yes! [aargh]

Thank god my military is almost non-existant and i could'nt withstand the following situation:

Took me a while to figure out what to do... but i guess i made the wrong decision.

Oh well, more to come!

Plux 09-02-2004 12:56

So what did you do then? took the city, and now you have SoD 0f 20+ WC's on your doorstep? :D

ERIKK 09-02-2004 13:04

[hmm] empty city! I would raze but it also depends on the level: if it is Deity for
instance, then the ai will have their bonus stack hanging around somewhere. If that is near your
core then you are fucked. If it is is monarch or lower then there will not be too many risks IMO.
Razing seems appropriate... [evil]

Irigy 09-02-2004 13:14

Since it is Monarch (not that i took that into consideration when i made my decision) i decided to raze the city - effectively "crushing" the egypt.
They used to be in the 2nd spot (right after mongols...) with points, now they are last. They also kindly offered me a peace deal with 20 gold and a free worker [coool]

Since then nothing too spectacular happened. There are at least four different lux res on the continent, but killer has at three of them (same type) as well. Trying to get iron (need to build a city there
since it's out of my cities range, and then build a ton of UUs and crush egypt (which have a stack of gems AND spices nearby).


Intensive studying of the recent scientific breakthroug by our great friends, the mongols [mischief] have shown they the didn't discover this thing called alphabet by themselves. Reports (and a little chat with Killer) show that they have contact with a group of men (and maybe women) called VIKINGS (=Killer).

Hmmmm! Hmmmm! That's sort of
not too good for us. Yuck.

Irigy 09-02-2004 20:28

And yet another update!

"Can you see those dark clouds nearing from the horizon?"
"Oh wait, it's already raining!"

We're currently a few turns after 70, and things are strange,
very strange (at least for me who never played a pbem before,
but read most of the spoiler threads here).

- the celts are lacking badly in science and have to buy knowledge from *tada* the mongols [cry] (who's laughing?)
- the celts have a rather weak military (all in all about 10 units, too embarrasing to give more details)
- the celts have ONE culture building and never even attempted to build a wonder

AND STILL: the celts are leading the score points? [crazyeye]

And besides our rather weak military, we do good in comparisions:

And in the power analysis:

As i said earlier this map is sort of a luxury overdose, and here's
the proof:

And now the question for our readers (thank you for staying with us!):
What do you think about the planned city placement? Good? Bad? Catastrophic? (yellow spots on map, maybe the pink one?)

Skyfish 10-02-2004 06:36

I'd say the reason you are leading in score (apart from you beign the best player in this game :D) is because
of your land area !
You have what ppl call an "Optimal City Placement"plan and this sort of build is not favoured in PBEMs. In a nutshell :
Because games very rarely go beyond hospitals players feel it is not needed to have cities so far away.
Having them closer (a tight or dense build) not only helps with defense but also with MMing and sharing improved tiles.
More efficiency.
It is, I would say, a very important part of PBEMs.

More later on yoru placement and Science funding !

Irigy 10-02-2004 10:32

Optimal city placement? And i thought leaving only about 2-3 tiles between cities is tight enough? Oh well, back to studying the game mechanisms. [crazyeye]

Skyfish 10-02-2004 11:55

On a second (closer) look your build is tight enough [wallbash]
Sorry !

Irigy 10-02-2004 12:51

Ah ok, thanks for totally confusing me! :D [:p]

Anyway, back to my "science problem". Appearantly those vikings
love to give money to the mongols and literally spoilt them with
everything, so that the poor celts may not trade their lacking
techs. [hmm] That's not good.

Any suggestions? :(

Irigy 11-02-2004 14:59

Just a short newsflash:

War has broken out!
Analysts predict a long conflict
++++ Egypt lost its capital ++++ Mongols declared war ++++

Shorty after the Celts started their righteous crusade against
the evil Egypt empire the treacherous Vikings bought the ever
warmongering mongols into the war against the brave celts.

Now the celts have two frontlines, but the victory is quite sure:
many Egypts and Mongols joined the Celts in their just cause
(read: a few slaves have been made).

Editory comment:
Since i'm quite sure that i'm responsible for only 60 of the 70
views of this thread, i think there's some interest in the further development of this pbem, and so i'm willing to write a more
extensive spoiler sometime later... BE WARNED!


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