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Kingreno 23-05-2004 14:03

KoD Tourny, re-animation attempt!

After a heavy drinkingsession with PP last evening[crazyeye], we expanded on some thoughts about C3C and CDZ. One of the things that came up is the fact that for some players PBEM is not as exiting as it was in the past. In general, spoilers are less active and the "new" is off. That is a natural process.
Some years ago, when I was playing 7k2, there was a similar problem. I, and some forgotten others[lol], came up with the idea to bring together two games, in that time 7k and Risk (the board game). The "new" game was still fundamentily the same as 7k, with the addition that besides the normal ways to achieve victory, each player got a special assignment. Where Risk gives you for example an assignement like "conquer Asia and South America", we came up with assignments for 7k. And you get it: Why not try this with Civ??
PP and me though it would give PBEM and KoD (and especially multi human games) an extra very fun dimension. It would make new diplomatic options very much possible, and needed! There is of course a very thin line called balance but I seriously believe it can be done. Think for example of the missions: Conquer 5 ancient age wonders or get 3 cities with 5000 culture. It would take some time through testing as to balance these missions, it can be done! And also, in multi human games, the MapMaker can make all special assignments public, so players know which assigments are in the game, but do not know who has what mission! This could in turn lead to alliances to break someones attempt!
For now, I have a Single Player Challenge:

Version:C3C 1.22
Civ: Egypt
Map: Standard, Deity, 7 Rivals, Sedentary Barbs, Pangea!

Special victory condition!: Conquer (or build!) the Pyramids and two other wonders by choice (small or large, Palace does not count) in one of your cities.
Earliest Date wins!
If you belive any other normal winning condition can be achieved sooner, that is also ok!

For people who fear Deity: The Special Vic Condition allows for some extreme play. Remember that you Can lose your core, as long as your Sod is heading for the Pyramids.:)

The Save:

Download Attachment: [img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] KoD2start4000BC.SAV

Beam 23-05-2004 14:47

Nice idea, I'll probably give it a try the coming days.

Beam 24-05-2004 17:04

He, me the only one trying?

Anyway, plaid a while yesterday and in the process of building the stack to take the Pyramids, with that Victory Condition is achieved. Spoiler later, it is my first real Deity game iirc.

col 24-05-2004 17:49

I'll give also it a try when I finish my milk run for a new PB ;) I prefer these games to pbems these days.

Beam 24-05-2004 22:20


quote:I'll give also it a try when I finish my milk run for a new PB
About which we like to learn a little more of course :)

I didn't make it and consider 25 Vet Cavs. winning vs. 7 Infs. fortified in a size 12 city on a hill as a statistical anomaly now. After the first attack which left 4 red-lined Infs. (game over cause Egypt was the weakest Civ and this particular AI had 2 MPP's :() I tried it 3 more times with reloading in consequetive turns without beating the Infs one single time. Sad thing was that when the Cav stack started moving the AI discovered Rep Parts and upgraded en masse to Infs. Rifleboys would have been a different story.

While playing I've been thinking about this format. It's main advantage imo is twosome: it basically allows for a quicker game compared to going for the standard Victory Conditions and it is possible to implement new types of challenges. Downside is that the AI isn't aware of these types of goals and the threats that come with 'm. In this case the stack of Cavs walking in under a RoP. Maybe the editor offers a way out here but most players here dislike editing game rules (apart from changing Curragh to Canoe ;)).

Personal conclusion: although I can handle Demi pretty well, Deity is a mucho different level.

Col, just get the Pyramids and 2 other wonders and it is a win for you in our SP competition approaching its 2nd anniversary. ;)

Kingreno 24-05-2004 23:05

@beam: Great you played it this quick! I apreciate the feedback and this is just the first challenge! I hope I will improve it so it will be (even) more fun![thumbsup]

@All: Perhaps it seems a bit too difficult? If that is the case I will make'em a bit easier next time. I gave this one a shot too, to test, but since I know the map, and the likely location of the Pyramids, I could not bring myself to very serious play. I did notice it is not easy at all though.[blush]
Perhaps Demigod is a better level for this (we could keep the name KoD![cool]) as it would bring more players who'd otherwise be hesistating to begin it at all, in the game. However, I also heard from Schip (emperor lvl but rising, correct me if I am wrong[rolleyes]) yesterday, he started it because of the special condition.

As a final note: The Victory Condition here states clearly that besides the Pyramids 2 other wonders must be built (or captured) in the [u]Same</u> city. [eek]
And also, the next challenge will be due in 2 weeks.

ProPain 25-05-2004 10:46

I;m gonna give this a try, but is it pyra in 1 city, 2 other wonders in a 2nd city or pyra+2 in one city?

Kingreno 25-05-2004 11:26

Pyra+2 In the same city.[eek]

Schip 25-05-2004 14:24

@KR: your right, I'm an emperor player. Though I gave it a shot, it is indeed difficult. I myself was surprised how far I got, I'm still in the game but I don't think I'll ever make it to the gates of the pyramide city. Maybe with an entire new attempt, but that will be with pre-knowledge of course.

Kemal 26-05-2004 09:22

Nice idea KR and PP, I gave it a shot with an OCC-challenge, but failed miserably as I couldn't even get the Pyramids, missing it by a few turns, let alone 2 other wonders in my capital... don't know whether I'm allowed to say it here but the tech pace was blistering in this game, never really had a chance with this approach. [eek]

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