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Melifluous 03-04-2007 19:16

Hattrick takes all logos in house
So hattrick will now not allow you to link to external pictures as your logo.

All pictures must be uploaded to hattrick, and most logos exceed their size limit. Which they dont tell you about and I can find nowhere that says what size it should be [:p]

The full 'agreement' you HAVE to agree to is here... Please for gods sake READ it and dont just click and go!


Content Agreement

The Content Agreement is currently only available in English. A description of roughly what it says is provided below in your own language. If you feel that you are unable to accept an agreement in English, please do not upload any content.


The Agreement below basically states that you guarantee that you have the rights to the content that you upload. So you can not steal someone else's images without their permission. You then accept that we can use this stuff on the Hattrick site without paying you any royalty or anything.[:O] And you assure us that it is not of a racist, pornographic or similar nature that may offend some people.

Content Agreement

Hattrick Ltd ("The Company"), owner of the Hattrick brand and web site, has enabled the site to receive images and other content ("Content") from individuals (the "Content Authors") and to display and make that Content available to visitors to the web site (the "Content Viewers"). This CONTENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") confirms the terms and conditions upon which a User may submit Contents to Hattrick and the terms and conditions upon which an Content Viewer may use Contents taken from Hattrick.

Before submitting content to Hattrick, carefully read the terms and conditions of this agreement. By submitting content, you are agreeing to be bound by, and are becoming a party to, this agreement and those terms and conditions. If you do not accept and agree to all of the terms and conditions of this agreement, do not submit any content.

1. Agreements of Content Authors.
A Content Author has the right to submit Content for display in Hattrick. By submitting Content, the Content Author grants to The Company a perpetual perpetual non-exclusive, royalty-free and irrevocable right to place that Content in Hattrick and to use, reproduce, copy, publish, display, distribute, adapt, modify or otherwise exploit that Content within Hattrick.[:o][:o][:o] By submitting Content to Hattrick, the Content Author warrants to Hattrick that: the Content Author has read and is bound by the terms of this Agreement; the Content Author owns and has the legal right to submit the Content to Hattrick and to grant to the Company the rights to the Content described in this Agreement; the Content Author has obtained all required releases from any persons who are recognizable in any Content imagery and from any persons who have provided any materials appearing in the Content; the Company's copying, publishing, displaying or otherwise utilizing the Content will not infringe upon the rights of any other party; the Content Author waives any rights of attribution, integrity or otherwise with respect to the Company's copying, publishing, displaying or otherwise utilizing the Content; the Content Author agrees that the Company may use the Content Author's name in publicity or advertising of the Content without compensation to the Content Author; and the Content Author recognizes that the Company has no liability for any unauthorized use of the Content by third parties. The Content Author warrants that the Content cannot be considered discriminating or demeaning to members of any religious or ethnic group, skin colour, gender or sexual orientation; that it does not contain any explicit political or pornographic content or content that condones the use of narcotic drugs, violence or illegal activities.

2. Agreements of Content Viewers.
A Content Viewer has the right at any time to access, view, store or reproduce any Content displayed in Hattrick for that Content Viewer's personal use. A Content Viewer may not, however, publish, display, sell, license or otherwise commercially utilize any Content obtained from Hattrick or incorporate that Content in any other works. The Content Viewer acknowledges that the Company is not responsible for the content of any Contents and will not be responsible if the Content Author who submitted Content to Hattrick was not authorized to do so.

3. Indemnification.
Each individual accessing Hattrick (whether as a Content Author or a Content Viewer) will indemnify and hold the Company harmless from any loss, liability, damage or expense (including attorney fees) suffered or incurred by the Company as a result of a breach of his/her warranties or commitments in this Agreement.

4. Discontinuance or Change of Hattrick.
The Company reserves the right, in its discretion, to modify or discontinue Hattrick at any time for any reason.

5. Modification of Terms and Conditions.
The Company reserves the right, in its discretion, to modify the terms and conditions of this Agreement at any time by posting such modifications in Hattrick. Any Content Author who thereafter submits Content to Hattrick and any Content Viewer who thereafter accesses Hattrick to view Contents will be bound by such posted modifications.[:o][:o][:o][:o][:o][:o][:o]
First phrase that comes to mind involves the word wanker a lot. I will not be renewing my subscription next time it runs out. This is just theft, plain and simple....


Mistfit 03-04-2007 19:22

I have fewer issues with the legalese of this than the sheer amount of work this has caused me. I have around 300 logo's I have created out there and all of them now need to be resized. I think the basic of the legalese is that you cannot charge them for advertising on their site even though they are displaying it.

Tubby Rower 03-04-2007 19:44

Another instance of everyone having to jump through hoops for a couple of people that took advantage of the system for a prank :(

akots 03-04-2007 19:52

My Misfit-made logo is OK with size.

Mistfit 03-04-2007 20:00

yeah? It must have been an early model before I switched to using .png to get the best quality.

socralynnek 03-04-2007 20:06

Tubby, the one who made that prank on saturday because he was frustrated with the HTs. He reported the loophole weks before that but nothing happened, so he took action. It was not to hurt the users but he felt that HTs didn't care about security enough.

I can understand that they now disallow external logos. There are too many loophols involved in loading external pics.

And I do understand the need for such rules, Meli.

Tubby Rower 03-04-2007 20:17

ah. I'm still a little confused about how a picture can cause a web-based error. It sounds like the loophole was that when you went to go accept a challenge from someone and/or visited their teams page the graphic would somehow cause you to recruit a weak coach.

It would have been nicer if they would have waited until the new Youth Academy was sorted out before consuming HT resources on a loophole (even if it was ignored for so long).

Kemal 03-04-2007 20:17

What a joke this is...

I'm curious as to whether this agreement binds 3rd parties, it doesn;t seem to me they can legaly distribute images that 3rd parties have property rights on, so if I use mistfit's images, he has the intellectual property rights on it (including the right to reproduce/distribute etc), but because I upload it he is not bound by the agreement, so could legaly protest against it use, I'd say.

Btw, I'm now forced to go back to the old Snaken,gif logo, instead of the way better redone .bmp which is 150Kb. [sad]

Tubby Rower 03-04-2007 20:21

what are the size limitations?

Mistfit 03-04-2007 21:53

50KB is the maximum allowable size now..

These should work for you guys:




If you have one of mine that is not working HT mail me..

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