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Plux 25-01-2005 22:57

LIVE multiplayer under the dom(e)
Since I really enjoyed the MP game that Beam, Matrix and I played at Stapel's, I want to invite some of you guys over at my place for another session. Like Stapel, I think the best way to make things happen is just to set a date and see whoever can make it to come. But since I found two evenings in a row a bit too much, I'm thinking to start on saturday morning/noon and play up to sunday night (so I can still go out to party on friday :D). I have just a small place, though, so I cannot accomodate more than four other ppl. I'm centrally located, right in the middle of Utrecht, a 10 mins walk from the station, so that should cause no problems, except for the fact that parking space is a bitch, and car owners will probably want to park their car 15 mins away, because on saturday you have to pay I think 5 euro's/hour! Luckily, parking is free from saturday midnight up to monday 9 o'clock. So, apply here if you're interested and the first four applicants are the lucky winners! :D if many ppl want to come, I do take bribes [groucho]

DATE: February 19/20.

PS: I can arrange one laptop and one pc for two other ppl, so two ppl should be able to bring their own gear.

Let's play Ciiiiivvvvvv...!! :)

Plux 27-01-2005 17:06

No takers at all?? [cry]

Kingreno 27-01-2005 17:18

well if you start crying...ok, I am in, but do NOT expect me to be there 8 am saturdaymorning, I like to party fridays as well...unless As an alternative: party fridaynight in Utrecht! That could be done no? Get drunk early, make plans to got to bed before 4PM. rise at 10 to make some food and play starts at 10.30?[party]

Rik Meleet 27-01-2005 19:35

I am interested in LAN-parties !!

I can easily bring my laptop. I just have to check my agenda if I am available that weekend, but I have no access to my agenda right now; she just left for Jiu-Jitsu ;).

Pastorius 27-01-2005 20:41

Hm. That is a rather mobile (and sporty) agenda you have there Rik.

I bet she is a FiloFax?

Beam 27-01-2005 22:45

I'd like to do some LANning again! Have to check my agenda however.

Rik Meleet 27-01-2005 23:05

My agenda says I have no appointments, so count me in.

Plux 28-01-2005 21:41

excellente! So that is at least three, hopefully four. If more want to come, you're most welcome. If the number of interested ppl exceeds five, I've arranged with Beam to switch to his roomier place, so no problems there..

Stapel 30-01-2005 11:04


We should be sure to have a map without water between players, this time ;), to speed up the game.

There are some other things we have learned from last time too.

Plux 30-01-2005 18:21

Indeed.. It was a very good map but we have learned some lessons, and no or not too much water in between is one of them imho. This time we're going for great! I do want a game that ends in two days, so I'm thinking smth set up for some good early action (like the in between game we played then). Also maybe some mod for little more variety and options in AA-units??

Kingreno 30-01-2005 18:30

It will be harder to make a map for 5 people then it is for 4. I am not sure how to do that without compensating balance.

Beam 31-01-2005 01:31

This is the base if we are going to play with 5 imo.

All players have 2 opponents nearby and 2 a little further away. Many variations are possible.
- Exactly mimic the pentragram and put lands in the triangles.
- Same with inner cross sections connected.
- Cores around the tips of the star and landbridges connecting those.
- Etc.

Lux resources are the main thing to be balanced next. This could be a scheme like everybody having the same 3 base luxes and and an exclusive lux for trading, but other schemes are possible as well.

Last game at Stapels we all knew what the minimap looked like but didn't know resource distribution. So my suggestion is we make the 5-player map ourselves (majority of the work) and find one of our CDZ fellows to put the resources in place. By that everybody starts with the same mapinfo.

Plux 31-01-2005 10:39

Good suggestion with the pentagram! I would like to add to that the wish to let the east-west edges of the map (and north-south would be even better) be near by so that the far away neighbours are still close to you through the cilinder effect. Put some small islands (or almost islands) in between with some interesting terrain/resources and there is an even better playground :)

Pastorius 31-01-2005 10:42

Looks like a pretty evil session ahead of you folks [devil]

That reminds me. I wanted to draw a pentagram when I was a child. Didnt know exactly how, so I started drawing what I thought it would be like. It ended up as a "David's star". Coincidence?

(the above message not being meant to look anti-semittic btw. Sorry if I offend you)

Plux 03-02-2005 16:16

Errr.. AARCH!!! [wallbash]

I'm very sorry guys, but on the 19th, there is a concert across my door (Tivoli) where I really want to go to, I just found out. So, I wanna reschedule this to either 12/13 of feb, or 26/27. Your call! and sorry for the inconvenience, I hope ppl have not yet declined other things for this..

Kingreno 03-02-2005 16:17

12/13 is not possible for me. 26/27 is acceptable but not that good either.[cry]

Stapel 03-02-2005 17:39


Beam 03-02-2005 18:05

26/27 for me as well.

Rik Meleet 03-02-2005 20:56

13th is my birthday and I have family over. Not nice for them if I am in Breda or Utrecht then ...

I have to check with my agenda, who is again doing Jiu-Jitsu tonight, if I am available the 26-27 weekend.

Plux 04-02-2005 09:13

Ok, we'll postpone it one week then to 26/27. I would say sorry again for the delay, but just checked and I already did that twice, so I won't anymore:). Hope Rik and KR can manage to come too, then we'll have it all nicely filled up.

Rik Meleet 14-02-2005 00:44

26/27 is approaching fast. Any updates ? I can make it then.

Plux 14-02-2005 14:04

It is nearing indeed, thnx for the reminder :). I already contacted Stapel this weekend, he also was sure to come. So that's Beam, Rik, Stapel and me at least. KR, how good is 'not that good'? Others?

I'll put up a Map Request tomorrow when I hopefully know the exact amount of players.

Beam 14-02-2005 15:59

For me it really depends how much I need the weekend to recover from my job in Paris. So atm it is unsure if I'll be there.

Kingreno 14-02-2005 20:00

Sorry guys, am not going to make it. The original weekend was the only available in this month. [sad]

ProPain 15-02-2005 00:39

Well, if you're up to nothing KR, we can schedule something. The missus is going to A'dam with the GF's so I;m available for some boozing.

Kingreno 15-02-2005 17:27

well, PP, the reason I cannot make it is the date i have witrh you and R&R...remember?

ProPain 15-02-2005 19:47

I mean this friday KR (the original one) Sorry for the threadjacking Plux

Plux 16-02-2005 15:11


no problem, pp ;). When there's booze involved I can overcome lots of things :)

Anyway, it looks like it'll be only three of us, Stapel and Rik, with maybe an additional Beam. So we want a map which is playable for three but also four players. Any thoughts on how to accomplish this. Besides that, what settings do we want?

Stapel, the map that Matrix, you and I played at your place while Beam was comateuse was cool, wasn't it? Remember what that was? Kinda tiny, three peninsula shaped with a battleground in the middle, iirc. How could we extend that one towards a possible four player map?

Here's an idea.. spots in the middle are strat resources, on the island lux's. Red dots = three players, yellow= four players

Stapel 16-02-2005 18:12


quote:Originally posted by Plux

to accomplish this. Besides that, what settings do we want?

Stapel, the map that Matrix, you and I played at your place while Beam was comateuse was cool, wasn't it? Remember what that was? Kinda tiny, three peninsula shaped with a battleground in the middle, iirc. How could we extend that one towards a possible four player map?
Yup, and that on was randomly generated!

Plux 16-02-2005 23:27

Ok, tomorrow I'll make a redraw of the one we played then, and then post a Map Request to let the mapmaker decide which one he'd like to make. That one, or the one above..

Rik Meleet 17-02-2005 09:11

So let's discuss details like exact address, exact times and who brings what.

Plux 17-02-2005 09:22

I propose to meet at ca 12:00h on saturday at my place, address and phonenr will be send thru PM. I have a second 600Mhz desktop pc and I can arrange a 1,4GHz laptop, but that needs an extra (USB) mouse & keyboard for fluent play, which I don't have yet. If you have smth better that you want to bring, be most welcome. I'll arrange all standard booze (beer / wine) and food, and leave the special treats such as liquors to you guys.

Rik Meleet 17-02-2005 18:24

I'll bring my laptop, it has a 2,8 GhZ CPU, 512 MB Mem and a 15" display, very suitable for Civ.

More importantly: Have you got switched, networkcables etc ? I don't (but if both Plux and Stapel haven't either, I could possible organise something (no guarantees at this late time though)).

Plux 17-02-2005 18:52

I have, no worries :)

Rik Meleet 26-02-2005 14:12

Right now, Plux, Rik and Stapel are all ready to go; when Beam finishes the map.

Beam 26-02-2005 15:17

Map is mailed, enjoy! And keep us spoiled :)

Rik Meleet 26-02-2005 17:12

Kom maar gewoon langs !

Rik Meleet 26-02-2005 17:22

My lands.

Notice the nice Celtic Cross. Lan.JPG

Stapel 26-02-2005 20:29

The Iroquis have conquered the Dutch city of Groningen.

Poor Plux :) .

Plux 26-02-2005 22:04

Have fun with it, while it's still yours [evil]

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