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anarres 25-01-2004 02:10

Active Users features enabled!
Check the bottom of the mail forum page for statistics. I expect to improve this feature a lot, so please give feedback.

Here is the Active Users page:

DrAlimentado 25-01-2004 02:53

did i say [coool] already?

I'll say it again


anarres 25-01-2004 03:14

You can now see status of members in the threads

<-- like this

anarres 25-01-2004 04:27

And also now in all Private Messaging forms and when you view a profile. :D

Oh, I forgot to ask: Do you want a link in the top right to the active users page? I guess so, but it's getting very crowded up there!

WildFire 25-01-2004 05:57

Dude, someone did a lot today!

(not me [:P] )

Grille 25-01-2004 06:56

Hm, I'm somehow 'offline', so is Sky who just logged on.
We both are recorded as 'active' users, though. And at least for me, "show on active...:Yes" is checked. I did not find another extra check-box for "show offline/online" (?) so I assumed the aforementioned option enables/disables is supposed to affect both features(?).

Anyways, another minor thing:
If I don't log on automatically, I#m listed twice (under registered users and guests) in the active users list once I log on. Seems not to be an update problem, I was counted 'twice' for 30 minutes or so.
edit: it's gone now, maybe it was indeed an update problem (an action like posting is needed to get it updated?)

Pastorius 25-01-2004 08:59

I am offline too....weird
have it on autologin...

but anyway - once u get it to work [jump]

Edit: by mistake, I clicked my icq IM thingie from the active users page---->got this:
error '80020009'

/forum/inc_func_common.asp, line 527

Aggie 25-01-2004 10:30

Great work [dance]

Once it works...

Lt. Killer M 25-01-2004 11:44

I am constanly shown as offline even if I post!

ProPain 25-01-2004 12:03

Same as the rest, it shows me offline all the time. But I love the feature

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