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Whomp 05-11-2008 01:07

Back to Regent
Years ago Sirian and Charis started a game called "Finally ready for Regent" that they never finished. I've decided to try since I'm no good at civ4 and I need to keep you guys entertained so here it goes nothin'.

Here are the variant rules.
* Workers may not build tile improvements: no mines, no irrigation, no roads. (No railroads).
* Clearing jungle, forest, pollution is OK. Planting forests is OK.
* Building forts, outposts, radar towers, airfields is OK.
*Cities may never make use of improved tiles. If we come into control of improved lands, we must pillage the tiles before we may use them.
* Not allowed to sign Right of Passage agreements.
* No colonies.
*All VC's turned off except domination.
*As India since you don't need any resources for War Elephant's.
Here's my start..

A couple cows, a river and ocean. The worker doesn't help me much yet so I'll send him out to explore. Barbs are turned off since this game is random enough. OK let's roll!

Furiey 05-11-2008 01:25

I'll follow this with interest, I remember reading the thread on that old game.

2 nice cows to start with.

Socrates 05-11-2008 18:16

I think I read that game as well long ago...

Nothing more exciting to do in Chicago today, Whomp ? Or are you depressed by the turn of events enough to go back to Civ3 ? ;)

EDIT : Just read that you were for the local guy. So you must love Civ3, I guess.

mauer 05-11-2008 18:20


Originally Posted by Whomp (Post 120124)
I've decided to try since I'm no good at civ4 and I need to keep you guys entertained so here it goes nothin'.

We're supposed to be good at civ4 and entertain here? Crap, I've been so wrong.

Rik Meleet 05-11-2008 23:49


Originally Posted by mauer (Post 120164)
We're supposed to be good at civ4 and entertain here? Crap, I've been so wrong.

Wrong at both accounts ?? ;)

Good luck Whomp.

I remember a (IIRC succesful) attempt at a FRFR game as the vikings - settling on top of coastal resources, combined with berserkers paid off. I'll try to find a the game.
Edit: here it is and good old Stapel teamed up with the grumpy old men in it :)

Are you allowed to found cities on top of resources ?

Furiey 06-11-2008 00:54

I'd not seen that one Rik, I'll have to read through when I get a bit of time...

Whomp 06-11-2008 03:12

OK so this game should be interesting since luxs and resources will be scarce if they're not on the coasts. Harbors will be really important and I think Colossus and The Great Lighthouse could be very useful.

Here goes nothing...
Our worker Stevie goes roaming and finds a future city site with a flood plain wheat
In 3750 get the first of our two curraghs out.
In 3450 Curragh Hey Jude see coast across treacherous waters but in 3400 Hey Jude sinks.
In 3250 curragh Juicy finds its first border.

3200 Start our first settler. Things don't look good for pottery so a settler might make sense.

3050 Meet Shaka and he has bronze working, pottery and warrior code. Horses will be pretty important so trade alpha and ceremonial burial for 10g pottery and warrior code. Switch the capital to granary. Curragh Danny Buoy tries the treacherous ocean but in 3000 Danny Buoy sinks but Furiey is on her way.

In 2850 curragh Furiey survives! Thank goodness for Furiey.
Since space race is off we have to check F11 to see who's around. It appears we have Russians, Chinese, Egyptians, Americans, Zulus, Aztecs and Hittites.
2670 Start the settler after our granary finishes.
2550 Furiey meets an American scout.

Trade warrior code for bronze working and 12g. He's still up masonry which he's insulted we asked for.

2470 Get the first settler finished.
2390 Furiey meets the Hittites.
He's up masonry and down ceremonial burial but doesn't want to deal other than cash. We'll wait on the cash.

2310 Zulus get the wheel.
2230 Get another settler done.
2110 Juicy meets the Chinese.
They're up Iron working, wheel and masonry but down alphabet and ceremonial burial.
He won't trade IW so we trade alpha for masonry and wheel.

No horses in sight. Down near the Zulus is about it.
Our continent.

Trade Ceremonial Burial for 20g to the Chinese so I can ramp up writing.

2070 Lincoln gets IW. Trade wheel for IW and his 12g. Iron on a mountain. Uh oh...we may have to wait till war elephants to do damage. We have all the worlds gold and at parity or leading in tech with writing due in 2.

How about a look at the other continent.

1990 Writing comes in and Stevie meets the Russians. We're up CB and alpha. No deals.

Decide it's time to try the Colossus. We're going to have a tough time with luxs and commerce. It appears inner cities will need to have temples and outer cities harbors to connect luxs and resources when they come available.

1870 See the Aztecs border but it would cross a sea. Decide to see if there's a land link.
1790 Propain is established on the coast and we meet the Aztecs. They're down CB, Masonry and alpha. Just the Egyptians left.
1750 Shabbaman finishes our first warrior. His name is Shabba.
1700 Americans get myst. We're only up writing so we'll wait for trades. .

Shaka demands masonry. Mister will be our first victim...but...not yet. Please accept our gift of masonry and build the Pyramids, Mr. Shaka.

We're still up writing or more on everyone.

Shabba finds horses!!

1625 Zulus and Russians get Myst. Chinese get horseback riding.
1600 Darkness is established.
1525 Zulus start Oracle. They're at pop 1.

1375 Aztecs start the pyramids. Everyone is down writing but up myst and HBR except the Chinese who are up HBR and the Aztecs who don't have either.
1200 Matrix established. Zulus get writing. I want to get a little closer to philo before I trade it out.
1175 China get writing.
1150 Hits get writing. I'm losing some trading opportunities but after Colossus comes in next turn I'll feel a little better.

1100 Colossus comes in and helps a lot as philo drops to 3 turns. Check trades and we can get HBR from America or China but not myst. Honestly we can't use either at this point so we'll continue to wait.

1050 Philo comes in and...

It's time to trade. America is up HBR and myst but the only one down writing. Zulus and Russians get math. Let's see if someone has gone the monarchy path.

Trade myst for writing to America. America is the only one with poly.
Trade philo for 4g math and HBR to Russia.
Trade math and philo for poly to America.
Get 14g from China for myst.

Descend into anarchy and we get two turns. Another benefit of being religious. Start research on map making. This could be a very critical tech in this game for a lot of reasons. We may want to build The Great Lighthouse to cross sea tiles. The Chinese have extra incense on our continent and we have a sea route in case we go to war with the Zulus. The only other civ it would help with is Russia since there's oceans in between the others.

Trade philo for 20g to the Hittites. We could use the cash.

1000 We are now a republic. See Giza which was planted later by the Egyptians. It's north of the Hittites on the continent Furiey found.

900 Maps come in for the Russians and Zulus. Start on currency since markets will be more important than libs over the long haul. We'll need to get the AI to build markets at some point so we can gather some gpt. The capital is about the nly place that has potential to research at a decent pace.

825 Merge a few workers that were chopping including explorer Stevie. We get our first archer from Shabbaman and his regiement is Shabbabow. Dang we researched all the way to map making and the Aztecs just got it. Due next turn so not much to do.
800 Maps come in. Matrix finishes a spear and starts a cat. Russians start SoZ.

775 Mauer established.

I suppose it's time to give you the critical stats. We're #1 still in most of the important stats. Pop, GNP, Mfg. Goods, and productivity. Our military is meek with 2 warriors, Shabba and Matrix the ax, archer Shabbabow, worker Bruno, curraghs Juicy and Furiey and two settlers en route. One headed to the coast for horses and the other to a coast to land on dyes.

750 Russians start Pyramids so we have the Chinese, Russians and Aztecs battling for it. The Hittites and Zulus are building the Oracle. Kryszcztov is established on the horses so we'll eventually get horses to our coastal cities.

710 Harbor finishes in the capital and we start a market prebuild.

670 Shabba the Fire arrow finishes. Furiey on Dyes is established.

650 Lt. Killer M's siege wagon is finished in Matrix.

630 Currency comes in and we start construction

610 Meet the Egyptians. They're awfully backwards. But they have cash so we give them alpha for 15g.

Monte demands philo. We tell try to explain the law of inverse perversion and tell him to take his silly pixie hairdo lookin' mug and shove it.
We get some much needed war happiness.

550 Egyptians start Temple of Artemis.

510 Americans get monarchy and won't consider anything for it.

In 450 we move on...

Whomp 06-11-2008 03:13

450 Move to a new age and turn off research to catch up with builds.

Kryszcztov finishes a harbor and horses become available to the capital after we finish a rax. Start on horses.

390 Furiey on Dyes finishes its harbor so dyes are now on the coasts. Russia, China and Zulus get CoL.

370 Turn on research to Feudalism

350 Egyptians get monarchy. Decide to trade with them to get them up to speed and pick off a tech that should be of interest to others. Trade CoL, math, philo for monarchy and 8g. Start the Great Lighthouse in the capital. If we're going to whip the other continent this will go a long way towards that as they can't reach us without it.

Egyptians start pyramids. A little late...

290 BCLG100 is founded. Turn off research.

Egyptians and Americans start Hanging Gardens.
250 Turn research back on to feud.

210 Aztecs start the Great Wall. Americans, Hittites and Egyptians are all closing the gap now that they're down currency and republic. We're at 10gpt unit support so a fight with the Zulus is imminent.

170 Oh oh...

Zulus declare but the great news is we get round two of war happiness and move lux down to 10%...

We'll have to see what happens later. :D

socralynnek 06-11-2008 09:17

Furiey is great! Go, Furiey, go!

Interesting read. And well played so far! Seems you are lucky with getting horses to your capital.

OTOH, othrwise yu'd just have to wait for those nice little elephants...

Somehow I have no doubt you'll be winning this, but it might be hard to get those troops to where they should be.

At least, I guess it should play quite nice, as you don't have to think about moving workers around...

Stapel 07-11-2008 16:22


Originally Posted by Rik Meleet (Post 120187)
Wrong at both accounts ?? ;)

Good luck Whomp.

I remember a (IIRC succesful) attempt at a FRFR game as the vikings - settling on top of coastal resources, combined with berserkers paid off. I'll try to find a the game.
Edit: here it is and good old Stapel teamed up with the grumpy old men in it :)

Are you allowed to found cities on top of resources ?

I was just gonna post I was in that SG. It was fun for a while, but at some point it became clear it would be succesful. IIRC, I dropped out at that moment.

I still hardly ever finish games (in CiV). Once I know I'll make it, I quit.

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