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Kingreno 29-10-2004 18:00

2vs2vs2vs2 open thread
my fellow despots;

I have two things to clear out, and sooner rather then later!

first, Killer will be away for some time, I reccon we wait or is there a replacement player?

second, more important! We agreed before teh game we would NOT play with fixed alliances on, because it would mean we would know eachother from turn 1. Instead we agreed to make no trades/alliances/techdeals or any of such at all between different players, in other words each players' 2 civs would always be at a state of war with all other civs on tha map. Right? This is mundo importanto. Please discuss it asap, as meeeting some other guy may not take that long.[mischief]

akots 29-10-2004 19:56

Re Killer: sad, but what we can do?

OK but then who declares on who? War happiness is a big deal at the current setup. We can just stay at peace and make sure there is no communicatons between ppls going on until there is a possiblity of a "non-phony" wars.

Kingreno 29-10-2004 20:13

I think we should do it the honorable way. If player A lands 10 units next to player B's capitol, player A should declare war in that turn, it is not fair that Player B has to declare in this case, and gets the hapiness.

Beam 29-10-2004 22:08

Human players can't declare other than moving a unit to another one iirc.

Kemal 29-10-2004 22:50

You could also try to remove the active peace deal by renegotiating peace in the diplo screen, though that wouldn't work when the peace has been signed less than 20 turns ago, I suppose.

Lt. Killer M 23-11-2004 11:50

kemal: it works if not with a (##) behind it.

me back, who has the save? I did not find one waiting for me

Stapel 24-11-2004 15:18


quote:Originally posted by Kingreno

Instead we agreed to make no trades/alliances/techdeals or any of such at all between different players, in other words each players' 2 civs would always be at a state of war with all other civs on tha map. Right?

Of course we can make trades/alliances/techdeals between different players.
This idea of allways war drops completely out of the blue for me.

Lt. Killer M 24-11-2004 15:20

the only thing I find in the other thread was 'no alliances' in the sense of 'no MAs' - but that didn#t get agreed on either, ever!

thanx stapel.

Stapel 24-11-2004 15:32

The only thing debatable is indeed MAs between players.

Stapel 24-11-2004 16:16

From the other thread:

Linked alliences of course, and no alliences permitted between others.

Linked alliences is not on, due to good reasons.
Furthermore, only MAs are not allowed (up to deabte, I am fine with all). trading techs, lux and money is all fine!

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