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Socrates 11-05-2016 17:56

Civilization 6 has been announced!
Civilization 6 has been announced! Below is the usual, oh-so-interesting trailer. :rolleyes:

Apparently they’re sticking to one unit per tile, although you could add support units. And cities get to expand on the map itself, so that they can cover several tiles.
More update to the usual*, other site.

Damn, I use the word “usual” way too much here.

akots 12-05-2016 02:40

Civilization VI coming October 21

Graphics seem to be very CivV-like, with cartoonish flavor. Cities will have districts. Research will depend on terrain. AI will have an attitude. There will be some ways to stack units and mutiplayer will be shortened. All summarized in pcgamer:

Not sure what would I do. It seems like the game gets more and more complex and is still hex-based. Cities get even bigger but more specialized. And trailer is pretty lame. Anyhow, we'll know in about 5 months.

Beam 17-05-2016 15:20

Civilization VI announced
The news is all over the place so it is probably outdated if you don't use CDZ is your prime Civ news resource anymore.

Shabbaman 19-05-2016 22:45


Originally Posted by akots (Post 140378)
It seems like the game gets more and more complex and is still hex-based. Cities get even bigger but more specialized.

More complex? Not quite the version of civ5 I've been playing...

What I think will happen is that the expanded city will use the city tiles as an additional resource: use tiles for buildings instead of resources. So, less tiles to micromanage, faster game progression. I like micromanagement, it makes me feel good about myself.

akots 20-05-2016 02:21

You better micromanage your admin duties. It took you whole week to press that secret button.

You can micromanage in Civ5. But it is hidden and complex and not necessarily works as intended. It actually has more to micromanage as you need to check things every turn while in Civ3/4 you need to check things only when city grows or a tile is improved. Because there is a lot of complex bs that tells citizens to move here or there or do something else as they don't stay put where you left them.

Its like some bad modern action game when you press A to move to the left and you character decides to make a small step to the right first because animation-shmanimation and fall down a cliff and dies.

While Civ3 was possible to understand completely, Civ4 still has some mysterious twerks. Civ5 is full of mysterious things nobody understands. Civ6, I presume, will be a complete mystery to everyone. Same as like Windows 95-98-XP-Vista-7-8 culminated into completely unexplored version 10 that does things on its own. We are going the Cylon path and the Terminator path and the electrodes in your brain path. Civ is no exception.

Matrix 20-05-2016 10:50

I gotta admit I'm still playing Civ4, but will of course give this thing a try. Perhaps I should give Civ5 another try as well, since I didn't like the very first game of Civ4 that I played either.

I'm all for hexagons and against Stacks of Doom, so if Civ6 counters all the things I had against Civ5 - all of which I forgot because it's so long ago, so actually this post doesn't add any value, but hey, I'm still here, guys! - then it would be promising. :) And cartoon-like graphics!! Goody! :D

Originally Posted by Shabbaman (Post 140386)
I like micromanagement, it makes me feel good about myself.

Amen. [lol]

Socrates 20-05-2016 11:28

Thanks Shabba.


Originally Posted by Shabbaman (Post 140386)
I like micromanagement, it makes me feel good about myself.

This should be in a parody of an ad, with this line at the end for comical effect!


Originally Posted by akots (Post 140388)
While Civ3 was possible to understand completely, Civ4 still has some mysterious twerks. Civ5 is full of mysterious things nobody understands. Civ6, I presume, will be a complete mystery to everyone. Same as like Windows 95-98-XP-Vista-7-8 culminated into completely unexplored version 10 that does things on its own. We are going the Cylon path and the Terminator path and the electrodes in your brain path. Civ is no exception.

That’s why the future is free (as in open-source) games. I have seriously no hope for Civ6.

Shabbaman 20-05-2016 19:48

So civ6 is the start of Skynet?

Beam 23-05-2016 15:49

Will there be a Civ VI subforum or do we have to discuss in other other other other games?

Socrates 23-05-2016 20:08

Civ3: 228 threads
Civ4: 113 threads
Civ5: 28 threads
Do you think it’s worth it?

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