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Ehecatl Atzin 16-09-2003 20:42

What does yours look like?
[lol] yeah.. I know what you're thinking..[nono] but I meant money! Here's a 20 peso bill--

And here's it's backside--

And finally a five peso coin..wanted to show a 20 one, but I don't seem to have one (Last night began Mexican Independence Day..all my money got spent :D )

What about you?

ERIKK 16-09-2003 21:21

Check this link for the banknotes and coins (for lot of us on this board)! :)

(I was a bit scared to put 'the other thing' under the scanner.... [mouth] )

Ehecatl Atzin 16-09-2003 21:50

"the other thing" ?

EDIT-- hey, the euro coins look alot like our coins, gold center with a silver rim... but ours came out around the early 90's...[hmm]

Lt. Killer M 17-09-2003 02:01

EA: they realized that it is a good idea to have them easily distinguishable by something but size..... so the 1 and 2 E coins got the colour flipped.......

I will get some good old real money (Deutsche Mark) from home later today to scan ;)

digger760 17-09-2003 08:26

The Almighty Australian Dollar:

(and the notes are plastic too)
(notice there are no piddly 1 or 2 cent coins)

Grille 17-09-2003 10:30

Here's a link, showing the first lay-out of a 20 DM banknote from 1948. Its design is somewhat close to the dollar design (well roughly; and crappy: some bills did not even have a pic!)
AFAIK they were printed in the US in a rush. They were shipped to Germany and all of a sudden stuff re-appeared in shop-windows again. (Stuff was mainly traded via blackmarket from 1945-48).
1960 (IIRC) was a new design edition made, here's the 5 DM bill:
Interesting story: An artist guy painted (!!!) some notes (mainly 1000 DM) in the '70s and had a bit of criminal blood in his vains, thus he spent some of his "paintings". Police stated that the paintings were really high quality fake money... [eek]
He became somewhat famous and occasionally draws Euro notes in tv shows... [lol]

Later, another design style was published. I guess Killer is refering to these and let's wait for his scanning efforts :) ...ah, the nostalgia...

I still have an inflationary half-million Reichsmark coin(!) [jump] - but I'm not rich :(. It wasn't even worth the metal then. Weimar Republic currency policy led to a giant inflation, resulting in a currency reform in 1923. Also, I have a GDR 10 Mark note from a visit in East Berlin, it was a school trip in 1988 (you were forced to make a 25 DM money exchange for a daily trip - at 1:1 exchange rate!). Alas, got no scanner to show you.

Lt. Killer M 17-09-2003 11:43

Grille, nice links! Thanx!

Shabbaman 17-09-2003 13:33


quote:Originally posted by Grille

I still have an inflationary half-million Reichsmark coin(!) [jump] - but I'm not rich :(. It wasn't even worth the metal then.
Then there's the trade potential: trade your worthless coins for slightly more worthless coins. Rinse, repeat. That's an infinite loop! No wonder they had to reform...


quote:Also, I have a GDR 10 Mark note from a visit in East Berlin, it was a school trip in 1988 (you were forced to make a 25 DM money exchange for a daily trip - at 1:1 exchange rate)
So you left with 10 mark? What was wrong? The communists did drink beer, didn't they? ;)

Grille 17-09-2003 14:17

Well, here's a better link (catalogues are incomplete, though): (site has world-wide coverage)
"Germany" is just pre-1948 and more an excerpt, but here you can see a 100.000.000 Reichsmark banknote from 1923. Everyone was a poor millionaire then.
"Germany - Democratic Republic" is rather exhaustive,
"Germany - Federal Republic" has some of the older "dollar"-style notes, such as the 10 DM note:

Here's the (later) 1000 DM note, the artistic money faker used to paint: I think it took some days to draw all the lines and stuff, but still a nice wage-per-hour, I guess... [lol]

Grille 17-09-2003 14:32


quote:Originally posted by Shabbaman


quote:Originally posted by Grille
Also, I have a GDR 10 Mark note from a visit in East Berlin, it was a school trip in 1988 (you were forced to make a 25 DM money exchange for a daily trip - at 1:1 exchange rate)
So you left with 10 mark? What was wrong? The communists did drink beer, didn't they? ;)
:DHehe, you're exactly right. But: it was a school trip and (for what reason ever) our teachers had other ideas to keep us in line...
But me and some mates did indeed *illegally* drink 1 beer in a snack bar (along with a wurst) during an unwatched "free-time" moment...

The (good) beer was so incredible cheap that it would have taken weeks to spend all the 25 East Mark...[lol]
Maybe the citizens over there were drunk all the time, thus communism failed in the end. :D

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