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anarres 10-09-2003 15:04

Mouses or mice?
I just had an argument, this is to decide it....

1 Mouse, 2 ???

Shabbaman 10-09-2003 15:09

At least that's what they taught me in the first grade.

jack merchant 10-09-2003 15:37

Mice. You need to ask a Dutch-dominated forum this ? ;)

anarres 10-09-2003 15:56

heh - not that I necessarily agree with it, but here is the argument for calling them 'mouses':

If they invented a new input device and called it a 'sheep', would you get 3 sheeps or 3 sheep? If you say '3 sheep', then it is only from historical use of the word 'sheep'. You have however already changed the meaning of the word by calling a new input device after it: you have created a new noun with the same name as a fluffy animal. Who says the plural form has to match as well?

As I understand it, the plural form of 'mouse' (eaten by cat variety) does not follow any given rules of grammer - it is just an abnormality of the English language. As such, why should an input device of the same name follow the same abnormal rule - why not follow the usual rules of English grammar, and call them 'mouses'?

I guess I should have mentioned that I am not after a grammer lesson, but rather the reasoning behind the grammer itself. ;)

Lt. Killer M 10-09-2003 16:25

LOL anarres, you have too much time to think ;)

btw, I today saw an interesting plural form for 'Schlüssel' (key): 'Schlüssels' - that's kinda like saying 'keyers' in English----

DrAlimentado 10-09-2003 16:32

Mice is the plural of Mouse.

DrAlimentado 10-09-2003 16:44

There are more exceptions to the rules of english grammer than words that actually follow them ;)

I am firmly of the belief that 'correct useage' is modified by common useage. When enough people use mouses instead of mice for the plural of mouse (input device) then I'll agree that it is correct :)

Do you agree with the notion of standardising the English language btw?

WildFire 10-09-2003 20:13

Its micen.


Puwen 10-09-2003 20:21

It's möss!!!!!

ERIKK 10-09-2003 20:44

I would say mouses. Mice is for living things, err.. mice I mean.

But looking at the poll, I see I drifting away from reality once again! ;)

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