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Aggie 17-08-2004 13:52

DDPP *spoiler*
I have to face the facts. I will be completely destroyed by ERIKK/Kemal/ProPain :( I am now wondering what I should do when the moment of sure loss arrives.

-Give my cities to Plux and Matrix? If I do so they will get empty cities, to be taken by the right island alliance in no-time.
-Raze all my cities? If I do that I give the right island such an advantage that before long Matrix and Plux are gone as well.

Anyone with a great idea? I like the idea of giving my allies (Plux/Matrix) a boost, but I don't see how I should do it...

I case you have been following the other threads: I just pretended to be in control, but in fact my core was ripped to pieces. I figured that a firm attitude would help. It did, but only for a short time...

Pastorius 17-08-2004 19:22

wow. You sure fooled me....

but I am lucky enough not to be in your shoes...

if I could be of any help, I d try to, but you re one hell of a better player than I doubt it...

good luck tho...sounds like u need it

Banzai 17-08-2004 22:49


Well.. if you are defeated, so are Plux and Matrix...
Are they already at war with the others?
The only way to survive is if Plux and Matrix attack the invaders too. Fight them off together.
If they do not want to fight them, you have to give the cities you are about to lose to either Plux or Matrix. I'd say Plux as he seems to be the strongest.
Those cities will either be captured by the others - forcing plux to fight - or left alone - allowing plux to give the cities back in better times.

If you have to fight alone, you'll need all the cash you can get to buy units.
Plux and Matrix should stop researching and give the cash to you so you can buy knights or other units.

My 2 cents..

Good luck!


Aggie 18-08-2004 05:39

Thanks. I agree that they should help me to let me survive. But I highly doubt if they want to... I may have a tactic to get them behind me though... Let's see what the next turn brings.

Banzai 19-08-2004 09:07

It seems Plux and Matrix are comming to help you. Good tactics Aggie!
I hope it is not too late.
Good luck..


Aggie 02-09-2004 08:31

My tactics and alliances in this game. Anyone who wants to replace me during my holiday only has to watch for these issues:

I have no password for this PBEM!!

-survival. I want to resettle my original land asap, meanwhile building knights as well. At a certain point I want to get markets and libraries up and running in my new cities.
-I have an alliance with Plux and Matrix that I consider sacred. I will answer a betrayal of one or the other with the total self destruction of my empire. And I have wanrded them for that.
- It would be nice to trade world maps with matrix or plux. They don't know that I know nothing about the world :)
- I was in the midst of a wines vs 2 gpt deal with Matrix. If everything is OK Matrix will have accepted it last turn.
-For the rest: The western island diplo topic (in Matrix's forum) has all the info you need regarding my plans and the alliance. I have been as open and honest as I can be vs them.

grs 05-11-2004 17:14

Aggie: Is this the latest info? It is more than 2 months old - if this game is not really travelling that slow, I would like a bit more info. How many turns have passed since your last post?

Aggie 05-11-2004 17:26

grs: correct, we played no turns in september due to my holiday and after that we only played 3 turns. You are Egypt by the way :) Matrix can help you with all the info and links you want (like those at CFC with a bit of history)...

Aggie 05-11-2004 18:39

OK, a bit more info then. I will give you the biggest events in the game only though.

-I took over from Redwatch somewhere early 2003. I at one point joined Matrix (Vikings) in a war vs Plux (Japan). We didn't win a lot, but seriously slowed our mutual progress down.
- Then I (or rather Killer) saw ERIKK (America), ProPain (Iroquois) and Kemal (Persia) declare war and take out about 5 core cities. 3 were razed, 2 others were retaken by me later on. The capital was razed however.
- A 2nd wave followed shortly after that but I was able to fend them off.
- Plux and Matrix decided that it was better for them as well to be allies. I threatened to abandon all my cities and leavbe them as cannonfodder for the Eastern Island. They choose wisely to back me.
- I'm now rebuilding a bit, but I'm heavily dependant on Plux and Matrix. I haven't seen a new invasion...
-Plux and Matrix are still at peace with the Eastern island, but are part of the coalition of the willing ;) See basically I got rid of Kemal. ProPain and ERIKK myself :D
-The previous post with tips is still valid, except for the 2 gpt loan. That is no issue anymore (I either payed or not...dunno exactly, but Matrix won't mention it I'm sure).

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