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Stapel 16-04-2009 19:17

Spoiler: Cut the Crap
OK, this is the last time I am supposed to be here for a while.

NHJ, please right down how you are gonna defend your empire!

Matrix 16-04-2009 19:34

And do so write now!

NHJ 17-04-2009 14:04

With such demand, how can I refuse? I'll take some screenshots and write something later today. I finally figured out how my webspace works, too!

NHJ 17-04-2009 19:01

Houston, we have a problem.
(edited to show powergraph instead of score)

The current status of my empire:

Stapel will attack me 8 turns from now. I was still busy building forges and grocers to get both my production and economy up to speed. The economy is doing fine now, since I completed the grocer in my holy city, and will complete a market in my capital next turn. Several forges are now also complete.

However, the cities that I conquered from Matrix and Robi are still mostly undeveloped, have low production (except Reeniville), and no barracks or stables. My own cities do have barracks for the most part, but only my capital has a stable. First, however, some intel on Stapel's army that I have, thanks to the wonders of religion:

His forces seem to consider of a mix of Axemen and War Elephants, with catapults as support units. Unfortunately, he researched Civil Service just a few turns ago, which means that he will probably upgrade those Axemen to Macemen. In response, I'll try to use Crossbowmen as my main defenders, supported by leftover Longbowmen. I can already build Macemen myself, so I will also use a few of these where possible. I'm also trying to build some Pikemen, which I sorely lack, and I have several Camel Archers that I might be able to use against Stapel's stacks to damage his artillery using flank attacks.

Here are my current civics. I just switched to Mercantilism (yay Spiritual trait!) because I'm not really trading with anyone and I can use the free specialists to boost production.

Also, you might notice that I've boosted research to speed up the discovery of Gunpowder. I'm not quite sure how much good it will do, but Musketmen are fairly good defenders, so it might help. After I've discovered it, I'll drop research to zero to help pay for unit upkeep and upgrades.

Matrix 18-04-2009 01:05

By the looks of it he has war elephants for the most part, which means pikemen are the way to go.

You show us the score graph, but I'd be more interested in the power graph.

Good luck against Bas "Montezuma" Stapel...

Rik Meleet 18-04-2009 01:15

I agree with Matrix; from your pictures I see melee and elephants. That should mean X-bow and pikes with some muskets for general defense, for instance against cats.

Robi D 18-04-2009 08:31

Don't forget cats. Colleteral damage adds up against big stacks

NHJ 18-04-2009 20:23

Yeah, I'm building some more Pikemen and Crossbowmen, a few Trebuchets to complement the three or so Catapults I still have, and some Camel Archers for flanking damage and to pick off any units that stray from the stacks. 2 more turns until I can build Musketmen.

Also here's the powergraph, it is not good:

Rik Meleet 18-04-2009 23:11

trebs are really only useful in attacking cities. cats are the better units outside cities.

NHJ 19-04-2009 23:00

Building more Pikemen now, and my first Musketman will be ready in a few turns.

Looks like Stapel will attack Veendam first, which is logical since he can get there in one turn. I'll probably put some extra defenders just out of sight, maybe Catapults.

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