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Socrates 05-07-2006 16:17

Introducing a new team : Krys Olympic
Hello ! I've just received my team, after waiting for 10 days. It is called "Krys Olympic", like in that FIFA/McDonald's game for the WC. 'Olympic' because it is used for 2 great French teams : Marseille and Lyon, and also because it is a Greek name. :)

So now I'm already lost. I'm currently #8 in the French league VII.65, and I already have a match on Saturday ! [eek] Not sure if it is the beginning of a new season or what...

Also I'm asked to complete 24 tasks as a beginner, in order to get more money and unlock more content. [hmm] The 1st task is to rename the arena, which is supposed to bring 5,000 €, but then they tell me it costs 4,000 € to do so. [hmm] Also, in the economy page, it seems I have 50,000 €, and am ready to get 10,000 € more, to make that 60,000 €, is that right ?

Not sure if you can have access to all my pages, but anyway here is the link to my team, hoping it works :

Aggie 05-07-2006 16:29

Krys, welcome to Hattrick!

Your team was previously called SR Colmor. This team has been playing 9 of the 14 rounds in the current season and is at nr 8 of the league (VII.65). You are probably going to relegate (ending 7th or 8th), because you are 10 points behind nr 6 with 4 matches to go. I had a little bit more luck and started my HT carreer in round 3, enabling me to stay in the league.

Why don't you post your squad here (like others have done before), so we can judge your team's strength!

EDIT: Krys, you should finish all the challenges, allowing you to get another 250,000 euro in total. You will need it badly, amongst other to buy a new coach. Your current coach is to weak to train properly...

Tubby Rower 05-07-2006 16:37

I would hold off on buying a new coach until you have your trainees/ training program decided upon. Since a season after you hire him he starts his decline in leadership and skills. So just make it the last thing that you spend money on, but reserve money for it (ie: don't go into debt before buying him.

copy & paste your squad here (bracketed in [ code][/code] )

Tubby Rower 05-07-2006 16:43

Oh and the challenges will bring in a total of 250 000 Euros. Some of them require you to put up some money. For the one where you have to place a bid on someone, find a high level player (outstanding + ) that has a bid price of < 50 000. You'll most definately be outbid and it will allow you more time to get used to the xfer market before you have to actually buy someone.

When you have to put someone on the Xfer list, wait until we see the squad as some of them will likely be put up for auction. If you need any help let me know, I think that I'm picking this up fairly quickly and while making some stupid mistakes, I think that some of the risks that I have taken are paying off.

EDIT to avoid a triple post::::
Krys, make sure that you change your training to Stamina and 100% as soon as you can. Training updates are tomorrow and since none of your guys played this week, none will get training. But if you put it on Stamina, all players will receive training and (most of) your players stamina will increase.

Socrates 05-07-2006 16:43

Thanks guys ! And I'm glad to see you here, Aggie. :)

That's already worthy advice here, but I'll first make sure to complete all those preliminary tasks. So I won't lose 4,000 € by renaming my stadium like they say, but get 5,000 € instead (only for this time), right ? Can I blindly do those preliminary tasks like this one ? I have already earned 2 * 10,000 € just by lurking 2 pages, haha. :D

I'll come back to you once I have done all of them, and will keep you updated with my team then. I can see the "previous" team (SR Colmor), like Aggie pointed out. Oh, one more question : should I wait for my relegation before making any big change ?

Tubby Rower 05-07-2006 16:53

krys, you'll have to pay the 4k but you'll get 5k in return thus netting you 1k. You should think carefully since renaming your stadium in the future will only cost you.

I would go ahead and get things setup now. As you will soon learn HT is a marathon not a sprint so the quicker you start the further along you'll be. Also good trainees will be more expensive at the beginning of the new season so if you can get them now, they'll age at the end of the season so keep that in mind when buying them... but don't worry about that now.

I looked at your players (we can't see the skills but just TSI) and the only 0 TSI player you have is your coach. [thumbsup]

Aggie 05-07-2006 16:56

Yes it almost looks like your starting squad is OK. But we can't tell more until we see the details.

Darth Pugwash 05-07-2006 17:25

Hey kryszcztov :D

A couple of useful links for a beginer: <-lots of useful info <-the 'platypus guide' it's a bit outdated but worth a look <-useful site that offers rating and statistics about your team <-this is your league, but your team won't appear there until the site is next updated (every monday)

There is quite alot of information in hattrick but you should get to grips with it pretty quickley :)

Tubby Rower 06-07-2006 14:15

krys, could you dump your players' skills here? and btw, fire that new youth pull that you did for your challenges before you have to pay his salary at the end of the week

Socrates 06-07-2006 15:40

Resuming it after last night's victory. ;)

Challenge #7 : booking a friendly (for next Wednesday ?). I want to play against one of you, CDZers. Whoever posts first gets to play with me. :D I need my 15,000 €.

Gonna start lurking your own threads too, and I will post my team soon.

Oh, and I have a new name for my stadium : "Olympus Mons Temple". :D Of course, to carry on the Greek/Olympic theme. 'Temple' because it fits the theme and today's stadiums could be seen as temples of course. And 'Olympus Mons' isn't only that mountain in Greece and the mountain of the gods, but also the highest mountain in the Solar System, on planet Mars precisely, and is directly quoted from a song by the Pixies (on the "Trompe Le Monde" album, awesome).

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