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Samildanach 23-08-2003 15:54

Cartouche Bee vs Samildanach *** SPOILER***
Here is the my start position

While I didn't get anything from this hut I was later to pop a settler :D from a goody hut.
The first civ I met were the Mongols who screwed me for pottery and 7g in return for my knowledge of masonry. Once I had researched alphabet ( at 90%) they then screwed me again for Ceremonial Burial as I had to sweeten deal with 5g along with my knowledge of the alphabet. I then met the Romans and discovered that word must have gotten around the AI civs that I am a complete mug as they proceded to screw me on a deal for bronze working in which I had to put up two techs and only got BW and 20g in return.
I think I may have a shot at establishing myself as the regional superpower quite early in this game thanks to the goody hut settler and also it appears that the AIs are going at it already. The mongols at one point had three settlements - they are now back down to 2- me thinks the pesky romans have been up to their old tricks. Or have they run into CB? Well which ever - the mongols are not going to be seeing the Middle Ages.

ERIKK 23-08-2003 16:07

Hey samildanach, none of your pics show up for me? Is it me or does nobody see them?

Samildanach 23-08-2003 16:14

Oh bugger! I can see them but that probably doesn't count as I can see lots of stuff that muggles can't. I guess I haven't uploaded them.[ponder]

ERIKK 23-08-2003 16:21

Oh, a red cross does not mean "I settled here" then?

Samildanach 24-08-2003 20:42

Here are some screenies from turn 59b-

As you can see I have a slight advantage in score over CB at the moment - probably due to the afterglow of the popped settler - CB has been steadily trimming this back over the last twenty turns though.

I have developed a major problem as far as military unit production is concerned as illustrated by the following screeny-

This is from the capital, so now I can't cut my iron supply and can't trade it as I am not connected to any other civs. I could abandon the capital but I am using a flex-RCP build which would be seriously screwed if I did that. Ho-hum I'm just going to have to live with it I suppose.
As far as other military opps are concerned I have been using a waterdowned version of Moonsingers barb harvesting trick which has been very successful- all my offensive strike troops are now elite.

Here is the power graph-

However this needs to be taken with a pinch of salt as this screeny illustrates-

CBs power is been skewed heavily downwards by his choice not be involved in tech trading. I expect he has alot of warriors though just waiting to be upgraded - I reason this as he has been pulling the score back a point at a time which may equate to him building a military unit a turn more than me ie. the happiness MP effect of his military production is boosting his score.
I approached the romans offering a military alliance against CB offering techs-they refused outright. I expect he has trade with them I signed an RoP with the Romans just to let CB know that I know somethings going on and also that he needs to commit troops to protect his trade route and also that he may need to brace himself for a potential major offensive through Roman territory . CB has been neglecting his manufacturing base( I currently lead ) clearly in order to build a strategic road network and also to boost commerce.

Samildanach 25-08-2003 08:47

Well my ideas about what CB has been up to have been well off the mark - for one thing he is no where near the Romans. Heres the minimap from turn 77b -

CB is in the same boat as me as far as having his capital founded on Iron :D so perhaps no huge mass upgrade of warriors to concern me although as far as I know he still does not have IW. We are currently at war - this happened after I used a warrior to teleport through English territory near his town of toledo.

This is from turn 65b he has 2 warriors and a settler adjacent to Toledo -given that I'm on forest he was quite fortunate to take my warrior out. We have been at war ever since he brutally murdered this innocent chinese site seer[hammer]

Back to 77b and this is a screeny from the border war zone between CB and the English (my valient but expensive allies) the ruins are of a spanish city CB claims to have abandoned. Abandoned or razed it doesn't matter so long as CBs expansion phase is being made less of a cake walk. I think that it is prudent that he withdraws to the chokepoint where he can concentrate his forces however.

CB has taken over me in scoring at this stage-

However I lead in important stuff-

Samildanach 28-08-2003 02:25

Since Puwen said I needed to post more screen shots heres another- this is from turn 90b-showing the inner ring of my RCP build. It is built at distance 4/4.5 the outer ring( not shown )is at distance 7/7.5.

digger760 28-08-2003 08:06

looks nice!(the RPC) good report so far.

Kemal 28-08-2003 09:10

Looks good indeed, but one question though: Why do so many of your cities have walls built around them already? Have you been attacked by the Romans yourself too, or have you been heavily suffering from the barbarians?

digger760 28-08-2003 09:14

thats the great wall of china!!!

Samildanach 28-08-2003 15:18

Thanks for your comments guys. I'm building walls for two reasons- the first one is that it is my first PBEM and I don't realy know what I'm doing :D the second reason is that cartouche Bee is playing 1.21f while I'm on 1.27f- the wall bug has been sorted for 1.27 but not 1.21 so if CB attacks my settlements when they become cities the walls will act as massive force multipliers so I am hoping that he will launch the first attack and his military will hopefully be broken upon my walls and then I can counter strike.
My policy towards CB at the moment is simply to shoe horn him into his peninsula while I slowly expand into the available area building barracks, walls and defensive troops primarily with the occasional horseman thrown in. Normally on an SP game I would have cut down the game forest and would have expanded much more rapidily but it would be too easy for the opposing player to do warrior-swordsman mass upgrade and burst my bubble in my view.

Samildanach 28-08-2003 15:39

As far as the Romans are concerned they have been best buddies with me for long time so much so that they have given me mapmaking to aid them in their war against the babs and then recently renewed it gifting me construction :D. Cartouche Bee seems to be labouring under the assumption that I am paying for alliances ( I did initially give techs to draw them into war ) but now they are paying me and the original outlay was offset by helping the civs I signed alliances with in dealing with their local difficulties. I'll post a screeny of the political situation later.

Samildanach 29-08-2003 03:53

Ok here is a screeny of the current political situation- only when I reloaded to take the screen shot did I discover that the tables have been turned on me as best buddies the Mongols and the Romans have switched sides and declared war on me [eek] only the good old Brits are still honouring our alliance. The reason I missed it first time was because I was distracted by CnC duties for a top secret military opp. part of which will be described in the next post.

Samildanach 29-08-2003 04:13

Top Secret - Operation Bee Sting
Strike Team Alpha - mission update

Mission-Burn Vitoria to the ground leave no one alive.
Target assessment- light defenses, two reg warriors at most.
Potential for target to be re-enforced prior to assault- none - is not yet connected to enemy road network bulk of enemy forces have been lured into English battle zone.

Samildanach 29-08-2003 15:37

Turn 99b - Operation Bee Sting
Alpha Team reporting in....Vitoria....has fallen sir.
Biejing company...has moved on Jaen....end transmission.

Skyfish 29-08-2003 16:32

Well done ! [thumbsup]
I hope you are building tons of Horses to upgrade to your devastating UU later : it's a must Sam !
I read above you had a defensive strategy and want to build the "occasional" horse [no]
I would not advise it [nono]

Samildanach 29-08-2003 17:29

Having seen what you just did to Erikk [mouth] it is clear that the advantage is with the attacking force. By the time chivalry comes around my attacking force should be formidable but in order for it to be most effective I need to draw CB away from the choke point - one way to do that is to launch naval assaults into his underbelly the other is to encourage him to expand into English territory from the choke point by being apparently defensive ( I have been careful to trade my WM around so that CB can see my walls go up ). I still hope that operation bee sting will inflame him to make an ill-advised under-resourced attack on me so I can bleed him with my walled defenders.[fdevil]

digger760 25-09-2003 09:17

no update on this game for a while, hows' things progressing?

Samildanach 25-09-2003 10:55

We haven't played a turn in the last couple of weeks due to my crapness - I have asked CB to resend me a turn as I have lost the original. We are up to around turn 120.

Samildanach 29-09-2003 14:45

Unfortunately my game with CB has come to an untimely end - it was hard for both of us. Especially for me having to listen to CB begging me to spare his.... erm .. well I use the term Empire but one is stretching a point. Oh how he cried, wailed and gibbered.....I ask you Gentlemen! what was I to do even the hardest of hearts would melt before such a scene of human desolation.[crazyeye]So finally I relented and we agreed to end this contest with both parties honour intact[^]
Anyway don't let one sliver of humanity on my part lead you to beleive that Samildanach will be as merciful again. Where are the saves Jack and Anarres? I feel cheated that my armies did not burn, rape and pillage across CBs lands you will both pay the price[evil]

Aggie 29-09-2003 14:52


quote:Originally posted by Samildanach

So finally I relented and we agreed to end this contest with both parties honour intact[^]
[???]Weren't you WINNING this game? It certainly seemed so in your spoiler report and you also suggest it in this post...

Samildanach 29-09-2003 15:03

No it was evenly balanced at least as far as I could tell, CB has new work commitments and has given up his PBEMs - I just posted that message to wind him up if he should choose to read the spoiler.I'm sorry we weren't able to finish this game Aggie - from my perspective you provided us with a very entertaining map[goodjob]

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