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mauer 05-04-2007 04:37

Rhye's Earthmap on Pitboss **signup here**
Matrix is gonna do a redistributed map with less civs in Warlord. Make sure to get the mod for this...listed down lower in one of Matrix's post.

Matrix 11-04-2007 14:14

Since I'm just kicked out in a Pitboss game, I have room for another game. :) With PBEM it's hard to keep a game with more than four players going at a decent pace, unless many of them can play the game throughout the day (unemployed, able to play at work, or student like me). But perhaps Pitboss is also an option?

Anyway, I'm in for any setting as well, except pangaea. I've done that a little too often now.
How about playing on the Earth for a change? [yeah]

mauer 11-04-2007 16:36

I'd go for that, and I've tired of Pangea as well. Wait for a 3rd or 4th? Pitboss won't work on mine. I tried, but even T2 support couldn't help me set it up. I'd much rather prefer pitboss though.

Matrix 11-04-2007 18:58

I could try running it again. I think I've figured out the problem when I tried running a Pitboss last time (that was for the CDZ game).

Heck, why not try it now? [tongue] Just for the sake of preparation. I'll start one in a minute.
The address is: or

Edit: I already started with the Earth24 mod by Rhye, which I think is a splendid map. If you try to start the game without loading the mod first the game with give you a runtime error.

mauer 11-04-2007 19:43

Gave it a try, timing out though

Matrix 11-04-2007 22:39

But it worked after all! [yeah] (Mauer contacted me through MSN and we figured out how to get it to work.)

So, who'd like to join us?

(You could change the title, mauer...)

mauer 11-04-2007 22:45


quote:Originally posted by Matrix
(You could change the title, mauer...)
Yeah, I'm gonna have to charge for that [assw]

Robboo 12-04-2007 01:01

put me down as maybe...:)( more likely yes)

Tubby Rower 12-04-2007 01:21

stupid question.. warlords or nilla?

Melifluous 12-04-2007 01:41

I could be up for this, let me know but 'oh yeah baby'


Matrix 12-04-2007 02:24

Wow, that title change worked! [yeah] Robboo, Meli, welcome to Earth. :D

While we're recruiting I think we should change the map to get rid of a couple of civs. Europe is simply too crowded, even without the Celts. How about keeping the following civs:
America, Aztecs, Inca, (America)
Zulus, Mali, Egypt, (Africa)
China, Mongolia, India, (Asia)
Ottomans, Russia, Rome. (Europe)

And of course redistribute the resources a bit, since in Europe there are more tiles with than without a resource. [rolleyes]


quote:Originally posted by Tubby Rower

stupid question.. warlords or nilla?
Warlords, since it's a Warlords scenario.

Robboo 12-04-2007 03:41

sounds good..I have warlords. whens kickoff. :) I am out of town till sunday late afternoon CDT.

mauer 12-04-2007 04:27

I'm all over India if it's ok.

akots 12-04-2007 04:48

It is very tempting. But if I'm alone, I won't be able to play it just because I'm not guranteed to have access to Civ4 on a daily basis. Let me try to look for an alternative player, we will then share the responsibility. And of course, that'll be Russia and only Russia. Please, allow me 24-hours for that.

What is good about it is that the map is more or less known and initial planning stage is thus more clear. IMHO, redistributing resources is not a good idea, since that original map is at least somewhat balanced for the gameplay. I'd stick with the original version. Regarding the number of civs, this can be probably just halved without much trouble. Also, iirc, the original map is a bit too big but there had been a somewhat smaller version.

It seems, I'll play either way, so just need some permanent substutition/alternative player. That is also a nice walkaround of the doublemove. :)

Robi D 12-04-2007 09:03

This sounds like fun, i'm in if you will have me. I promise i wont plot to kill you straight away :)

Quick question, if the nation has more than one leader available can we choose which one we get?
I would like China

BCLG100 12-04-2007 09:12

o o o o i'll play, can i be rome?

where do we get the mod/scenario from?

Matrix 12-04-2007 11:18


quote:Originally posted by akots

IMHO, redistributing resources is not a good idea, since that original map is at least somewhat balanced for the gameplay. I'd stick with the original version. Regarding the number of civs, this can be probably just halved without much trouble. Also, iirc, the original map is a bit too big but there had been a somewhat smaller version.
Well, the resources are balanced for 24/23 civs. If we'd play with my proposed civs, Rome would drown in resources.

Since we're already picking civs, I'd like to play as the Zulus. :)

So far we have:
Mauer: India
Matrix: Zulus
Melifluous: Mali
Robboo: America
Akots: Russia
Robi D: China
BCLG100: Rome

Melifluous 12-04-2007 12:48

I'd love to take Mali thankyou very much.


Robboo 12-04-2007 13:52

Give me the americans...Washington. :)

Robi D 12-04-2007 16:33


quote:Originally posted by BCLG100

o o o o i'll play, can i be rome?

where do we get the mod/scenario from?
Right here :D

And put me down as Mao for China[beer1]

Beam 12-04-2007 16:54

Sounds fun, gotta get Pitboss running though but afaik that isn't rocket science. Carthage for me please. :)

Matrix 12-04-2007 17:52

Welcome to the club, Beam!

So far we have this distribution of civs:

Beam 12-04-2007 18:23

Hm, having loaded the mod and looking at expansion options I reconsider civchoice. Let's give the Inca a try.

IglooDude 12-04-2007 19:03

If y'all would like an on-demand referee, I'll be happy to oblige. I'm going to take a pass on the game though - looks cool, but I really need to keep a limit on my civving...

BCLG100 12-04-2007 20:31

Is there anyway for us all to start with a couple of settlers and a worker? just to decrease the boredom of the early turns?

akots 12-04-2007 20:50


quote:Originally posted by Matrix
Well, the resources are balanced for 24/23 civs. If we'd play with my proposed civs, Rome would drown in resources.
So, just make sure Rome drowns to death. [lol]

On a sidenote, the map is huge and this means huge. We can play on quick speed or normal speed. If quick speed, there would be probably not a single war and if on normal, there might be but not many. It also seems that this would be purely a space race/culture game and it is also possible that some civs will never actually meet in game just because of the number of turns it takes to travel around. Is it possible to have some smaller version of the map? Rye has some but it is for his mod not for this scenario.

On the other hand, if possible, we can assign all missing civs as AI and play in on Monarch level.

Beam 12-04-2007 20:57


quote:Originally posted by BCLG100

Is there anyway for us all to start with a couple of settlers and a worker? just to decrease the boredom of the early turns?
Good point, I'm with stupid. Dunno how to put them in a mod though.

Shabbaman 12-04-2007 22:13

What's the pace for this game you're thinking about?

Socrates 12-04-2007 23:12


quote:Originally posted by Beam

Hm, having loaded the mod and looking at expansion options I reconsider civchoice. Let's give the Inca a try.
[lol] You didn't know your world map already ? ;)

The map Beam posted seems quite... small actually ; is this the map you will use ?

BTW, I'm not signing up. I can't be sure to play Civ4 everyday, and I hate missing turns. This alone brought me to dislike PitBoss gaming.

Beam 12-04-2007 23:18

Been playing the Earth map today and it really is made very well. Very similar to what to expect from an Earth map so [goodjob] to Rhye.

I have serious doubts however if this is a good MP map for a couple of reasons:
- Major one is the starting location really matters. Some civs have a lot of room to expand, some haven't. And altough CiV is less of a "get large" game compared to C3 imo a potential core of 6-8 cities in the mid game is some sort of requirement.
- Another one is the realistic resource distribution. Very good to get the real Earth feeling but imo gives to much local advantage.
- Then everybody knows the map beforehand and can check where resources are. Imo this takes away most if not all of Civ explore experience.

Sorry for the rant and I'd really like to see a game like this moving. As an alternative I'd like to suggest the Wheel map (played it SP couple of times) which can be generated through Custom Game from the menu. Each player gets a reasonable starting area and is connected over small junctions to two other civs and to a central icy but habital bar. Plus it is easy to select a starting era to speed up start of game. As every map it would need a check by someone but imo it is much easier to start a lasting game this way.

My 2 cents :)

Matrix 13-04-2007 00:40

I already play on a Wheel map, and really would dislike to play on it again. There's a simple solution to the resources situation: let someone else redistribute them. (IglooDude?)

As for the civs: we shouldn't play with 24 civs, but a selection of them. That's why I suggested these twelve civs earlier:
America, Aztecs, Inca, (America)
Zulus, Mali, Egypt, (Africa)
China, Mongolia, India, (Asia)
Ottomans, Russia, Rome. (Europe)
Where the Ottomans are partly Asian as well.

Concerning not having a single war: three choices.
1: Let sciences take longer to gain.
2: No tech trading.
3: Other, smaller map.

With the 32 civs Pitboss we had no tech trading. I was heavily against it, but in practice it's so much more easy-going, that I got to like it. Diplomacy is only military/tactical, and not for peaceful purposes anymore, kinda like in the game Diplomacy, so that's fun as well! So I'd say option 2.

Robboo 13-04-2007 01:56

no tech trading...would help out the isolated ones. Science take longer would be game speed. I dont care if this takes a year or more. This is going to be cool. Smaller map is fine. I cant play the map till Monday and I doubt we will start by then.

I think you need 2 of your 3... in order of my preference 2,1 distant 3. I really want to play this map on Earth if we switch it will be like my other games.

Matrix 13-04-2007 03:00

Well, without tech trading science automatically takes longer, since you have to do everything yourself. So in effect science goes slower compared to unit movement and production.

I agree this map rocks, but starting with two settlers and one worker would be cool. Makes the early (boring) part of the game go faster and time victory is less possible. (Or can I switch time victory off? [hmm])

akots 13-04-2007 04:35

Ok, I've found a potential replacement, so I(we) am(are) in.

Let's figure out settings first (AI or no AI, tech trading, modifications to map, etc.) and then make a choice of leader (Peter, Catherine, or Stalin).

IMHO, again, either reduce map size (assuming speed will be normal and not quick) or add AI to maximal number of civs, or turn tech trading off. Otherwise, we can play it as always peace game. Even with accelerated startup (2 settlers and 1-2 workers) it would take ages in the beginning.

Robboo 13-04-2007 04:36

switch it off..:) and culture...

Robi D 13-04-2007 06:22

Yes you can switch time victory off. I started a SP game with the mod and given the map is huge having 2 settlers and a worker at the start is good idea.

With the resources in europe, one solution could be to have another european civ like france or germany if we have enough players.

Stapel 13-04-2007 07:38

I've no idea waht a idea Pitboss is, but Matrix said it should suit me. Count me in.

ProPain 13-04-2007 12:14

Hell I'll give it a shot as well. I suck big time at civ4 so I expect to get beaten severely.

Any civ will do, how do I get in?

Beam 13-04-2007 12:24

What am I doing wrong here?

Matrix 13-04-2007 12:45

Nothing. I'm not running a Pitboss at the moment, since the test was a success already. [tongue] But I'll start one again, this time simply a random map, so you don't have to load the mod.

Stapel, ProPain: That's great!!

Alright, current situation:
01. Mauer: India
02. Matrix: Zulus
03. Melifluous: Mali
04. Robboo: America
05. Akots: Russia
06. Robi D: China
07. BCLG100: Rome
08. Beam: Inca
09. ProPain
10. Stapel
Civs still unpicked: Aztecs, Egypt, Ottomans, Mongolia
(Perhaps Persia is better instead of the Ottomans.)

We could start with the unpicked civs as AI and if someone else would like to join after all they can take over that civ. :)

It seems we agree on no tech trading. With a two settler start that should take care of the all-time peace problem. The only thing we might change, if that it changeable, is the corruption level. And I would suggest normal speed.

Finally I would like IglooDude to balance the map, especially in resource aspect. But I think the Inca's start really crappy. The wall of mountains is nice (protective), but a small opening in the north or south would be better, I think. Anyway, if you're willing, I leave that in your capable hands, IglooDude. :)

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