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Whomp 08-09-2005 20:38

*****Spoiler for Team Bearded Cow*********

Discussions go here for Barbu and the cow.

barbu1977 09-09-2005 15:33

PMs leading to the civ choice:

Whomp Wrote

quote:Hey Barbu,
So what do you think about civs? We want to be complimentary of course. Who should take the ag civ. I'd think Iroquois are a natural. Romans or Persians?
Barbu Wrote:

quote:Go ahead for the Iros.

I have a couple of nice choice. One whould be Japan. They start with the wheel
and massonery.
We could even try to gambit with a Japan-Egypt gambit, but that is a bit risky,

Chineese Mil/Ind do start with Mas. and WC.

Persia also gives us 4 starting tech, but none to the MW.

Finaly, Egypt might also be considered, maybe even before persian. Cheap, fast moving UU.
Whomp Wrote:

quote:I'd think Pot, BW, WC, IW, wheel, HBR and maths are going to be the critical techs.

Though I'd love to have 2 AA UU's because this should move quickly but I don't see any that will give 4 complimentary techs.

Japanese having the wheel gives a pretty big edge towards MW's. Do you want Iroquois and I take Japan? I think we will need to be as strong as possible early and I think I'd prefer you take the ag trait and power of MW's.
Barbu Wrote:

quote:More I think about it, more I think Egypt may be a nice choice, we get 4 complimantary techs and their UU will rock(unfortunatly, Massonry and CB are not realy important) Also, with 2 horsies UU, we will not be needing Iron Working and/or Iron.

Techwise would be Wheel and WC, followed by HBR and BW.

Japan: no AA UU, we get MW not mutch earlier, but we get spears faster.

What you think?
Whomp Wrote

quote:Numercs would be solid to lead a MW charge but they'd share alpha but gain masonry.

I think your right though and Egypt works for me.
So we have
Whomp: Egypt
Barbu: Iros

Whomp 09-09-2005 16:15

Fine, done. I will forward them to BedHead. Let's roll some head!!

barbu1977 09-09-2005 16:28

Before we make that final, what are the terrain restrisctions to chariot?

Whomp 09-09-2005 18:09 mountains, jungles or marshes. I think we should change.

barbu1977 09-09-2005 18:56

It's a tough call since hills are OK.

Let's change to japan. We'll still be in business with samurais.

Whomp 09-09-2005 19:02

Plus having early MW's will be huge.
I sent these to bed_head.
What do you think our strategy should be vs. these guys?
I think getting the MW's will be a big offensive advantage and we should seize it.
How many cities will we be able to crank out on a tiny map?

barbu1977 09-09-2005 19:23

I have to play test abit. I'll try to do this this weekend. I have 5 or 6 cities in mind. We agreed to Accelerated Production right?

One thing is sure is that let's keep only productive cities. Long time growth will have very little impact.

I think we will see many MW from other teams. The short time strategy will depend mutch on the second civ picked by the other teams.

Whomp 09-09-2005 19:36

Right it's on AP.
How are you setting up a play test? AW vs. AI? I have some time this weekend so I can too.
I wonder if we'll be able to tell what type civ they are. If they're renamed it may not be possible to tell.

barbu1977 09-09-2005 19:51

Something like AW against AI, It's just to get used to the map size, tech cost and AP impact.

I guess Rik will have to tell us about our civ choice since he will know when moding the game.

barbu1977 10-09-2005 16:30

I have less time than I tought this weekend :(

According to the .Biq our opponents will be:

Team Rowing Muppets:
Gaham: Iros
Tubb: Persia (BW, Mas)Ind. Sci

Team Red Nosed Orca
Rik: Spain (Alpha, CD) Rel. Sea.
Mistfit: Iros

I must admit I'm currious by the choice of spain by Rik

Whomp 10-09-2005 16:48

That is a mighty strange choice on Pangea. Barbu do you want me to make up a password for you and send it to Bed Head?

barbu1977 10-09-2005 20:08

Go ahead

EDIT: BTW, could you grant me acces to the Russian game forum please.

Whomp 13-09-2005 04:43

You have access to the Russian forum Barbu. I would be interested in your thoughts.
As far as research goes I'd think you should run straight to HBR and either BW or WC for me. What do you think?

barbu1977 13-09-2005 14:41

It will come down to who has the best commerce start. If it's equal, I'll take WC and you take BW.

EDIT: I'm still unable to see the RU forum[bosd]

Whomp 13-09-2005 15:59

Got it.

Sorry You have access to the RU forum. Oops.

barbu1977 14-09-2005 00:20

My start and first move:

Whomp 14-09-2005 05:32

BW for me I'd presume. I will make a pic so we can visualize the minimap locations.

Whomp 15-09-2005 04:22

We have some horsies...

admiral kutzov 27-09-2005 01:50

whomp has a hangover

barbu1977 10-10-2005 02:08

Just sent WC and started working on HBR

BTW, I lost many worker turns irigating a BG instead of mining. Looks I always find the way to screw up this game...

Whomp 10-10-2005 04:12

Hehe. I was wondering what happened on your score. I sent you BW this turn and started IW. I'm building a gran right now. Does that sound ok in this type of game? I don't have a sense of how far people are going to be from each other. Here's a pic.

barbu1977 10-10-2005 05:37

I sure hope it's a good Idea, this is also what i'm working on.

I think we'll need a couple of cities, the map is biger than expected.

Beorn 11-10-2005 01:20


Originally Posted by barbu
There's no Canada like french Canada! It's the best Canada in the land! The other Canada is bullshit Canada! If you live there for a day you'll understand!

Damn right !!

Beorn 11-10-2005 01:29

Sory for double posting, but I see no edit button here :/

A pity you couldn't have egypt as your second civ, given Iro were taken by all and WC/MW's could have given you a tremendous startup

Whomp 11-10-2005 02:58

Beorn see to the right of the green PM? That's the quote key. See the pencil and paper to the left of the AIM guy? That's the edit key.

We took Japan for the early horses. Rik Meleet has Spain. He thinks this will last that long for his UU. We better hope not cuz they would be killers.

Whomp 20-10-2005 15:14

[beer1]Well I popped a hut to the north and got masonry. [drunks1]I forwarded it on to you. I hope I did it right.[blush]
I could've popped another but I didn't want to anger the RNG Gods since I think the probability is like 10% as it is.
I'm about 7 turns from IW and have a settler popping next turn.

barbu1977 30-10-2005 14:36

Finished HBR. We haven't discussed strategy, do you want to produce chariots and upgrade, or produce Horses. Since we are in a advanced production, I think going straight for horses migh be better.

The other question is wheather we want a repubic or a Monarchy Since you have the Always at war experience, you may have your saying on that.

Anyhow, I started working on on Writting.

Whomp 30-10-2005 15:53

I will start right in on horses. I should have IW done in 2. Monarchy is the only real option unless we wait for feudalism which I've never used but could be a decent, yet late, option for a government. Should I go maths for cats? They probably going to be important here.

barbu1977 31-10-2005 02:01

I think you should start on mysticisn. Chaning government is early will be more important than Cats.

Whomp 02-11-2005 06:02

[eek] Uhoh! Rik's warrior showed up to my east. I had to move my settler back and my archer is there. It may mess up the factory but I switched to another archer. I may have to go maths because he knows where I am.

barbu1977 03-11-2005 14:13

I switched for mysticism, (I only lost 1 low research turn since I had to get my lux high to pump out a settler)
Should be up in 7

Whomp 15-11-2005 17:06

I don't think I posted this but I killed Rik's warrior with my archer when he stepped inside my borders. It screwed up my settlement of the iron so it's cxc instead of cxxc. He came from my east.

I have another settler on the way and one in the works. The settler is headed to the iron but I may stop at 4 cities and crank a few more workers.

I also found Tubby's borders about 10 tiles NW of me with my warrior this turn and his archer sees me on a mountain two tiles away. I will attempt to create some havoc.

Let's post some pictures and see if we can piece together a map. I will post mine tonight.

Maths in 11. Do you need gold? I just raided a barb camp so I have about 29g.

barbu1977 16-11-2005 13:48

Here are my maps.

Finished and sent Myst, started Poly,

Whomp 22-11-2005 03:01

Sorry I will have a map up next turn. It seems someone popped some barbs around me and one will be knocking off my settler this turn. Things don't seem to be going so well for me in this game so far. I plan to pop some near Tubby which are around next turn.

barbu1977 23-11-2005 01:28

Spoted graham's warrior.

I have 2 warrior on the chase to get him.

Unfortunatly, just lost 1 warrior to barbs:(

Whomp 30-11-2005 03:55

I just met Graham's warrior in the desert. Let's see what he does next.

barbu1977 06-12-2005 04:26

Found mistfit's warrior and king[confused]

I guess his lands are not too far.

I have 4 turns to mysticism, I'll go for monarchy just after that.

Whomp 10-12-2005 21:15

Maths came in and I forwarded. I set research to writing. Things are starting to get interesting good and bad.

Tubby decided to attack the barbs from the hut I popped on him and his archer was redlined. He fortified so I continued in through the mountains. Now the question is what do I do with this warrior? tubby.JPG

Here you and I surrounding Graham who has decided to fortify on the mountain. graham.JPG

The bad is these barbs keep moving on hills so I'm trying to see if they'll attack instead of hitting them on hills. I found your borders too. barbs.JPG

Pastorius 10-12-2005 22:00

So whomp, going ICS?

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