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Beam 21-03-2005 00:01

Grille vs Beam 2 - * * SPOILER * *
KR prepared us a nice challenge with a bunch of nasty Civs:

We played a nice set of turns this weekend and are at 73 now. :) Found everybody but Grille himself, I guess he is somewhere in the left lower hand part of the map.

Dubya is the strongest civ in the game, would be nice to nail the bastard down. [evil]

Cubans are the only civ in the MA now, couple of others have Poly. Iran just lacks Poly and Curr and might develop [evil] means of getting it.

Both E and W scouting warriors spotted Syrians, 99% sure the landmass is continuous around the globe.

Beam 28-03-2005 16:37


Lot happened this turn. First of all we establish contact with a North-Korean scouting warrior and build an embassy in Pyongyang. The Beloved Great Leader app. is a bit short on workers:

We also managed to buy Currency whit 7 turns to go for about 285 cash. With that Polytheism was acquired. The Scientific Iranians drew Feudalism. Then we assured all AI went into the Med Age. Babylon drew Engineering which was traded for Feud. [dance] After the trades this is the situation in the North-Korean diplo screen:

The Beloved Great Leader is 7 techs behind! If he is researching Republic and gets it first he can close the gap, otherwise it will be a hard time.

Finally because of a barb Horse stack on the Iranian doorstep some embassies were established, resulting in this Minimap:

North Korea is in blue.

Beam 25-05-2005 21:04

Turn 100:

Theology came in as well as with some AI. Got Invention from the Cubans (Iroqs) for 191 and Chiv from Mugabe (Shaki) together with 31 gold. Grille now lacks Mon, Eng (Inv), Theo and Chiv. I gift away all techs to the AI.

Not sure what Grille is up to techwise, we'll see.

Iranian empire:

Military stats and minimap, with this piece of junk I'm strong compared to Grille!

We have no peacedeal and I'm considering to go after him pretty early in the game [evil]

Revolted and got 7 turns.

Beam 24-06-2005 18:24

Turn 121:

While the mighty Iranians just started to research Physics the evil North Koreans still lack Engineering although they most likely will have Astronomy next turn. Iran still is strong compared to North Korea. What is the humble leader Grille of the North Koreans doing?

Beam 26-06-2005 13:40

Turn 122:

Grille only recently started to build culture, most likely Libs. If the culture he is generating since 350BC is because of Temples he really is in bad shape.

He is falling behind in the powergraph, not a good sign.

Iran still is strong compared to North Korea, so he isn't in unit building. Our Civscore only differ by 6 points which can easily be explained by a small difference in tile coverage.

Vital statistics OK.

And a happy domestic advisor! Even without the FP.

His best changes to catch up in tech are the optional techs, if that is enough to get 4 mandatory techs and / or generate extra gpt is the question.

Beam 11-07-2005 22:30


Grille catched up in techs. Which is good for the game but less good for the Iranians. [sad] He did a typical Sci. buy / sell run at the end of the MA and drew a monopoly on Medicine. Stream Power and Nationalism already were around out of monopoly so he could acquire those as well. With that ayatollah Beam was 1 turn of Steam Power and it was easily bought. As the beloved leader Grille seams to have emotional problems with gifting techs around Medicine could be obtained for a bargain. [:D}

All of this means the ToE run is under pressure. Although SP > Electricity seemed a logical choice not enough shields were yet accumulated at the build site to allow for a quick build after SF. So Iran is going for Industrialization first.

North Korea all of a sudden became pop leader, worker joining is the suspected cause.

A scouting Knight is testing North Korean nerves. [evil]

Kingreno 11-07-2005 22:43

Good stuff this game is still being played and tensions mounting as well!:)

Notice the Evil AI even have the correctcity names added. Boy, the spare time I once had...[thumbsup]

Beam 11-07-2005 22:54


quote:Originally posted by Kingreno

Notice the Evil AI even have the correctcity names added. Boy, the spare time I once had...[thumbsup]
Told you ;)

Beam 12-07-2005 00:38


Rather cheap way of defending hometowns. One of the NK horsies bit the big one. [charge] If the beloved leader got his logistics together the Knight should be history next turn. At a cost.

Meantime Ghadafi got impatient and fucked the ROP and a couple of deals. Nice time for leader fishing! :)

Beam 12-07-2005 10:35


The beloved leader didn't bother about logistics and used the whip instead. [:o] 5 NK Citizens dead!

A scout is a scout is a scout so time to leave. It found an unfortunate warrior on its way and Bingo!

[rotfl] [rotfl] [rotfl] [rotfl] [rotfl] [rotfl] [rotfl]

Rik Meleet 12-07-2005 11:08

"That was a pretty good gamble."

Beam 13-07-2005 23:03


North Korea and Iran settled for peace prev. turn! :D The beloved leader really must have been shitting his pants. That was a very effective Knight even more considering it was obsolete by all standards. :) Khatami arrived in Iranian territory this turn and immediately build an Army.

Meantime Ghadaffi initially sent a truckload of warriors to Iran which were tortured before being killed. Iran did some border corrections by capturing 2 Libyan cities and shocked Ghadaffi was prepared to pay good gpt and a world map although a stack of Cavs was showing up near Iranian borders.

This about leveraging opportunities. The best news is that Iran beat NK by 2 turns on Industrialization despite the beloved leader being the first to discover SP and hence suspected to be the first to start research Industrialization. The beloved leader has sold it around like hell while the only available tech at that time was Nav. [scratch] Well, here is the entire Minimap of the game.

Situation with neighbours is entirely different. NK has more and smaller tribes along its borders while Iran is faced with the just 2 but very strong neighbours: Abe and Hiawatha.

In order to counter this the Iranian High Command investigated the situation and decided a Golden Age would be needed to secure the Iranian position on the globe. So a Hwacha (available to both players besides the Immortal) was send to kill a wounded Libyan MedInf and was victorious. As we speak Scientific Method is expected to be in 6 turns from now and the ToE one turn after. :)

Here is a pic of iran just prior to the GA. Said MedInf and Hwacha are in the semicircle on the right. ;)

Beam 10-09-2005 11:09


We're slowly picking up again after the holidays and this turn Refining came in. Grille lacks AT and Refining atm. One precious oil is jsut within the borders.

The empire:
128.68 KB

Worse than Detroit is specifically build to steal a lux from Dubya and put cultural pressure on 2 of his cities. Even if they don't flip they are starving. I'd rather attack Dubya sooner than later but the Diplo situation is a bit tricky for that:
104.53 KB

So for the time being i'm waiting for the MPP with Cuba to expire, might be considering to buy Cuba into war with Libya and Dubya declaring on either Cuba or Libya. Dubya would love that for sure. :)

Domestic affairs are smooth, Syria being the main gpt supplier. :D
37.04 KB

The military is fine as well, being strong compared to everybody but Dubya:
86.7 KB

Finally Demographics are looking good for most significant areas:
28.12 KB

Last but not least: ToE, Hoover and Smiths are in the pocket! [dance]

Kingreno 10-09-2005 12:34

So Dubya jsut decided to wipe out Mugabe or was that arranged by some evil "negociator"? USA looks very strong!

Good spoiler and great you guys picked it up![beer1]

Beam 14-09-2005 00:36

USA indeed is strong and also very spread. Besides their infra sucks big time to their W. So I changed plans a little and decided to declare war on NK for the 2nd time (well after peace expiration).

Summary: Dr. Klahns Hill is renamed to Sanhedrin. :D

Prior battle not a terrible effective defense:

Pic after battle, that Bab worker is crucial cause it is mining the hill and Grille will have to break RoP and probably deals to respond over that route. (Dubya infra is bad on that side and I doubt his Cavs can get in and out).

Battlereport to Grille:


quote:Klahn's Hill (Not as bad as Detroit apparently ;) )

5 Arties > 2 Conscr. Infs redlined, 1 Reg Guerrlo 2/3 Cav Army kills Guerrlo & Inf. > 5/12
4/4 Cav dies on Inf
4/4 > 1/4 Cav kills Inf.
6 Cavs kill 6 Reg Warriors, no promotions. Cav stats: 4/5, 4/5, 3/5, 4/4, 3/4, 1/4.

1 North Korean worker converted to Islam. :)

City renamed to Sanhedrin.
So Iranian casualties are one Cav and a redliner. NK WH is compensated by the loss of 9 units and a city.

Last but not least a victorious army means MilAc can be build producing an Army every 6 turns!

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