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Melifluous 05-06-2005 00:32

Meli's Challenge (or another shameless rip-off)
Now I just noticed that Paal is ahead of me in post count so I propose a challenge.

To get my post count up I have created this thread, however I cannot post twice in a row here so I need your help!

Post here to help me grow!!


Pastorius 05-06-2005 00:32


Melifluous 05-06-2005 00:34

Thanks man your input is, as always highly apreciated!

Now what do we all think about American foreign policy?


Pastorius 05-06-2005 00:37

Boo hiss

Melifluous 05-06-2005 00:40

That was it?

This is your chance to wax lyrical...


Pastorius 05-06-2005 00:42

Ironically, my post count increases in this thread as well [:p]

Well I dont like American foregin policy, but I m too tired to tell ya why

Melifluous 05-06-2005 00:56

And obviously too tired to speel coorectly.

Have a good nights sleep man.

See ya in de morning...


PS. As akots would say "Next!"

Pastorius 05-06-2005 23:05


Melifluous 05-06-2005 23:07


That was the best you could do?


col 05-06-2005 23:15

Steps up to the plate ...

Melifluous 05-06-2005 23:17



So you're not dead yet!


So how's the week been treating you me old china?


barbu1977 06-06-2005 03:24

Good thing, I also want to go up a bit in post count.

Melifluous 06-06-2005 11:22

Ah well then this certainly the place for you my friend.

Just keep posting in here and watch your post count grow before your eyes!

It's true!


Banzai 06-06-2005 11:26


Oh wait... thats another game [:p]

Melifluous 06-06-2005 11:29

Kinda but this one is similar....

Would it help if I painted my face green and smelled like rotten cabbages?


Pastorius 06-06-2005 11:45



Lt. Killer M 06-06-2005 11:50

tsk tsk, what a collection of [spam]

Melifluous 06-06-2005 11:51

OK Then....

Something like this?

Thankyou very mucha...



col 06-06-2005 11:54


quote:Originally posted by Melifluous



So you're not dead yet!


So how's the week been treating you me old china?

Not too shabbily. Got my wife's computer upgraded which I'm using.
I'm still waiting for my spanking new DFI mobo to be returned from RMA in Rotterdam. I guess the Dutch are still saying no.

Pastorius 06-06-2005 11:55

Poor feller. Nice to see your giggly face there man

or mon, if yer smokin ganja


Good luck with the pc assembly (not you Mel)

Melifluous 06-06-2005 12:06


quote:Originally posted by col

I guess the Dutch are still saying no.
That's what you get when you ask the people what they want.

I understand it's an important issue, but are they trying to say that duly elected politicians are not democratic enough to decide what could possibly be one of the most important issues for Europe this century?

Shit, let's hold referenda on how MRSA should be tackled, how to deal with the 'immigration' issue and what to do with paedophiles.

Davina McCall could host the show and the phone lines will shut at 9pm.

Stupid fuckin public.

None of us are as stupid as all of us ;)


barbu1977 06-06-2005 13:23


Rik Meleet 06-06-2005 13:24

Rotterdam ?
When will you be there ?

Ville 06-06-2005 13:54

What a great thread! [rotfl]

akots 06-06-2005 14:19

I need 188 posts to get to 1500. Not sure if this thread is a proper place to post 188 posts now. I won't take too long anyhow. 187 it is with this one.

akots 06-06-2005 14:21

Actually, I think I have posted already more than 1500 indeed. Counting post edit in the Chess forum. Why it is dead btw? Need to think how to revive it somehow.

Melifluous 06-06-2005 14:32

And you thought spamming my forum was the best place to start?

Time for me to start posting spoilers in your 'so-called chess' thread...


akots 06-06-2005 14:40

Sure, so ahead. Post some spoiler. At least one.

akots 06-06-2005 14:41

And I don't have to follow your rules. Can double or triple post. [evil]

akots 06-06-2005 14:41

Or even 4 in a row.

akots 06-06-2005 14:42

How's about 5.

akots 06-06-2005 14:42

Here we go. [evil]

akots 06-06-2005 14:45

Is there anybody alive out there?

barbu1977 06-06-2005 16:00


Whomp 06-06-2005 19:39

This seems to be the forum to ask the eternal question.
Why are clowns scientifically proven to be scary?
Aren't they funny ha ha?
Was Bozo the clown really scary?
Did the origins start with the mass murderer John Wayne Gacy?
Does this mean Santa Claus' are scary?

akots 06-06-2005 19:41

I first saw a scary clown in an American movie. Russian clowns are good and funny and never scary like they should be. I liked them a lot when I was a kid.

Whomp 06-06-2005 19:51

Aha! So it's the American movie industry's fault! Why should a Russian clown be scary "like they should be"? Would you prefer a scary Russian clown?

akots 06-06-2005 20:02


quote:Originally posted by akots
... Russian clowns are good and funny and never scary like they should be. ...
This means that clowns should be good and funny. This mean that clowns should never be scary also. [evil]

akots 06-06-2005 20:03

@Meli: If you delete this thread, what happens to the post counts? Would they be also erased? Together with the posts?

ProPain 06-06-2005 20:11

nope post count is increased when you post. deleting threads doesnt decrease it again. At least that's how I think it works.

However the almighty admins can adjust your postcount at will......


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