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Matrix 17-02-2019 23:15

Once More Unto the Breach - Spoiler

As host I was able to pick first. :p So I picked the Holy Roman Empire and, as usual, renamed it into Straland.

One of my first two techs was Mysticism. And I have a gem resource at a river there, which generates two commerce already. So I'm going for Meditation. Hard to imagine I won't be the first to get it and pick a religion.

The river flows northwards, so I guess I should go there if I want to find water. But I'd rather jump from hill to hill first.

Matrix 19-02-2019 18:26

I decided to do some extensive micromanaging and don't want to spend a single point on research too much if I can get growth for it in return. But there's something odd going on. Or perhaps not.

I'm getting 11 commerce per turn now: 8 from the palace, 1 from the city centre tile and 2 from the gem. I'm on 100% science of course. Yet the last two turns I've received 14 science points per turn and am on 28/112 for Meditation. Where are the extra 3 coming from? Is it because we're all on noble difficulty? It's probably a 25% bonus (11 * 1.25 = 13.75 ~ 14).

Anyway... (112 - 28) / 14 = 6 exactly

Matrix 27-02-2019 17:06

I got my religion [yeah], next turn Strastad grows and then I'll make sure the warrior is done the turn after. Next is a scout, then a worker.

And I met my fellow Finnish Pirate Party member!

Matrix 06-03-2019 20:26

I have very close neighbours!

Vili and Sami are also very close to each other, because they told me in real life. That's actually possible in this game.

Matrix 19-03-2019 08:34

As you can see, jakeri, socralynnek and I are very close to each other. Especially them. Socralynnek said he agreed on peace (for the time being) with jakeri and hopes for the same with me. But he's Babylon and has bowmen (archers +50% vs melee). So I told him I'm gonna build myself some archers anyway.

I only have one warrior and scout, so jakeri obviously has nothing either yet. (The power rating is their power compared to mine.)

My starting position is really lovely, by the way. The mine on the gems booted my science by 57% (from 11 to 17; now 18), and now I'm building a farm on the corn. After that a mine for production (archers!) and then cottages. With the religion and gems, happiness will allow my capital to grow to size 7 already.

Shabbaman 19-03-2019 19:31

Who made the map, or is it random?

Matrix 20-03-2019 12:41

It's random. And yea, later on I realised we used to let other people make the map. We'll see how this unfolds.

Those two have been very curt in their replies. I suspect collaboration.

Shabbaman 20-03-2019 13:56


Originally Posted by Matrix (Post 140780)
I suspect collaboration.

This will probably end well [mwaha]

Matrix 21-03-2019 08:53

Okay, socralynnek convinced me he does not want to attack anyone early on in the game. And jakeri is just curt because he's Finnish. :p I can develop peacefully for a while.

Matrix 26-03-2019 09:06

I met Lt. 'Killer' M.! The contours of the continent are also starting to emerge.

Jakeri and Killer both have their second city. I'll build a settler once I have bronze working, which I will research after pottery.

Matrix 29-03-2019 14:53

The southern scout continued due southeast and met Beorn! With that I met all veterans here, yet only one Finn so far.

Beorn is on the other side of some water though, so he might not even be on the same continent.

Matrix 13-04-2019 19:19

So here is our continent. Hmm, who to attack first? :rolleyes: I'd like to eliminate jakeri, because he's not been playing his turns regularly and thus slowing down the game. But the other two are a bigger threat. I guess I'd rather keep the northern two alive. Perhaps leave jakeri's elimination to socralynnek, so he and I can have an peace agreement: you attack jakeri, I attack Killer.

Matrix 24-04-2019 09:40

Killer first suggested to declare war on me as a decoy for marching on and attacking jakeri. I refused. Then he said that if I attack jakeri myself "I will NOT attack you on the assumption your troops are busy elsewhere." Whatever. He just plans to attack me and tries to find an excuse. And I'm a little too late building up military. His production is very high, so this is not looking good.

Shabbaman 24-04-2019 14:56

Killer attacking you? He'd never do such a thing :rolleyes:

Matrix 25-04-2019 00:35

The attack is called off. [talk]

I just offered Custa City in exchange for a mutual fight against jakeri. Thus also open borders. He will know he made the wrong decision only he sees I only have three archers. [:0)]

Matrix 16-05-2019 17:51

Time for a little update. Jakeri is a slacker and says he cannot get the game to work. He probably would've been eliminated if I didn't have to kick him to AI, after which it whipped archers. Now there are too many for Killer and me, so we have to wait until we have catapults. I'm working on that, but construction will cost me 18 turns at the moment. I'll do sailing first. And then building catapults, moving them north............. I didn't set up a pitboss to fight AI, but c'est la vie.

I still have two spots left for cities, so I'll build those in the mean time.

You might notice the wounded archer in my land. There was a barbarian uprise: five axemen. But I fended them off without casualties. [yeah]

Matrix 24-05-2019 10:08

Yikes, look at Beorn! He's got Pyramids and used it for the Representation civic. And he's got a huge food production, so I assume he's got massive cities with libraries and a lot of science specialists producing 6 science each.

Shabbaman 24-05-2019 22:34

What could possibly go wrong!

Matrix 06-06-2019 13:03

Kudos to Beorn for his diplomatic language. :D

The holy bible is being distributed in our libraries to eager readers. Some time soon, it may even become convenient to recognize it officially. Another step forward for our travelling salesmen.

And now, for something completely different. A barb uprising with 3 buttocks.

Python reference aside, have you seen the famed axemen surge that took place behind the great wall? I heard about it, scoured the coast but couldn't find a soul. I'm just curious, you know, we get so little excitement over on Bear Island.

Matrix 18-06-2019 11:33

Sami eliminated Vili and Killer and I took over Rome from jakeri.

Killer suggests to continue straight to socralynnek. I'm ok with that, but wonder what he wants to get in return, so I asked him. He can keep some of socralynnek's cities, but I don't want to offer him any of mine.

Meanwhile Beorn is doing scarily well. He's on an island and I'm going to scout there, which is why you can see a galley of mine in the south. But just recently he expanded on our continent in the northeast.

Matrix 20-06-2019 01:41

My homeland...

Matrix 23-06-2019 22:46

It's a bit of a hassle switching between resolutions and window/full screen to get forum suitable screenshots, but I just have to show you this juicy capital. Perhaps I should get Civil Service and switch to Bureaucracy soon.

Killer asked me if we should continue to socralynnek, and I said yes. But I'm not too sure if he's on my side, because he hasn't made a move yet. I'm such a more obvious target. So I'm working hard on my military now. Otherwise I get squashed like Burgundy.

Matrix 24-06-2019 15:11

Alright, Killer was just waiting for his catapults to return to full strength. He'll attack soon and I'll join him ten turns later, because of the peace deal I made with socralynnek.

Matrix 29-07-2019 21:12

Killer and I have been eating socralynnek. He was hoping to continue SimCitying a little longer, but alas, such is the game. He's now on holiday and left his empire to the AI.

Welcome back, socralynnek! I hope you had a good time, wherever you went, and weren't all like [sulk]...

Anyway, I just got engineering, which was quite a leap, but I really want it, because I have stone and want to have the Nostre Dame, and faster roads, and trebuchets, and castles, and, and...Landsknechte! [hyper]

The only problem is, I'm running out of enemies. [scratch] Killer and I have joined forces and eliminated two players together. We agreed to have the conquered cities mixed around, because I don't want to give up Beca. But now there is the Québécois danger. He is so ridiculously far ahead in development, that I'm not even sure if the rest of the world would even have a chance of defeating him, if we'd join forces. We need to contact the others. Beorn has probably met all of them already. From Sami [mischief] I learnt that he even has astronomy already, while I don't even have compass yet.

Anyway, here are the essential screenshots. I built some Rathäuser already. Now I'm building castles, as you can see, with +225% production (25% from forge, 100% from stone, 100% from protective trait).

My capital

I'll make an attempt at the hanging gardens, but to be honest I'm surprised nobody's built it yet.

Tech order after monotheism: monarchy, feudalism, civil service. Hopefully I'll have a great leader I can use for a golden age and get monarchy, bureaucracy, selfdom and organised religion without anarchy. Oh, I can check that, and should! Because I have the mausoleum of Maussollos. But I also want a great prophet to have the church of nativity. There is only one religion on this continent, and I have its holy city, but only just now did I start building up points for a great prophet (in Beca).

Anyway, Beorn already made landfall. He was unlucky to forget city razing is off, so he ended up a bit awkwardly with three little high-maintenance cities.

My plan, apart from developing as quickly as possible to keep up with Beorn while maintaining the peace with Lt. 'Killer' M. [rolleyes], is to meet all other players: Jeke, Sami, and ProPain/KingReno, and suggest that we complete boycot Quebec. No exchange of resources and no open borders. That would be quite a trick.

Matrix 29-07-2019 22:33

The last 100 turns:

Need I say more?

Matrix 06-08-2019 14:53

I got Notre Dame! And in two more turns I'll have Hanging Gardens.
That would mean +1 population in all eleven cities, with plenty of health and happiness.

In eight turns from now Strastad will produce Straland's first great leader. Doesn't matter which type, because I'm going to use it for a golden age. Note that I have Mausoleum of Maussollos, so it will last for twelve turns instead of the usual eight. And around the same time civil service will be invented, so Strastad is going to be even more awesome with bureaucracy.

Meanwhile Killer sees no chance of winning and is aiming for second place behind me. Unless he's planning a backstab at the end of the game. But for now we've got a very solid alliance and I'm about to make a big jump in development. It's looking good! :)

Matrix 08-08-2019 14:32

Hanging gardens completed. And at the same time a gold resource popped up on one of my mines. [yeah]
And seven more turns until I develop civil service and get a great leader... Same turn...

Matrix 20-08-2019 10:31

Killer is building galleys and triremes to semi-invade Beorn and pillage the hell out of him, in order to deter his development. I will try and conquer the four cities he has in the northeast. If we don't, there might be no way to overtake him.

In the meantime I was one turn too late to claim a religion from theology. But that's ok. In seven turns I will have the apostolic palace ready anyway and the university of Sankore will be done a few turns later. I'll also try and get the spiral minaret, so that all churches and monasteries will give me two production, two science and two gold.

Matrix 23-08-2019 13:53

The apostolic palace and university of Sankore are almost completed, exactly when my golden age ends, so that should compensate a bit. Because I expect no one will build them before me - someone got theology one turn before me, but I have a golden age, bureaucracy, and a shitload of production in Strastad - I already started building monasteries and temples. If I didn't have the mausolleum of Mausollos, the golden age would've ended this turn, by the way.

Unfortunately the apostolic palace will make Strastad produce another great leader before Beca gives a great prophet, so the church of nativity will have to wait even longer. But I will be able to explore the oceans very soon.

Matrix 28-08-2019 12:13

Well well, look who we have here. It's Sami! I suggested an exchange of world maps. Coincidentally someone I meet IRL about once or twice a week.

I'm supposed to attack Beorn, but he's got four longbowmen, three musketmen, one crossbowman, one maceman, one pikeman, one knight, two catapults, and two cannons waiting for me. Probably he saw my stack of units.

By the way, Jeke told me yesterday that he suspects Beorn of planning an attack against him.

Matrix 31-08-2019 16:35

Beorn has tried to sell the world map to me for 200 gold. Sami already bought it from him for 150, so I bought it from Sami for the same price. Let's just consider it humanitarian aid. [rolleyes]

Meanwhile Beorn has attacked Jeke and took one city already. Would've been good news, if I had enough troops to attack Beorn in the back. But I don't. [sulk] I'm sure it won't take long before Jeke is out.
However, I changed Beorn's Quebec to a monarchy! He used counter espionage on me, but that ended exactly this turn. My spy already went to the most eastern city on the continent and waited exact one turn to have a higher chance of success. Perfect timing.

And admittedly, I actually wanted to steal a tech. But then I saw I'd lose most of my espionage points for aestetics which would only cost me a few turns to research anyway. So then I went through the list of options, saw this and realised a far bigger impact would be to disrupt his representation exploitation. (I.e. his huge amount of specialised citizens giving three extra science points each.)

Matrix 03-09-2019 12:13

Check the GNP! That forced switch to monarchy has quite a profound effect on Beorn's economy. [yeah] Jeke also had quite a decent income, by the way.

socralynnek 04-09-2019 20:10

Oh, wow. That is a move I would have probably never even thought about.
But well, that might be why I am out of the game...

Matrix 12-09-2019 22:45

And then Beorn asked "Ready to dance?"

He built a fortress right next to Feariburg. I then decided to attack him, because he probably wouldn't have been so stupid to put all his units in the city. Plus I could actually use the city attack bonus, annulling the defense advantage of the fortress.

But his cannons are simply out of my league. I did some damage, meaning half his stack was destroyed. But my whole stack is gone.

I only just got guilds, thus knights, and as soon as I've upgraded enough units and finished building the statue of Zeus, which is in two turns from now, I'll revolt to get slavery and whip knights like hell. For whatever it's worth.

Killer pretends he stays out of the battle, but is giving me his units. Cool, but...he still has open borders. Just just when I was done and logging out, I saw:

Jeke intends to build a city on a lonely corner of his island.

Matrix 20-09-2019 00:14

Jeke is gone and ProPain rejected the offer of fighting Sami in exchange for not being invaded by Beorn. So it's a full scale world war now: everyone but Sami against Beorn. Sami did stop trading with Beorn and trades with me now, and Beorn applauded me for the embargo, saying he now has unhealthy cities. The Statue of Zeus might do some bad stuff as well.

But all in all, it's a completely futile endeavour. Beorn will have rifling in a few turns and there is still no way for me to stop him. Again, his cannons are simply too strong.

I offered Killer my city of Beca and expected Beorn to declare war on Killer subsequently. However, I didn't expect Beca would keep the tiles right next to the city in it's cultural borders, and Beorn decided to take advantage of that and move towards Goon. Meanwhile I am still building up troops and was actually able to knock out a few troops, but not much.

Here you can see what I'm up against now:

Matrix 01-10-2019 23:16

Strastad is about to be taken.

Beorn 06-10-2019 18:28

What screen resolution and settings did you use for your screenshots? I keep cropping with win+shift+s screenshots, but I like yours better.


Originally Posted by Matrix (Post 140780)
It's random. And yea, later on I realised we used to let other people make the map. We'll see how this unfolds.

Those two have been very curt in their replies. I suspect collaboration.

How foreshadowing. [mwaha]

Originally Posted by Shabbaman (Post 140781)
This will probably end well [mwaha]


Originally Posted by Matrix (Post 140818)
So here is our continent. Hmm, who to attack first? :rolleyes: I'd like to eliminate jakeri, because he's not been playing his turns regularly and thus slowing down the game.


Originally Posted by Matrix (Post 140874)
You might notice the wounded archer in my land. There was a barbarian uprise: five axemen. But I fended them off without casualties. [yeah]

And to insinuate that french axes are barbarians has me highly offended. [rulez]

Originally Posted by Matrix (Post 140877)


Originally Posted by Shabbaman (Post 140878)
What could possibly go wrong!

Nothing could go wrong. [book] Nothing, I assure you. :rolleyes:

Originally Posted by Matrix (Post 155378)
Anyway, here are the essential screenshots. I built some Rathäuser already. Now I'm building castles, as you can see, with +225% production (25% from forge, 100% from stone, 100% from protective trait).

That explains the castles everywhere. I thought it was WAY overkill but I get it, they were dirt cheap.

Originally Posted by Matrix (Post 162028)
By the way, Jeke told me yesterday that he suspects Beorn of planning an attack against him.

How could I not! Look at all that silk! [charge]

Originally Posted by Matrix (Post 162048)
The Statue of Zeus might do some bad stuff as well.

But all in all, it's a completely futile endeavour. Beorn will have rifling in a few turns and there is still no way for me to stop him. Again, his cannons are simply too strong.

SoZ did hurt me pretty bad, with 8-9 [:(!] in large cities.

Had I not botched the first 2 offensives on Goon/Strastad, I'd have had 4 more turns of GA, switched back to representation and been halfway to Assembly Line by now for factories and infantry.

Great game, solid resistance in the end [drunks1]. The geopolitics of who attacks what and when really makes this a whole other beast. I did exploit rep to the fullest, but without it, I'd have been a poorer Mali. Had Killer taken a stab at me early he might have won it all, but you might have swiped it all from under his feet. Had you taken my mining expansion to the NE earlier, then I wouldn't have attacked you but rather gone for Mongolia and bid my time until [tank]

Really exciting, and my hats off to you all, and especially you two.

Matrix 06-10-2019 18:53

Hey, I wasn't done with my spoiler yet! Please await my reply...

Because here is one final shot of a crumbling Straland. The stack in the bottom left is what is standing right next to Strastad.

Matrix 06-10-2019 19:08


Originally Posted by Beorn (Post 162064)
What screen resolution and settings did you use for your screenshots? I keep cropping with win+shift+s screenshots, but I like yours better.

I switched to windowed screen and then changed the resolution to 1024x768 or 1280x800. It's a bit of a hassle...


Originally Posted by Beorn (Post 162064)
That explains the castles everywhere. I thought it was WAY overkill but I get it, they were dirt cheap.

Not overkill. A castle also gives an extra trade route and +25% espionage, so it was definitely worth it!


Originally Posted by Beorn (Post 162064)
SoZ did hurt me pretty bad, with 8-9 [:(!] in large cities.



Originally Posted by Beorn (Post 162064)
Had I not botched the first 2 offensives on Goon/Strastad, I'd have had 4 more turns of GA, switched back to representation and been halfway to Assembly Line by now for factories and infantry.

I'm not too sure if you could've gotten there that much faster really. You were stretching it a bit too thin perhaps. And yes, I was expecting Infantry wouldn't take too long.


Originally Posted by Beorn (Post 162064)
Great game, solid resistance in the end [drunks1]. The geopolitics of who attacks what and when really makes this a whole other beast. I did exploit rep to the fullest, but without it, I'd have been a poorer Mali. Had Killer taken a stab at me early he might have won it all, but you might have swiped it all from under his feet. Had you taken my mining expansion to the NE earlier, then I wouldn't have attacked you but rather gone for Mongolia and bid my time until [tank]

Really exciting, and my hats off to you all, and especially you two.

Yep, good game. :) I learned something entirely new when I saw you skyrocketing in GNP. As in how useful the representation civic can be. It's not an exploit. But it does make the pyramids much more powerful!

Beorn 06-10-2019 20:43

At first, Pyramids were my plan to cope with having no luxuries. Had it failed, I'd have been in trouble and probably horse-rushed killer.

Pushing rep to the limit came second. It became especially good since I had 26 food from 5 tiles (+16) and 10 forests in the capital. It was a perfect storm: fishes and pigs for a caste of 8 scientists at size 13, chop GLib, civics for GS points and an extra free specialist. Without all of this lining up, or with resistance, it would have been a lot less impressive.

I tried it a few times in single player and the most I got was 5 + GLib. Really good but not THIS good.

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