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Moonsinger 06-08-2003 23:53

Moonsinger vs Aggie **spoiler**
This is my world after about 57 turns. Since Aggie is out-scoring me real fast, I think he has found multiple food bonus or floodplain near by. As for me, there isn't much room left to expand...therefore, I'm planning to attack the Celts with swordmans around 800 BC (it's going to be tough against their special swordmans:(). Anyway, I don't think I can beat Aggie in this game, but I won't give up without a fight.[band]

Skyfish 07-08-2003 08:52

You will have to forget your Milkers' instinct in PBEM ;) and realize score has nothing to do with how good you are doing in the game. Score really is a very bad reflection of one's performance, believe it or not !
Especially a 37 points difference in 1575bc ...that's like...nothing... [wallbash]

anarres 07-08-2003 11:19

I wouldn't worry yet Moonsinger, score probably just means he found a lux...

Also, you can lose pop and cities early on and still come back and win. :D

yndy 08-08-2003 07:34

Moonsinger, your tight build is to blame for the lower score at the beginning. Like the guys said, score has nothing to do with how good you’re doing.

Skyfish 08-08-2003 16:21

Sorry Yndy but I don't find her lay-out a tight build, at least for a PBEM ..and for her style of normal play[groucho]

Moonsinger 08-08-2003 17:02

And I didn't use RCP either.:) Basically, I tried to play a normal game as much as possible.;)

Moonsinger 08-08-2003 18:32

My 40 turn research finally paid off in 1150BC. I discovered Polytheism and sold it to the AIs for Alphabet, Writing, Iron Working, Map Making, Code of Laws, and The Wheel.:) However, since I was a little bit hurry to finish up this turn, I forgot to buy and sell the rest of the techs before I ended my turn.:(

Moonsinger 08-08-2003 18:49

Well, my little mistake from the last turn had cost me about 75 gold and 1 turn of research. I was able to recover a little bit by buying and selling Philosophy and the worldmap. Here is my current status as of 1125BC:

Moonsinger 08-08-2003 20:16

Now, I'm really upset!!! I just realized that I lost a settler and a worker to barb horseman a few turn ago.[cry]

anarres 08-08-2003 20:52

Gutted. As the first player you don't get to see what happens during the AI's turn. :(

Moonsinger 10-08-2003 16:16

I think I have a good chance to turn this thing around in the next 10 turns. Basically, the Celts (the green color south of my border) has the Pyramid and they has no iron. Currently their only iron source is in the middle of the jungle and it would take them at least another 40 turns to hook that up. Since their only horse resource is about 4 square from my border, I would easily disable it during my first strike. Therefore, here is my next plan, immediately hook up iron and upgrade 12 warriors to swordmans (I have enough cash to upgrade at least 12) and start assimilate the Celts within the next 10 turns.:)

Ehecatl Atzin 10-08-2003 21:48

Resistance is futile [tank] ;)

Moonsinger 10-08-2003 23:56

Update: Around turn #98, the Celts finished the Great Lib.[dance] Now come the bad news: They had managed to form alliances with both the America and Japan against me. Basically, everyone on my continent are at war against me. To add more insult to injury, they manage to import iron from somewhere and start sending Gallic Swordsman against me. So far, I have conquered 1 of their city, lost 2 swords and a spear. I'm currently retrieving to await for my city to create a doomday-device, the settler.:D

Meanwhile, I heard Aggie had eliminated England. That would explain why he is currently outscoring me by about 100 points.

Moonsinger 12-08-2003 23:54

Turn 105: I paid Japan 20 gold in exchange for peace. I should be able to sue for peace with America within the next few turn (since they declared war on me shortly after Japan). Meanwhile, my war against the Celts has come to a stalemate. Currently they are sending 2 or three gallic swordmans to the "x" (see map below) spot to die in every 2 or 3 turns. Since both the Great Library and the Pyramid are located at the Celtic capital (3 squares from my border), my new plan is to make peace with the American first then throw the rest of my swordmans (still have about 11 of them left) at the Celts (following the path in red). Once I capture their capital, I will sue for peace. That will conclude my first war; the next one will be fought by raiders (can't wait).

PS: Once I have control of both the Great Library and the Pyramid, I'm sure I will catch up to Aggie.:)

Moonsinger 13-08-2003 00:02

Oh, I forgot to mention that America is also at war with Japan. That would explain why most American swordmans are at half strength.:)

Ehecatl Atzin 13-08-2003 22:18

Why not take Alesia too? just for the flood plains, if for nothing else...

Moonsinger 14-08-2003 00:23

A stream of bad luck hit my empire by turn#106. A stack of 9 barb horsemen show up from nowhere and took out my stack of 3 swordmans, 1 spearman, 1 worker, and 2 settlers. That was it! I lost all my will to fight and offered my unconditional surrender to the Celts. I gave all my gold to both Japan and Celts in exchange for all their Ancient techs. I also got communication to the Ottomans (Aggie) too. Now, I'm ready for barbs to sack my core cities by the next turn. Note: because of my war against the Celts, I had left my core undefended; once they killed my 3 swordmans and a spearman, they are clear to sack my core cities. Anyway, I find it very odd that those barbs totally ignored the Japanese town near their camp and headed directly toward my core cities instead.[cry]

Oh well, I will have to give up my dream of conquering the Celts for now.[cry]

Moonsinger 14-08-2003 01:06

Here is my little empire minute before I gave all my gold away.[cry]

anarres 14-08-2003 01:18

The Barbs in PTW are more dangerous, and even more so in 1.21 I think.

Was the Japanese city defended? If so that would explain why. They will now seek out undefended cities instead of impaling themselves on the nearest garrisoned city.

Ehecatl Atzin 14-08-2003 05:07

That sucks, I've also been having the worst luck with barbs in all my pbem games

Moonsinger 14-08-2003 14:25


quote:Originally posted by anarres
Was the Japanese city defended? If so that would explain why. They will now seek out undefended cities instead of impaling themselves on the nearest garrisoned city.
I think Japan had a spearman in their city. It looked like the fog of war didn't apply to the barbs...because they know which of my cities were undefended and traveled a long way to get to mine instead. Anyway, more barb uprising will be coming real soon because all the AIs are entering the Middle Age (including me too).

anarres 14-08-2003 14:35

Yeah, all AI's always know where your units are (and aren't) [sad]

Kemal 14-08-2003 14:40


quote:Originally posted by Moonsinger
Anyway, more barb uprising will be coming real soon because all the AIs are entering the Middle Age (including me too).
I'm pretty sure (though I have to say I rarely play with barb activity turned on) only one massive uprising will take place per era change (though it will happen in all camps), when a 2nd civ in the world enters the new age to be precise, but after that other civs going medieval will not generate any additional massive uprisings, so the worst is over here (as far as barbs are concerned).

Moonsinger 14-08-2003 18:26


quote:Originally posted by Kemal
I'm pretty sure (though I have to say I rarely play with barb activity turned on) only one massive uprising will take place per era change (though it will happen in all camps), when a 2nd civ in the world enters the new age to be precise, but after that other civs going medieval will not generate any additional massive uprisings, so the worst is over here (as far as barbs are concerned).
I think you are right about that. In this case, it's pay back time. I will exterminate the barbs once and for all from my continent.;)

Moonsinger 19-08-2003 01:34

Turn #131:

Since the Cetls have no iron and no horse, they can't possibly fight both the American and me at the same time. Once again, they offered me Chivary+39 gold in exchange for peace and I gladly accepted. I also noticed that they had a lot of gold so I decided to ask them for a loan and they accepted. Of course, to help them with their war against America, I sold them horse at the dirt cheap price of 16 gpt.

With the special loan from my former enemy, the Celts, I had been able to upgrade some of my horsemans to raiders. I think my empire is pretty much secured at the moment. I traded Chivary to Japan for Engineering. Of course, America also want peace and willing to give Invention for Chivary, but I refused. I needed to be at war with them for just one more turn so that my Raider can trigger the golden age. I'm planning to use my golden age for producing more raider. Will eliminate the Celts 20 turns from now.:)

anarres 19-08-2003 14:03

Ahh, the joy of move 3 units so early, my favourite UU. :D

Moonsinger 27-08-2003 16:07

I have a dream last night...Aggie was too busy conquering the Roman land and I got Navigation about the same time he got Military Tradition. Anyway, I surprised him with a stack of 20 raiders and razed his capitol...then I waked up. I'm thinking...may be I should consider that option. May be he will give up the fight if he lost one or two of his core cities. 20 raiders will be good enough to raze at least one of his core while his troops are too busy fighting else where.:)

Skyfish 27-08-2003 16:17

You mean Riders ?

Moonsinger 27-08-2003 20:45

Yes, Riders...If I can raze his capital, it would put his RCP core out of business.;) If I wait too long, he will get railroad and my military trait will be obsoleted. Btw, I just captured the Great Library, Leo, and Pyramid (all in one Celtic city). Currently, I'm ahead of Aggie by 2 techs. Only 2 more techs to Navigation. While he at war with the Roman, I hope I can surprise him with about 20 riders (suicide riders in this case because I doubt that any of them would survive the counterattack, but Aggie's palace will be gone too). What do you think?

PS: I don't even have 20 riders at the moment, but will have them ready by the age of Navigation.

Moonsinger 28-08-2003 20:55

Turn 157: The Celts is no more and I'm in the process of re-settling their land. Rome is just started to build the Megan which means Navigation has been discovered. I think now is my golden chance to attack Aggie and end the game. At the beginning, I didn't even know him but now I kind of like the guy and don't really want to hurt him. What shall I do? I'm really torn at the moment. On one hand, I really want to end the game because this may be my only chance (once his RCP core is in full operation, I will have no chance against him). On the other, I really don't want to destroy his beautiful world that he has been spending 157 turns on building. I don't have any problem in destroying the AIs, but I'm really hesitate in destroying the world that someone of fresh and blood has been spending countless hours building up from scratch.[cry]

Anyway, enough crying, it's time for plan is very simple. Immediately rush about 10 galleys, then buy Navigation from Rome. Within 10 turns later, I will load every single riders and riflemans into those 10 ships and set sail for the Ottomans empire. Currently, I have 17 riders, 4 pikemans, 1 sword, and 3 medevil infantries and about 3000 golds. I think I have enough force to raze his capital. Of course, that would leave my empire totally defendless and wide open for America or Japan to move in....but that's ok because I'm going to take Aggie down with me too. The end result - the AI will win and both of us will lose...but Aggie will lose his capital first.

Moonsinger 28-08-2003 21:10

Gothmog 28-08-2003 21:44

Heh, a bold stroke! good luck to you.

jack merchant 28-08-2003 22:20

Remember: It's strictly business, nothing personal :). Utterly exterminate him if you can, he won't like you any the less for it !

Skyfish 28-08-2003 22:30

Just FYI in case the AIs both beat you the human with the highest score in the end wins.

Oh and....go get him ASAP [evil]

Moonsinger 28-08-2003 22:37

Of course, since I just gave him Education and Chemistry (free of charge) in exchange for his free industrial tech down the road, he is very sure now that I won't attack any time soon. Therefore, his capital is pretty much wide open for the taking.

Moonsinger 28-08-2003 22:52

I also send him this message just to test the water.


quote:... may be you could give me a loan of 3000 gold (you don't really need all your gold until you get Military Tradition anyway) and I will pay you back 120 gold per turn plus free wine for the next 20 turns. Please note that the wine itself is worth around 2000 gold right there (because you can't possibly buy luxury from the AI for less than 2000 gold); therefore, I think you will be making at least 1000 gold in profit in 20 turns if you accept this deal.
And he told me he doesn't have any money at the moment. This is just too good to be true. I hope that he isn't luring me into a trap or something. Even if it's a trap, I'm confident that I will get there before he get Military Tradition. With a stack of about 6 riflemen and 20 riders, his knights would have a tough time against to eject me from his continent.

DrAlimentado 28-08-2003 23:32

Cunning and slightly Evil [satan] mwuhahahahahahaha

You can tell I like this play a lot!

Skyfish 29-08-2003 06:13

When you say "Riflemen", you mean that you will have Nationalism within 10 turns ? [eek]

Moonsinger 29-08-2003 14:00

Oh, sorry about that! I mean "Musketman" - I have always confused between those two. They do look the same to me.

Lt. Killer M 29-08-2003 14:20

wow, this is a gripping tale so far!

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