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Whomp 19-05-2005 19:53

Team Discussion Thread
I thought we could start a team discussion page for anything critical that we see popping up.

I am popping settlers now big time. I will need to know "the wheel" soon to see if there are any horses. I think we've milked those guys on the research of the wheel.

Haruka nice start BTW. Why is your score so much higher do you think?

Haruka 21-05-2005 01:59

I went for a really early settler. (With AP, my culture effectively expands twice as slowly, so I only had two 2-food tiles in my city radius before the expansion) My rate is slowing down.

I'll give you the Wheel.

RegentMan 26-05-2005 15:57

I'm getting iron working at minimum science. Other than that, I'm finally getting a second city next turn.

Whomp 26-05-2005 16:12

I sent writing to both of you and HBR to Regentman. Right now I'm making a run at philo due in 10. Cash is running thin at 6g. I have no horses in sight.

RegentMan 27-05-2005 16:01

Would you like a gift of gold or gold per turn?

Haruka 28-05-2005 17:41

IIRC there are horses SE of Whomp. If he can't get them, I guess I'll have to establish a trade route.

I'm researching Mathematics right now, max.

Pastorius 28-05-2005 18:22

So boys. Gonna show pictures of your empires soon?

How far are you in the game now anyway?

Haruka 30-05-2005 01:08

We've just finished turn 21.

Not much has changed for me, except that I got another settler and will get a city in three turns or so.

Whomp 31-05-2005 15:58

I found it very interesting seeing our world by playing regentman's turns. I think we should switch off that way every so often.

I could use about 10g as I am running hard at philo. I think we have a good chance at philo because I am the biggest in pop/gdp right now. If I get it should we get map making?

My settler is headed to the horses right now so MW's coming right up!
I really like the 2 turn settler factory.

Oh and btw Tomo'uka your warrior stepped on my wheat.[lol] It's ok because I decided to chop the game for a gran instead.

Paal--Congrats on finishing exams. It's always a relief.
I will post two pics for you tonight when I get home. I'm always interested in people's opinions.

Haruka 31-05-2005 21:50

Oh, oops. Our generals will be informed immediately. [blush2]

I'm going hard on Mathematics, but we don't really need that really quickly, do we?

IIRC Regentman is doing IW on min, so maybe he could give you some money? I can give you 10 gold now, but it's not very good.

Whomp 31-05-2005 21:56 probs Tomo-ruka. I was like what is he doing on my wheat? I was going to chop anyhow.
Regentman has plenty of cash. However I did turn up his research on the last turn and he can get IW in about four turns.

Whomp 04-06-2005 19:53

OK a few things of note. I get philo next. If I get philo, Map Making seems to be the free choice. Let me know if you want it.

Another thing, regentman I saw my first barb. He was headed towards my settler which I sent back to the capital. The barb ending up doing an about face and was headed in the direction of your settler. He is currently standing next to my warrior. I would prefer to whack him on grass rather than the forest but I will if you need me to. Do you have any units in the area?

Haruka 04-06-2005 22:27

Hey, if we get Map Making we could find the other continent and maybe land a horse or two there... [mischief]

Whomp 05-06-2005 19:30

Yes yes yes....

If I get philo and map making. Which path should I take next?

Another thought is I could do a min run on something, build cash and give it to RegentMan for a mass immortal upgrade. This is something that was very successful in SGOTM6 with the Gallic Swords. We built lots of vet warriors for 10s and then hooked up the iron and mass upgraded to GS's.

Any thoughts? Lurkers feel free to chime in.

RegentMan 05-06-2005 20:48

I get iron working next turn. Watch - there's no iron in the world. [sad] ;)

Whomp 05-06-2005 20:53

I think there will be iron but it might be by one of us. What do you think of that idea? You can crank a lot of 10s warriors.

Whomp 06-06-2005 05:35

[band] We have philo and Map making!

I sent it to both of you but don't accept it unless you have a galley ready to go this turn. I went to lit at 80% in 9. Let me know if this works for you guys. Myst could be done in 4 at 80% (35 on min) so I presume they're going at monarchy hard.

BTW My warrior fortified in the forest and the barb didn't even dent him when attacking near Arbela. Coast is clear for now.

RegentMan 06-06-2005 15:55

Iron working discovered. I have one outside my cultural borders inside my city's radius, and the Iroquois has one on a mountain in their territory. I don't know about Japan.

I set research on code of laws (13 turns). However, if I am doing the massive upgrade, then I should probably do minimum science.

Also, send your tech gifts accepted! :p

Whomp 06-06-2005 17:16

That may be a better idea RegentMan. That way Haruka and I can ram forward on techs for us. With math in soon we will have all the AA military techs. Start cranking those warriors!

Now we need a government.
I get the feeling they did a beeline to monarchy. Myst is only 4 turns if I switch. I think I should switch from lit to myst so we can get to monarchy.

Haruka 06-06-2005 22:03

Math is in. Sorry, I did one turn of zero research, but I guess I can pick it up for RegentMan. Or maybe I'll stay at zero and he can research CoL, and I'll give him the money.

Republic wouldn't be too good because of the WW, right?

Whomp 06-06-2005 22:30

Yeah I can't see republic working so well with the number of casualties that are bound to occur. The only way that would work is if that country purely played defense the majority of the game. I don't see that happening.

Hakura di you want to run at myst and he can turn off research?

Melifluous 06-06-2005 22:39


Screw the War Weariness...

Republic all the way guys! Make the money.

Trust me, respect the dollah. Knights of the New Republic...



Melifluous 06-06-2005 22:41

Also Haruka is Japanese (religious) He definately should go republic, he can change in a turn the moment WW gets too much :)


akots 06-06-2005 22:44


quote:Originally posted by Melifluous
... Republic all the way guys! Make the money.
This is accelerated production. Might be twice as many casualties.

Whomp 06-06-2005 22:44

Really Mel? Even if we are in a locked alliance against those guys and will be at war forever?
Haruka I could see being religious.

Melifluous 06-06-2005 22:56

Ah locked war from the start?

I retract my earlier stupid statement.

But yeah still maybe for Haruka...


Haruka 06-06-2005 23:26

I'll give it a try - it's two anarchy turns at the worst.

Do we want to try for any wonders?

I'll run at Myst, I guess, and I won't need max to get 4 turns, so that's good. I'm running kinda low on mullah.

Whomp 06-06-2005 23:40

I will send you 10g. Regentman gave me more than plenty last time. If you go republic then we have to research it. I think we skip it and get the pointy's out fast.
Are any wonders really worth the shields? We could always feign a wonder build.

RegentMan 07-06-2005 00:45

So am I researching code of laws, or am I killing the scientists?

Whomp 07-06-2005 02:02

Kill the scientists Regentman. Haruka can go myst and I will continue with lit.

Haruka 07-06-2005 03:33

Oh, we want to find the other continent. Should we begin constructing a navy?

I'll do a min run on Republic some time later when we have CoL probably.

Whomp 07-06-2005 16:38

Yes Yes Yes. Naval activities! I already have one being pushed in the water next.
Republic is not a huge priority so that makes sense.

Haruka 10-06-2005 13:29

Regentman, who should get that city spot between Pasagardae (sp?) and my cities? I'm finishing a settler in that area in two turns.

RegentMan 11-06-2005 20:19

Well, without knowing your guys' lands, I've constructed a dotmap of the minimum of what I'd like to see Persia have. Please let me know of any disputed dots. I also think that Japan and I should work together to split up the southern part of our continent.

@Hakura - Take it. My settler from Parsagade (next turn) will head east to begin my colonization there. - 2250BC!.JPG

Haruka 12-06-2005 00:04

Okay, here's my map and my dots.

RegentMan 12-06-2005 21:00

I assume the rest of the south is for me then? Here's my lame attempt to make a world map. Thanks for not using the grid, Hakura! :p ;)

RegentMan 12-06-2005 21:03

Also, if you both put up world maps (with grid) then I'll attempt to make a better world map.

Whomp 12-06-2005 21:06

Here is my dot map. My lime green dot conflicts with Regentman's and the settler is there. I was hoping to capture that lake. The other settler is headed to the red dot. My next settlers I was thinking blue then yellowish area or the one below Giddyup greenish kind of color. BTW regentman nice teamwork on the barb!!

RegentMan 13-06-2005 04:12

Hmm... I was hoping to have a ring around my capital. Your call Whomp.

Haruka 13-06-2005 16:02

RegentMan, I kinda noticed my lack of gridding too late. [blush2]

I think there's a desert dot you missed.

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