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Eklektikos 31-03-2003 14:35

Well, here's the spam...
...and spoilers shall follow when I get home tonight. [8D]

Kevinicus 31-03-2003 14:47

All these forums for single people? Extremely nifty.

Moderated for incorrect spelling of a non-existent word (and because I wanted to test this out) ;)

Melifluous 31-03-2003 14:55

El Cid you goat roping, monkey farmer, I told ya before its kewl, not lewl.

Sheesh some people...
You'd think they weren't English...



Shabbaman 31-03-2003 15:06

Where's the spam?

Eklektikos 31-03-2003 15:07


WildFire 31-03-2003 15:09

WF444 dropping by

anarres 31-03-2003 15:11


quote:Originally posted by Melifluous

El Cid you goat roping....
Goat roping? Giving RoP to a goat or using rope on one? Either way you're one sick little puppy. [:p]

quote:You'd think they weren't English...

Indeed. :D

ProPain 31-03-2003 15:28

Seems some people in this thread need their profile edited too ! :D

Eklektikos 31-03-2003 15:35

Well, it is all on topic... :D

ProPain 31-03-2003 16:00

true. Please someone: jack this thread!

Eklektikos 31-03-2003 18:08

That's just plain disgusting

Kevinicus 31-03-2003 18:27

Hahahaha that smiley is gold.

Ehecatl Atzin 04-07-2003 21:43

didn't know you had this going, Eklek, nice :D


Eklektikos 04-07-2003 22:51

"Going" might be a slight exaggeration, although I intend to update again sometime soonish :D

Ehecatl Atzin 05-07-2003 22:22

Incomming transmision from the Chinese Empire:

---Washington will fall, trampled by our riders!! [mwaha]---

That is all....

Eklektikos 07-07-2003 16:21

In your dreams, foolish Chinaman! [:p]

Ehecatl Atzin 15-07-2003 06:48

Oh I think I am quite awake, yanqui bandido!
PS- That filthy b$@# Catherine is winning by two points...she must be eliminated! I shall use her as target practice for our upcoming showdown! [tank]

Eklektikos 15-07-2003 12:19

The foul hag must have popped a settler or a free city from a goodie hut. I'm sure one of us shall relieve her of it sooner or later though

By the way, there's no need to censor yourself here ;)

Ehecatl Atzin 16-07-2003 02:42

ooohh!! no censors! let me refrase that then: that filthy bitch catherine is winning by two points..err..make that three now. Let's make it interesting...whoever knocks the hag out first recieves a luxury resourse for 20 turns from the one who didn't, agreed yanqui?

The Chinese Empire

Ehecatl Atzin 16-07-2003 02:45

PS It feels good to write uncensored! [smokin]

anarres 16-07-2003 17:55


you can say 'fuck' and 'cunt' too. ;) [satan]

Ehecatl Atzin 16-07-2003 22:15

Question-- how the fuck did you get your own little forum? (yes, that was a gratuitous swear, just 'cause I felt like it :D )

WildFire 16-07-2003 22:36

By going to site feedback and asking "Can I have a forum please?"

Of course, you have to obide the rules, register for the ladder of course and give me $20.

Taurendil 17-07-2003 05:55

By the way, cunt.

Shabbaman 17-07-2003 08:50

We can ban you for that you know.



We can't.


Eklektikos 19-07-2003 17:51

I think that next time I play as the Vikings I shall change the leadername to "Cnut" :D

Ehecatl Atzin 01-08-2003 01:48

Did I tell you last night that I found pottery in a goody hut? ....damn alcohol [drunk]

Eklektikos 01-08-2003 17:02

Heh, indeed you did

Ehecatl Atzin 01-08-2003 18:22

[cry] last time I log on and play my turn drunk! [wallbash]

Ehecatl Atzin 20-08-2003 07:33


EDIT--- this spam has been found, go get another one..

Eklektikos 20-08-2003 11:27

Don't tempt me ;)

Ehecatl Atzin 20-08-2003 22:34

ooohh..big man with the mod stick!!

Eklektikos 21-08-2003 11:36

Haha, I actually meant "don't tempt me to spam" [:p]

Ehecatl Atzin 21-08-2003 19:56

There's only one spam king [king] around here ;)

Eklektikos 22-08-2003 11:47

Dream on, amateur :D

Ehecatl Atzin 23-08-2003 07:01

I don't see any contenders ;)

Eklektikos 26-08-2003 15:32

I don't really do that here ;)

Ehecatl Atzin 26-08-2003 21:29

mmm.. I'm not sure I get what you mean.... [confused]

Eklektikos 27-08-2003 11:53

Excellent :D

Ehecatl Atzin 29-08-2003 06:57


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