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Lt. Killer M 10-04-2019 23:32

***SPOILER*** Matrix's Game
3 Attachment(s)
So, for a while I've been playing a game run by good old Matrix, with a bunch of Fins and Beorn in it. Yeah, I'm a slacker: I should have started a thread ASAP, but hey: life interfered.

Well, things developed quite nicely for me, as you can see below: I got France (so Le Reich instead of Das Reich), I have copper, horses, a luxury resource I can actually already use, I can use water res for good food and commerce, I have a second city, and I just produced my first axeman. To my North there is some space, with sadly quite some jungle and little production terrain - at least there are rivers and thus commerce and watermill options. And then, further North, is Matrix Land! Which begs the question: do I [estwing] him ASAP? He has a religion, thus good city defense values, but as there is a copper right outside his borders I expect him to not have any hooked up by the time I could have a few axemen and a spearman there (spear in case he has chariots), who could plunder their way across his lands with impunity and really slow down his development.

Shabbaman 12-04-2019 19:35

Matrix isn't that old, is he?

Lt. Killer M 13-04-2019 10:10

we all are, Shabba, we all are! :eek:

Lt. Killer M 13-04-2019 22:41

1 Attachment(s)
given my natural tendencies - builder but always tempted by conquest - I have decided to build a strong military while expanding carefully. This means chopping forests to go into settlers, and otherwise letting cities grow by building troops and improving terrain.

A new dotmap - the first was a 20 second look at how much space there is around me - looks much better:

The obvious build locality if I attack the yellow disease in the NW is the dot to the N and 1 W of my capital. Otherwise, it may be saner to settle the NE. The NW is out: Iron Working is too long in researching (although I must, and soon) and I have too few workers to quickly utilize the jungled lands.

Shabbaman 14-04-2019 12:31


Originally Posted by Lt. Killer M (Post 140817)
we all are, Shabba, we all are! :eek:

He isn't even 40!

Lt. Killer M 15-04-2019 11:00


Originally Posted by Shabbaman (Post 140820)
He isn't even 40!

old for a pirate

Lt. Killer M 16-04-2019 23:03

Another turn, another decision:

Matrix is first in points, I am second.

I now have three axemen ready to move. Another one in 4, and a settler in 4 (due to a chop).

Matrix's capital (with a religion, thus defense boost) is 10 moves from where the axes are. He will see them after 7 moves.

He either does not have copper, or there are two coppers very close together. One is right outside his current, three-times-expanded borders. I doubt there is another one in the capital area.
However, he has a second city, and he has mined a dry hill I can see - this might hold iron.

If he is limited to archers, I am very tempted to invade and just pillage the shit out of him. Early pillaging and prolonged occupation is deadly.

if he has iron, I may be fast enough to block/pillage it before he has a significant quantity of good troops - see above. However, I also need a spearman, as there is a good chance that he has horses and thus cheap-o chariots to kill my axes. That is another delay of several turns or I waste 80 bucks on an upgrade of a warrior ASAP.

There are two of my warriors near his lands to bring in an cause further havoc. Not a strong troop, especially as they are on two different sides, but still something he can't ignore due to the threat to his resources.

yeah, just moved the warrior - I can upgrade later. Options - you gotta keep them open! This costs me 1 turn of [:(!] in my capital, with no effect on production, until I can bring another warrior in from elsewhere.

Rik Meleet 17-04-2019 09:09

Kill him.
Keep us updated.

Lt. Killer M 17-04-2019 21:31


Originally Posted by Rik Meleet (Post 140826)
Kill him.

Will do (I hope) - just maybe not NOW!


Originally Posted by Rik Meleet (Post 140826)
Keep us updated.

Will do, no exceptions :p

Lt. Killer M 17-04-2019 21:39

1 Attachment(s)


Matrix has horses! Good thing I have that warrior and money to upgrade!

Also, the hill does suspiciously look like iron :(

And then, there is more Lebensraum to conquer just beyond..... [estwing]

Lt. Killer M 17-04-2019 22:01

Matrix 2nd town is on the coast, river, elephant tile (as far as I can judge from the borders). The copper is in its 1st expansion, thus NOT available as of now.
OTOK, the ?iron hill is at the borders, so I can waltz in and pillage the next turn. Need to get my warriors into position for this.....

Melifluous 18-04-2019 15:54


Originally Posted by Shabbaman (Post 140820)
He isn't even 40!

Still not 40 yet? Kick him out, imposter!


Lt. Killer M 20-04-2019 09:48

upgraded the warrior! Here we go.......

Lt. Killer M 20-04-2019 20:29

so Matrix has approached me wrt Lebensraum, potential borders, etc.
Looking at the power graphs I can see what he sees: he is better in gold and culture, but I slightly outbuild him in food and production. So knowing me, he knows what might be coming.

Lt. Killer M 21-04-2019 23:19

well, well, well......

I started moving troops, and ran into a warrior in that ugly yellow. So Matrix knows what's moving. At the same time, Matrix offered OB, since I had whined about a warrior stuck due his latest city founding.

I wrote him a message, explaining the troops as cover for a settler (which is true - they do cover a settler on his way out). And suggested that I had a certain amount of troops over, which we could use, if he agreed and put up troops of his own, to attack jakeri in the NW (seen from Matrix's position). I suggested a ruse I have used to great effect before: I DoW on Matrix, so everybody thinks we are at each other's throats. In fact, though, we just march for jakeri together. [estwing]

Sadly, it seems Matrix doesn't know me as well as I thought he did: he declined, citing his fear of a backstab! Hey, I NEVER break deals, unless the other guy breaks them first! If I feel uneasy, I won't give me word. Very straightforward. I didn't take his OB because it would have looked like a treaty break to DoW on him after taking them to others! If I don't do that, does anyone really think I would actually backstab him?

So, as he declined, I basically have no option but to attack him now.
Two ways about this: DoW ASAP, kill his warriors, and basically ensure that I can only pillage his lands due to heightened defenses, or
try to string him along for one more turn (more is unlikely), abort talks, and move in as fast as possible.

The former course means I get to kill his wandering warrior, the latter means it stays a loose cannon. OTOH, I can churn out axemen at a surprising rate now.........

Lt. Killer M 14-05-2019 22:57

well, well, well - this has been interesting!

I proceeded as planned, keeping the option of war open, but (thinking of the high defense bonus the Holy Roman Empire gets for archery units) also trying to keep open the option of a peaceful solution. The diplomatic messages with Matrix quickly escalated, though. He sounded really afraid, distrustful, angry, frustrated. Oh well - he neglected going for copper quickly, and the penalty could now being pillaged back into the stone age..... erh, yeah, that's where he actually still is. Whatever.... He also settled ANOTHER city, this one with copper in its 21 (but not 9), so I had to MOVE! Matrix kept harping on about how a war would mean we both can't win the game - not really true: an efficient pillage would have allowed me to continue expanding and growing. Tho cost would not have been prohibitive. But annoying, I grant him that.

I responded in innocent mode, suggested the false-war ruse against jakeri to him - he feared a backstab. Matrix is a smart one, but here fear got the better of him: he should have known me well enough to know I would never break such a deal!

And then, suddenly, when I laid before him the fact that he would out-settle, out-commerce, out-defend me - BAMM there comes an offer that I found initially too good to be true:

[more soon]

Lt. Killer M 31-07-2019 21:45

1 Attachment(s)
yeah, I know, I owe you all a LOT of updates.

sorry, life sucks currently, and I get a max of 5 h of sleep per night.

Shabbaman 01-08-2019 21:32

That sounds bad herr doctor Killer.

Beorn 06-10-2019 17:57


Originally Posted by Lt. Killer M (Post 140814)
Le Reich


Originally Posted by Rik Meleet (Post 140826)
Kill him.
Keep us updated.


Originally Posted by Lt. Killer M
Matrix kept harping on about how a war would mean we both can't win the game - not really true

I agree with you there, Dr Killer.

Matrix 07-10-2019 18:11

I also agree with you, but I was just trying to convince him into not attacking me. It worked! :rolleyes:

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