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ProPain 02-06-2009 21:35

Ask Sid
Sid wants our email

A new episode of ask Sid on Seems mr Meier lost his mind as he's asking for us to send him emails and he's calling Civ4:Colonization 'a hit'. Personally I'd qualify the game as mind blowing.

The emails he needs to certify we'll really want a Civ5, apparently Firaxis wants to certify itself of enough sales before starting to program.

I'd say fire up your gmail and start typing :)

Shabbaman 03-06-2009 10:09

Civ4 is still on a lot of sales charts, I don't think take2 really doubts they'll be selling enough of civ5 to make boatloads of profit on it. But as far as civ5 is concerned: why bother? We'll be promised better AI, decent mechanics and no bugs, and we'll end up with civ4 (basically: civ3) with better graphics, a boatload of bugs and an idiot AI, plus dumbed down mechanics because the masses can't be bothered to micromanage [/rant]

As far as I'm concerned civ5 will be part of the col2 compensation plan.

ProPain 03-06-2009 10:22


Originally Posted by Shabbaman (Post 123405)

As far as I'm concerned civ5 will be part of the col2 compensation plan.

I just don't get how you can say that, Col2 is such a great game. Even Sid says that. :D

Shabbaman 03-06-2009 11:49

He also said the AI would be better in col2.

ProPain 03-06-2009 13:43

Different, he meant different.

Shabbaman 03-06-2009 15:13

Oh yes, instead of an idiot AI we end up with an AI that's just "special"...

Socrates 03-06-2009 19:29

I can't seem to be bothered by a new Civ5. Already two years I have stopped playing Civ anyway.

Beam 03-06-2009 19:56

Will we see the same cycle as with III and IV?
- The first release is a beta in terms of game rules and balances
- Then the first expansion pack is a big fix, some extras and still with lots of issues.
- The second expansion pack is basically what the first release should be

But I can safely predict i'll be one of the first to start playing Civ V. :o :) ;)

ProPain 04-06-2009 00:54


Originally Posted by Beam (Post 123418)
Will we see the same cycle as with III and IV?
- The first release is a beta in terms of game rules and balances
- Then the first expansion pack is a big fix, some extras and still with lots of issues.
- The second expansion pack is basically what the first release should be

But I can safely predict i'll be one of the first to start playing Civ V. :o :) ;)

I fear the same applies to me. I managed to postpone to buy warlords for a while though. But then I ended up on vacation somewhere in the Dutch sticks a few years ago and they had no internet. So I had to buy warlords to get a decent patch [:(!]

Stapel 04-06-2009 10:24


Originally Posted by Beam (Post 123418)
Will we see the same cycle as with III and IV?
- The first release is a beta in terms of game rules and balances
- Then the first expansion pack is a big fix, some extras and still with lots of issues.
- The second expansion pack is basically what the first release should be

But I can safely predict i'll be one of the first to start playing Civ V. :o :) ;)

I garee!

But I think we shouldn't complain that much. Are there other games where things are better?

Let's get real: The investment in CiV + WL + BtS is 120 euros. For that, you can play CiV for about 4 or 5 years, every day, every night, every hour, every minute, with others if you like. The alternative for that money is buying a bouquet of roses and a fancy meal for two, which might result in a good blowjob......, just once.

BCLG100 04-06-2009 12:59

I still get sex without having to do that :p

the joys of not being married :D

Matrix 04-06-2009 13:23


Originally Posted by Socrates (Post 123417)
I can't seem to be bothered by a new Civ5. Already two years I have stopped playing Civ anyway.

Some fansite we are... :(

I can't really say I'm eagerly awaiting a Civ5. Of course it would be interesting to see what it will look like and what new features it'll have, but I'm much more content with Civ4 now than I was with Civ2 and Civ3 back then.

My biggest wish is playing on a 2D map, but I don't think that'll ever happen for marketing purposes...

ProPain 04-06-2009 13:43


Originally Posted by Stapel (Post 123426)
I garee!

But I think we shouldn't complain that much. Are there other games where things are better?

Let's get real: The investment in CiV + WL + BtS is 120 euros. For that, you can play CiV for about 4 or 5 years, every day, every night, every hour, every minute, with others if you like. The alternative for that money is buying a bouquet of roses and a fancy meal for two, which might result in a good blowjob......, just once.

I totally garee that the price of games isn't bad at all (provided it is a good game with decent replay value) and with the replay value civ gets you the price actually is amazing. I don't go out to the pub that often any more but 120 euro's will last me 2 nights max, civ4 + addons have lasted me a lot longer.

I do wonder how you manage to get roses and a decent meal for 2 for 120 euro's. Both roses and decent meals tend to cost you nowadays.


Originally Posted by Matrix (Post 123429)
Some fansite we are... :(

I can't really say I'm eagerly awaiting a Civ5. Of course it would be interesting to see what it will look like and what new features it'll have, but I'm much more content with Civ4 now than I was with Civ2 and Civ3 back then.

My biggest wish is playing on a 2D map, but I don't think that'll ever happen for marketing purposes...

I don't see why telling the truth collides with being a fansite. After all Col2 is a game with broken mechanics (take the way the AI handles the REF) and I don't think we'll ever see a patch for that. In fact I don't think we'll ever see a patch for col period.

Same for the scientific golden age of C3C, afaik it was never fixed. We did pay for it however.

To be clear: I love Civ, it's one of the best games out there and has been ever since Civ1. But Firaxis has a tendency to let the loyal Civ community do their QA testing and even then they sometimes fail to fix things.

I think that's sad.

And calling Col 'a big hit' is telling more about sales figures than about game quality. And I seriously doubt if sales have been so good anyway. When I walk into my game store the game has been moved to the bottom shelve a long time ago already.

And for playing on a 2D map: Yes, please give us our 2D maps back!! We hardcore civ geeks don't care about 3D, we care about gameplay. If we'd like 3D we'd buy a Xbox/PS3 and play some FPS on that.:p

Matrix 04-06-2009 14:49

Sorry, but I think it's just a bit silly to be an active member of a Civ-fansite and not even care about a new version of Civ. What brought you here then?

As for the rest of your critics I generally agree. One important notification though is that the Civ-community is small and noisy, but not always representative for the average Civ-player. Most players don't even notice all those bugs that we are so much wound up about. Civ-fans are very hard to please.

socralynnek 04-06-2009 15:30

I agree with Civ4 being good. I didn't have time to play it as much as I did with Civ3 but I think it was good when I first got it (which was after the first vanilla patch) and it is still great now.

You can skip the first expansion normally, so for 70 Euros (at least that is what I paid and it wasn't some special offer), you get a lot. (Even if I add the Euros spent on Col to that, it is still well invested)

And I think there are some companies with better Bug fixing but a lot with worse. Even for less complex games than Civ. Was expecting more from Col, but with Civ I am still pleased (oh, and btw, I think especially after Bts .08(?) the AI is really good)

So personally I don't need Civ5 soon, because Civ4 is still great. Surely there is still enough room left for improvements but then I am complaining on a high level.

barbu1977 04-06-2009 15:39

I'd also like the game to have a low 2D graphic mode.

I'd hate to upgrade my PC just to play it, but I will probably don't have the choice.

But to me, civ4 was a bit too complex for the casual player that I've became. Too many civs, units, wonders, strategies. I wonder if civ5 will be smoother. Probably not.

Shabbaman 04-06-2009 15:40


Originally Posted by Matrix (Post 123431)
Sorry, but I think it's just a bit silly to be an active member of a Civ-fansite and not even care about a new version of Civ.

It's not caring. It's more confidence that Firaxis will ship a broken product and make you pay again for a fixed product. There's nothing much with the game (although there are better civ games, like galciv2), but there's a lot wrong with the company.

BCLG100 04-06-2009 18:34


Originally Posted by barbu1977 (Post 123433)

I'd hate to upgrade my PC just to play it, but I will probably don't have the choice.

This is why i don't feel the same excitment, civ always seemed to me as being a game which wasn't dependent on a super brilliant computer but even at the lowest specs civ4 barely ran on my comp and whilst i appreciate that my comp is becoming a fossil it is only 5 or 6 years old. I don't think the answer to civ is to make it flashier and better looking, a game like civ is not really dependent on a nice interface to be good but rather the game itself. Those who play for the scenary etc can go play halo and the like! :)

Socrates 05-06-2009 19:21


Originally Posted by Matrix (Post 123429)
Some fansite we are... :(

Yes we are fans, but not dumb fans. People here have always shown some better sense of critics than average.


Originally Posted by Matrix (Post 123431)
Sorry, but I think it's just a bit silly to be an active member of a Civ-fansite and not even care about a new version of Civ. What brought you here then?

Well, I'm not that active here anyway, precisely. Let's say I'm doing OT only. :D What brought me here is the Civ3 duels that I wanted to do as well, and the presence of very good Civ players (and friendly contacts), all of that in a tiny community that suited me fine. But we all change, and Civ isn't part of my life anymore (doesn't mean "ever" BTW).

As for Civ5, it's not as if I didn't give a fuck at all. They can make one but I won't be crazy about it, and probably won't buy it. I'll check the news about it from time to time, because it's the series I've played most by far and I'm curious to see the evolution. But I am not waiting for Civ5.

Also, as all of you, burn da 3D ! [python]

ProPain 09-06-2009 08:27

I noticed a rather old poll on the firaxis website which had a question on graphics:


4. Graphics or Gameplay?

Percent Answer
2%      It’s gotta be pretty
51%    Balance is the key
47%    Who cares about graphics?

Imo this shows most Civ players (which I assume are the largest chunk of Firaxis game buyers/site visitors) don't value graphics as much as say the FPS crowd.

The poll is very old (asking if you have a PS2 or an Xbox perhaps :) ) but looking back it's an interesting poll knowing Firaxis develeped Civ-Rev and Civ-Col. You can see they were playing with these ideas a long time ago already.

Shabbaman 09-06-2009 09:24

But they need better graphics to cover up that they made a crappy game. It's easy to say "ditch the 3d", but that would mean they'd have to go back to old civ-engines or develop a new one. One of the reasons they made the game 3d is that all graphics engines currently are 3d-engines. I think making the game 3d is cheaper than making it 2d.

That is, if you build the game from scrap. They don't have to build the game from scrap, of course. Considering the recent experience they have with civ4 it makes sense to build on civ4 instead of civ3 (or earlier). It should be a lot easier than making civ4 as well, so hopefully they can focus on stuff that matter.

Darkness 09-06-2009 12:41


Originally Posted by Matrix (Post 123431)
Sorry, but I think it's just a bit silly to be an active member of a Civ-fansite and not even care about a new version of Civ. What brought you here then?

Must be the reason then why I am not that active here anymore... ;)

Will I buy Civ5? Probably not. Maybe I'll follow Shabba's lead, or maybe I won't play it at all... I don't know yet...

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