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ProPain 09-09-2004 18:01

CDZ 1 - Deity Space Ship SG
After the drenched in blood Always War SG it's time for a peacefull victory again. We traveling to Alpha Centauri, so we need a space ship.

This Game is gonna be deity level with a space ship vic. All other condition to be determined by the participants. So join now and excercise your influence on the outcome right away!!!

We're aiming for a 4 player minimum but 5+ is preferred so we can keep a decent speed with a reasonable time investment. The Matrix & always at war game have carried out al the way to the end, so when you join you can be certain you'll see the end (hopefully when we launch our ship.....)

Confirmed players :
- ProPain
- Steaton
- Colonel Tarleton
- Beam

Unsure players :
- Kemal (Join us, you know you wanna do another space ship and we need you! :))


Banzai 09-09-2004 19:48

Good luck guys! I'll be watching your progress from the sideline.


Beam 09-09-2004 20:07


Put me on the list plz, looking forward to play with PP and Tarly again (sorry the AaW didn't grab me), also hope anar will join after we missed Vic in AG11 :(

All vic-types active imo and maybe some rules to make it a real space race instead of us doing all exploits and almost being sure about vic about early MA.

ProPain 09-09-2004 20:14

Welcome on board Beam

Col.Tarleton 11-09-2004 11:36

Thanks for including me,PP,and nice to see you back,General (Boney) Beam.[coool]
I've Emailed Steaton so he should be confirming,soonest.

Steaton 11-09-2004 12:42

Hello all - i'm here!

ProPain 11-09-2004 12:51

welcome on CDZ Steaton, great to have you on board for the SG.

If you enjoy MP'ing with civ, be sure to check out our PBEM sections too!

Col.Tarleton 13-09-2004 11:56

My thoughts on the set up.
Barbs........Leave 'em out,they only help the AI.
Start ought to be on river with a food bonus or we could get hemmed in to only a few cities.
We should avoid the more obvious exploits,ROP rape etc but I'll go with the majority opinion on this.
A middle age UU.
What do the rest of the team think,any preferences?[coool][goodjob][party][viking]

Col.Tarleton 14-09-2004 23:14

Propain,Steaton and I had a quick discussion on MSN and agree that we'd like the Mayans,Standard map with a river and food bonus start.All victory conditions on but we'll only go for space ship.Continents.
If you agree,Beam,then PP will start the game on thursday.

Lt. Killer M 16-09-2004 18:50

me in?

please! :)

Col.Tarleton 16-09-2004 22:55


ProPain 16-09-2004 23:50

okies, 5 players, we have lift off! I'll set it up tomorrow, was planning to do that today but a family emergency (my dads wireless LAN had to be configured and he had 'his birthday too) kept me busy all day.

Kemal 17-09-2004 10:35

Good to see plenty of good players interested, PP asked me to participate as well, but after giving it some thoughts, I've come to the conclusion that SGs (at the moment) just aren't my kind of thing, as are epic single player games in general, as I haven't played one in a long time already, since the ISDG started actually.

So I probably wouldn't have been able to give the game the commitment a SG requires either, therefore I suppose you're better off without me anyway. Good luck with the game, I'll still try to follow the thread at a regular basis of course, since, as pp said, I have done quite a few space ship vics myself as well on previous occasions.

Col.Tarleton 17-09-2004 19:20

It's all systems go,take it away,Proppers.[goodjob]
Pity that Kemal feels unable to participate but there you go.[sad]

ProPain 18-09-2004 00:12

starting the game

ProPain 18-09-2004 00:46

the start - 4000BC

on a lake, which gives the food bonus liek a river. The cane is a bonus food also. the wheat in the west can make a great second city.

Settle on the spot, move worker on game forest to chop and start granary. 1st tech is alpha. I wanna move to rep and lit asap.

turn 2 - 3950
start chopping

turn 3 - 3900

turn 4 - 3850

forest is chopped we add 10 shields to granary.

turn 5 - 3800
start irrigating

turn 6 - 3750

turn 7 - 3700
we grow to pop2, I adjust lux slider.

irri os done

turn 8 - 3650
start road.

turn 9 - 3600

road done

turn 10 - 3550
move worker on sugar to mine and road

borders pop, we grow to 3 pop

turn 11 - 3500
adjust lux slider, start mining

turn 12 - 3450

turn 13 - 3400

turn 14 - 3350

we grow to pop4, mine done

turn 15 - 3300
adjust lux slider, mm town, start road

turn 16 - 3250

road done

turn 17 - 3200
move on plains as irri is faster than mining and irri plain= mined bg

turn 18 - 3150
start settler

we grow to 5 I adjust lux slider and mm city

turn 19 - 3100
lux costs are going thru the roof. we need to build a few warriors

turn 20 - 3050

Our situation

I took a gamble by building granary first. It means delaying contacts and first settler. otoh, now we can build a settler every 4 turns.

GL to the next player and please take care MM'ing our settler fac.

Download Attachment: [img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] sssg20.SAV

Beam 18-09-2004 10:52

Looking good PP!

What's the roster like?

Col.Tarleton 18-09-2004 17:19

Very nice turn log,PP.We should be able to churn out settlers,now,very quickly.
As PP hasn't left an order of play,I suggest the following order of play to get the show up and running.
Propain. (played)
Beam (up now)
Steaton (on deck)
Lt Killer.
If that is agreeable,take the next turn,Beam.
Strict 24 hr,Got it,48 hr if[lol]
So,take it away,Beam,and bon voyage.[coool]

Beam 18-09-2004 19:22

Playing (with flu, hope you won't be infected).

Set governor to Emphasize Production.

-3000 - T1:
Grow to 6, adjust slider. BG to For. for Settler next turn.

-2950 - T2:
Settler, adjust slider.

-2900 - T3:
Worker finishes road, moves to BG for mining

-2850 - T4:
Mining, settler moves to tile NW and NE of wheats :)
Next settler and growing in 3.

-2800 - T5:
A Korean Spear finds us, Wang Kon gives Alpha + 10 for Masonry. Accepted. Writing at min.

Breda is founded. :)

-2750 - T6:
Not a lot.

-2710 - T7:
Settler. It moves to the area N of Breda.

-2670 - T8:

-2630 - T9:

-2590 - T10:

-2550 - T11:
Settler. It moves SW.

-2510 - T12:
Worker > Worker in Breda, road on Wheat to keep Breda happy at size 2.

One move of the N settler is used to scout terrain from a mountain. Wow, Marsh and Forest but there is a nice tile next to a river where it will move next turn.

-2470 - T13:
The SW settler meets a Barb stack :(

We lose the settler.

-2430 - T14:
Fucking Farmer Gambit is founded NNE of Breda. > Warrior.

Closest Barb fortyfies.

-2390 - T15:

-2350 - T16:
Settler, the factory is running nominal now. :) It moves NE.

-2310 - T17:
CI worker moves to the last tile that's part of the SF.

-2270 - T18:
Europoort is founded NE of CI. > Curragh.

Forest chop puts shields in CI instead of Breda.

-2230 - T19:
Settler in CI, thanks to the chop.

1 turn to go, it is key to discuss where to move the settler now. 2 more barbs are SW of the one visible. It is the natural direction for founding the next city but we need units to clear the area. Other wise we can go N of Europoort, the Korean spear came from there > less change of barbs.

Col.Tarleton 19-09-2004 14:41

"Fucking farmer gambit",I like it.[lol]
Until we build some troops I think that settling N of Europoort is the only option.
Bad luck with the suicidal settler.
It seems that Chicken Pizza is indeed a settler factory,well done PP.[goodjob]

ProPain 21-09-2004 21:53

Propain. (played)
Beam (played)
Steaton (up now)
Col.Tarleton.(on deck)
Lt Killer.

So Steaton take it away!

Beam 21-09-2004 22:28

K, still have to play the last turn. Shall we send the settler N with or without an escort?

Socrates 21-09-2004 22:53

It took me some moments before I figured out what those little shits in the marsh were. They correspond to game, yes, but given their aspect and the civ, in fact they are... "glou glou" !!! :D At least that's how Obelix calls them. [lol] Nice addition Beam, though they could have been one and bigger.

note : this is pronounced glu glu in French...

Col.Tarleton 23-09-2004 16:50

Play your last turn,however you think is best,Beam,and post save so that the game can continue.
Are people having the same problem with accessing this site as I am?

Beam 23-09-2004 22:14

K, settler moves to Europoort, CI switched to warrior to have a defender and compensate for the early settler.

Here is the T40 sav and a pic of the current empire. I really like to have some discussion what to do at important moments in the game like where the scouting warrior should gow now it has found coast on our W. Korea is N of us, could be a pen. But we also should learn more about the S. What do you think?

Download Attachment: [img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] spacerace_turn40.SAV

It is important to check CI and the lux slider each turn. The worker can build a road to Europoort before going to mine the BG E of CI, we'll have enough shields with the warrior > settler coming up.

Steaton enjoy!

Col.Tarleton 24-09-2004 15:58

Nice set of turns,Beam.
I think that there must be a civ S.W. for the barbs to be present there.
We need a unit in each city to act as MP to get the lux tax down and I'd go for the gems,soonest.
With CI being so fecund (I just love these obscure words [lol])we can churn out settlers from there Ad Nauseum.It's all down to expanding as fast as possible.
Beam asked for some input from the team that was not forthcoming,I feel that all players should participate,more.This is what makes an S.G.enjoyable.
Take it away,Steaton,I know what an expansionist you are from previous I.P. games.

Steaton 24-09-2004 19:33

Got it will play it tomoro.

Gonna make sure our borders reach the other coast to ensure no AI cant get by hopefully reserve some land for later.

Going to build some Javelins - crack some huts and make some workers - if I have time - may only get things in motion but this is the plan.

Steaton 25-09-2004 22:09

Turn 0:
Changed worker to warrior as we have enough workers for now and not enough explorers / military police

Turn 1:
Met the Koreans - no deals to make.
Have to move warrior back to guard farmer gambit - unfortunately.

Turn 2:
Settler moving north towards enemy territory unguarded could be a big risk.

Turn 5:
Settler built in Chicken Pizza and move to far coast to block off the koreans - gems will have to wait as tactical position more important

Turn 6:
Built city 'fort squid' in middle of korean territory.

Turn 12:
Settled city on other coast hopefully the koreans wont get by now
Spotted orange (ottoman?) border to the south

Turn 13:
Made contact with ottomans - swapped alphabet and 75 gold for ceremonial, warrior code, bronze working
Built city legs eleven

Turn 14:
Building temple in city near korea - if i get one old enough the culture will be big later on allowing us to convert nearby cities

Turn 15:
All done. There is a settler going to hills below gems to get both fresh water and both gems.

Download Attachment: [img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] spacerace_turn55.SAV

Steaton 25-09-2004 22:11

Can't figure out how to do a screenshot someone let me know and I will do it! Rod you are up.

Col.Tarleton 26-09-2004 15:00

I use Anarres screen capture utility which can be found in the general discussions thread.It works a treat.
Very nice turns,Stevie,I see that you are indeed a master expansionist with 4 off settlers in production.
Here's a map of our empire. east.jpg
Mayans west. east.jpg
Mayans East.

Col.Tarleton 26-09-2004 15:11

Sorry,got that wrong,here's Mayans eastern territories.[mischief] lands.jpg
I'll play toute de suite.

Col.Tarleton 27-09-2004 21:31

Mayan spaceship.1675 BC.
Admiral Lord George Brydges Rodney takes the helm with the despicable Colonel Banastre Tarleton as his ADC.
Pre turn.
Change Bone Apart to curragh in 12
Keep settler production as is.
I.T.Chicken Pizza Settler->warrior.To go to hills on coast as 1st ring city before the turks get there.

Turn 1. 1650 BC.Warrior explores W of Legs Eleven.
IT. Nowt.
Lux down to 30% 0 GPT.

Turn 2. 1685 BC.
Send Settler/warrior pair to hills S of CP.
Settler pair to hill S of gems.
Korea are up Wheel,I.W.Myst.Maths.
Turks up Wheel,Myst.

IT. CP. Warrior-> settler.
Korea start Pyramids.

Turn 3. 1600 B.C.
Found Diamond Coast S. of Gems to get both in city radius.

I.T. Nuffink.

Turn 4. 1575 B.C.
Exploring S.F.A.

I.T. nowt.

Turn 5. 1550 BC.
Clittoris found (The Admiral does like his little joke.) on hills S. of C.P.Pops hut,3 nasties appear.
"Get some defense in those defenceless cities,Colonel"roared the Admiral.
You silly old fart thought B.B.if you hadn't popped those Nasties,it wouldn't be necessary.
"Right away,M'Lud" he simpered.
Move units about in mad scramble to cover empty cities.

Nasties make a move for Legs Eleven,Breda and Clittoris.The dirty bastards.
Worker and warrior hide in Legs Eleven.
C.P. Warrior-> settler.
Legs Eleven -> warrior-> worker.
Palace gets it's ground floor.
One Nasty bites the dust as he tries to get his dirty fingers on Clittoris.

Turn 6. 1500 B.C.
Legs elevens warrior sorts out Nasty.Only one left,now.
Diamond Coast changed to worker,we only have 3.

Nasty fumbles at Clittoris,bites the dust,Serves him right.All Barbs are vanquished.Hoo-Fuckin-Ray.
Europrt Settler->Barracks.I think we might need some vets,soon.
Korea starts T of A.

Turn 7. 1475 B.C.
Writing in 5 @ +1 GPT.
The others don't have it yet,we might get some trading fodder.

C.P. warrior->settler.
Breda settler -> Rax.
Korea starts the Colossus.They must have half their civ on wonders.
"Shiver me timbers,Tarleton,me boy,those Korean bilge rats are a greedy bunch of swabs."The Admiral was on his second bottle of
Cap'n Morgan rum and was feeling irratable.
"Quite so,M'Lud" said BB. wearily.

Turn 8. 1450 B.C.
Far western warrior kills barb.He was in my way,he said.

Volcano S. of Bone Apart starts to smoke.I hope the city is far enough away not to get covered in red hot ash.Oh,the horror,the horror.
Turks settle Izmit S.W of Diamond coast,it looks as if we only have room for a couple of more cities.
We have 3 settlers in the field and 2 in production and nowhere to put them.Seems we have lost the land grab phase.
We can settle 1 more city on the flood plain W. of Legs and then we're scratching.That'll make 10 cities.

Turn 9. 1425 B.C.
F.F.G. changed from settler to Jav thrower.1 turn,will act as sorely needed M.P.
C.P. changed to worker.

C.P. worker->temple.
D.C worker->worker.
F.F.G. Jav->worker.
Legs warrior-> temple.

Turn 10 1400 B.C.
Move western warrior to mountain to heal,see green boarders to the south.Perhaps Japan?
The settler W of Legs needs to be sent back.There are 2 off settler/warrior pairs W.of Legs Eleven.
We now have 5 workers with 2 more in production.The expansion phase seems more or less over but we need 11 cities for an F.P.
Perhaps we could send a pair west of Izmit to try and snaffle more Gems.

Col.Tarleton 27-09-2004 21:38

And now the save.

Download Attachment: [img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] Mayan Spaceship 1400BC.sav

Col.Tarleton 27-09-2004 21:57

Maya East.1400BC. 1400 BC..jpg

Maya West. BC. West..jpg

The whole Mayan civilisation.1400 B.C. whole Civ.jpg

Col.Tarleton 27-09-2004 22:00

It's all yours,Killer.take it away but be gentle with it.[lol]
Enjoy,good luck.Perhaps writing might give us a good trading session.[party]

Pastorius 28-09-2004 11:22

Beam. Care to ship that resource file over here to the mountains?

remove something, and send. thanks :)

Comment to the screenshots I see:
Wow, lots of cities. I guess I should devote more attention to MMing, and push out more settlers early...

Beam 28-09-2004 13:16

Err, which one has your interest in particular? Just sent me an e-mail and I'll sort it out. Or PM your e-mail address.

EDIT: Got it. ;) Files comes the CFC Graphics section so if you want to more shit in the pic ask it there!

File goes in the top Art directory, i.e.: ...\Atari\CIV3PTW\Art\resource.pcx

Download Attachment: [img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img]

Pastorius 29-09-2004 21:49

Contents beamed down. No Klingons detected :D

Col.Tarleton 29-09-2004 21:56

Does anyone know what has happened to Killer?He hasn't posted since his sign on a fortnight ago.If he doesn't "got it" soon,I suggest that you play,Propain.

ProPain 30-09-2004 22:18

I'll try and take it tomorrow night but chances are slim.

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