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grahamiam 08-09-2005 16:58

*** Spoiler *** The Rowing Muppets
If you are a memember of the Bearded Cows or the Red Nosed Orcas, please look the other way!

grahamiam 08-09-2005 17:04

Civ discussion:
1 of our civ's must be the Iroquois. However, I don't think both of them need to be them.
Other AA UU civ's of interest:
Celts, Sumerians (if 2 AGR civ's are allowed)

Probably others

Tubby Rower 08-09-2005 20:33

Persians would be my choice out of the non-ag civs due to SCI & IND trait. If we are close together Iro could "borrow" a worker or two.

if 2 ags are allowed 2 Iroquois it is.

I don't care which I play. So once you decide on your choice send Rik my choice as the other civ.

grahamiam 08-09-2005 21:00

ok, Persians sound good. That'll be speed + brute force, no need ever be on the defensive [lol] Plus, we'll get a free tech into the IA (if it makes it that far).

Now, we should decide on research priorities. Since neither of us will start with Pottery, the Persians should research it while the Iro go full speed for Philosophy.

Tubby Rower 09-09-2005 02:31

10-4 good buddy..

Who's who? I really don't care. Are you going to send Rik the civs or do you want me to?

grahamiam 09-09-2005 05:25

I'll play Iro and you can play Persians. I'm playing Persians vs Akots and that's enough for now :)

Tubby Rower 10-09-2005 03:25

I sent our civ choices to bed_head.

grahamiam 10-09-2005 04:40

thanks TR :)

I saw your comment about not ever playing regicide. basically, you get a king unit. once it dies, you die. therefore, use it wisely ;) early on, it is a very helpful explorer (probably why Rik and mistfit wanted to change the rule), so send it out, but not too far, just enough to know the surroundings and to find each other. and don't use it to pop huts!

also, when you get the save, send me your opening tech's as "accepted" in the F4 screen (if you can, may not be able to because I probably won't have a city if I go 2nd). I will then send mine in the same deal.

is this your 1st pbem?

Tubby Rower 10-09-2005 20:46

yes solo. I'm playing the MTDG on CFC so I know a few of the quirks... But if something is important for me to know, Please tell me. I don't mind looking like a fool. I'd rather win than keep my dignity ;)

grahamiam 11-09-2005 16:47

that's ok, here's a quick item list that Killer gave me in my 1st pbem.


quote:Remember to ALWAYS quit any game you play to the
main screen (CTRL-SHIFT-Q), THEN load the PBEM -
otehrwise you will be able to load the wrong saves
AND be able to continue playing with MY civ! :eek:
bad bad bug, but Firaxis deemed it unworthy of
fixing :(

Aside from that, there is one hgue bug: worker
actions finish at the END of your turn, not the
beginning of the next. Thus, 'will be done in 2
turns' actually means it will be done RIGHT AFTER
YOU END YOUR TURN! The next turn the worker has
used up its move and just stands there. This can
be important for luxury connection and chopping

Also, a worker that is busy cannot be activated
and moved in the same turn! Watch out for AI units
out to grab your workers!

Alright, that's it for now, if I remember anything
important I'll tell you.
also, remember to end your turn by hitting the spacebar. you will then be prompted to enter the name of the save (just keep the same convention, but change the letter from a to b or whatever).

we will hopefully be using Matrix's turntracker. so we'll need to upload the save there. once it starts, I'll take screenies to show you how (it's very easy).

Tubby Rower 12-09-2005 15:03

Yes, thanks for that. I've noticed the worker finishing @ beginning of the turn, but I didn't think about them not being able to stop what they are doing and NOT being able to move.

Have you ever used F11 to see how you are standing with the other teams? I'm doing that in the MTDG over at CFC and it was quite enlightening. Also have you used a spreadsheet for your opening before? I have a fairly easy one to use if you want it.

grahamiam 12-09-2005 15:32

I use F11 every turn after turn 30 or 40 ;)

Tubby Rower 12-09-2005 16:55

F11 earlier could help in strategy too. I can keep track of it.

you didn't say whether or not you wanted a starting spreadsheet. So here it is if you want it. You'll have to change the center tile to 3 food since you'll be agricultual but other than that you just type in the tiles to use and can set everything up. The tiles are in the second sheet of the workbook

Download Attachment: [img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img]

grahamiam 12-09-2005 18:08

Ok, thanks TR :) Reason why I don't normally use F11 earlier is that I usually have my first 20 or so moves preplanned [eek] and try not to let emotions force me to change. However, this game will probably be over by 100 turns, so I will most likely look earlier :)

IRO: starts with Alpha and Pottery
Persians: starts with BW and Mas

Anyways, research should be that the Iro go for Writing and the Persians go for Warrior Code to protect us against any early archer rushes. From there, we'll need to decide on IW or Wheel for the Persians, based on the Iro research speed.

Tubby Rower 12-09-2005 19:27

I was wondering what to research... I thought that the IRO start with Wheels. But I guess that was in regular civ. Why WC? Why not go directly for the resource-yielding IW? No issues, just a question.

grahamiam 12-09-2005 19:36

Japan starts with WC (and I can think of no reason to take them other than they have WC). Best way to defend against an early archer rush is with archers of our own. We'll already have spears to take the high ground, so anyone who tries to attack us will be foolish.

It may be best to do IW after WC, not sure. Finding the iron and hooking it up early could be key, but setting up our cores and having ourselves protected from early rushes is absolutely necessary, imho.

Tubby Rower 12-09-2005 19:47

When are you usually on MSN chat? We could hammer a lot of stuff out over IM rather than here.

EDIT:::I just looked at the turn-tracker. Are we supposed to upload it to there? or email it to the next player in line? I figure that it is the former.

grahamiam 12-09-2005 20:05

For turn tracker you do the following:
1. select your game
2. select your name (then, add the page to your "Favorites" so you can go back later)
3. select the proper turn number
4. check the "Enable Upload" checkbox (should already be checked)
5. browse for file
6. upload it by clicking the "submit button

The turntracker will then show you a page reporting whether or not the file was saved. It will then dump you back to the turntracker page. No emails necessary and we can always see who sent the save last :)

I cannot get on MSN till later this week. Tuesday I will be out of town for work and tonight I'll be busy with an SG (hopefully, my last).

edit: I'll try tonight but I cannot promise anything. Sorry

Tubby Rower 12-09-2005 20:10

Why would Rik be Spain? They are REL & SEA. I wonder if that is why Japan was selected due to the REL trait.

Which leads me to the next question.... Are we going for Monarchy or Republic? If this wasn't AW then I'd definately go for Republic but I wasn't sure of the consequences of Republic in a locked war.

grahamiam 12-09-2005 20:28

I cannot figure out Spain either. I'll list the teams and see if I can make some sense :)

Spain: REL, SEA (CB and Alpha) but it's a pangea???
IRO: AGR, COM (Pottery, Alpha)

Iroquois: AGR, COM (Pottery, alpha)
Japan: REL, MIL (CB, WC)

So, it seems that they could be going for a Monarchy slingshot. As for us, if the game is only going to last 100 turns, I'm not even sure it's worth revolting. However, we could go as follows: Persia: WC, Myst, Poly; Iro: CB, Writing, Philosophy. Then get Monarchy as our free tech however, we would be at a disadvantage. If we want to go Monarchy (which I'm not against), then maybe the Persians need to do the lower tech tree while the Iro go straight for Philo. I would need to do some calc's to see what makes sense.

Tubby Rower 12-09-2005 20:39

In your above scenario, We wouldn't get horses or iron. Is this a good idea? I do like the Despotism-only idea. It wouldn't be that bad.

grahamiam 12-09-2005 20:44

That's very true, we would lack horses and iron which would be very bad. Also, if I can get Philosophy 1st, then we deny thier ability to do the slingshot, which would feel very good [evil]

Ok, let's stick to our original plan: IRO full speed for Philo, Persians start on WC, then we re-evaluate (Wheel or IW).

Tubby Rower 13-09-2005 01:31

rememember, no emotional decisions ;)

Tubby Rower 13-09-2005 13:26

I was talking with mistfit about this game and how excited we were to get it started. I popped the question about Spain. He said it was due to the UU, Conquistador. 6-tile movement since it treats all terrain as roads.

He also mentioned that he thought that Whomp's Japan choice was to see horses immediately. I think that the UU might have been more of the deciding factor. It really doesn't matter

Tubby Rower 13-09-2005 13:56

Here is my start


& here is what I've come up with for my initial builds and what tiles to work

EDIT:: I realized that IND workers take 3 turns to irrigate..fixed the spreadsheet

grahamiam 13-09-2005 14:24

IND workers take 2 turns to irrigate. Sorry, no time to review. how did you see your start? I did not play yet and I thought I was ahead of you?

Tubby Rower 13-09-2005 14:43

I checked in game and it takes Persia 3 turns to irrigate, 2 turns to road, & 4 turns to mine. I believe in C3C, that the IND was changed from 200% efficiency to 150% efficiency. Either way, I have a spreadsheet with irrigating in 2 and another in 3 just in case. Depending on when the cow is irrigated, I'll use the appropriate spreadsheet.

The pic is from CivAssist 2. It'll show you a world map and everything even if the save that is loaded is not technically your turn. I thought that it might be of use to you since you will go first.

grahamiam 13-09-2005 14:45

Ok, but you get the benefit in 2T, and your worker is frozen on the 3rd.

bed_head7 13-09-2005 22:27

Note that Japan starts with the Wheel, not Warrior Code.

grahamiam 15-09-2005 01:45

thanks bedhead. I thought militaristic starts with WC...

anyways, here's my start. I moved the chief 1st, saw the cow, then calculated that I'd grow in 6T if I moved (move + 3fpt from cow + 3fpt from AGR trait), 7T if I stayed put (only +3fpt till turn 10) so I moved. I have sent Pottery and Alpha to you, already accepted. just add your techs and accept., 4000BC.jpg

Tubby Rower 15-09-2005 14:38

Ok I started this thing and forgot we were playing Accelerated Production. I adjusted my spreadsheet and now need advice on which way to go.
starting location

Which way should I go?
Safer start settler.gif
Early settler

grahamiam 15-09-2005 14:43

#1, you need a military unit, just to be safe. i forgot about AC as well :)

Tubby Rower 15-09-2005 15:05

Ok. I figured that that one would work better. After posting them, I saw that I get my 3rd settler out on turn 19 in #1 & turn 20 in #2.

Do you need a spreadsheet for AP or not?

Also how can you delete attachments over here at CDZ?

grahamiam 15-09-2005 17:33

not sure how to delete attachments. if you want, you can just email me the AC SS. I'll take a look at it later, not sure I'll use it but I might need to to get this stuff straight

Tubby Rower 15-09-2005 17:52

Sent to your yahoo address. I filled it our a little based off of what your screenie showed.

Tubby Rower 23-09-2005 13:18

Gram, I don't know what happened.... My capital grew to 2 even before the other two AGR teams. I irrigated my cow. The IND worker must do things at 2x the speed instead of 1.5x. I swear I did nothing. My spread sheet said that I should have had 7 food in the box this turn but I swear that I did nothing. Can someone else check on this? All I did was download the save and start it up and boom I had 2 pop. This was a little worrysome because I had to re-arrange my spreadsheet and enter in numbers manually. I'm at a lost of what to say or do. I finished playing the turns and sent it on to Rik.

grahamiam 23-09-2005 14:34

TR, you have to remember, that you worker actions complete on the turn before they do in single player. So, if you click on your worker, and it says "2T to completion", that means that the work will be done when you hit the spacebar, and you get the benefits if your citizens are working that tile. Your worker will be frozen next turn, and then will be able to move the turn after.

So, if the Persians take 3T to irrigate a tile, they will recieve the benifit at the end of the 2nd turn.

grahamiam 23-09-2005 14:53

this also means you can get the benefits of roads in 1 turn as well as mines if you use 2 workers. However, in pbems, as IND trait civ's, I try to avoid stacking workers early as improvements are layed down so fast that it's a waste.

Tubby Rower 06-10-2005 17:11

OK I grew to pop 3 first again....This is weird since I'm the last person... I'm slowing my growth to get the granary up quicker. Which was in the original plan.

I think that my king is a bit far away, so I'm thinking of bringing him back

I have spices withing my capital's radius now. I also spotted some dyes 1S-1SW of where my king is now

Tubby Rower 06-10-2005 17:33

I forgot to mention that I'm average militarily with everyone except Mistfit and I'm weak against him.... I have just my king, & a spear.

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