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Tubby Rower 30-05-2007 01:27

**Spoiler** A little sumpin sumpin with the King
I'm gonna kick KingReno's behonkus in c3c. So everyone ready for the carnage stick around... else leave now.

Beorn 30-05-2007 02:59

Save sent through email; I downloaded it off my sent email and it works. Have fun, forgive the mapmaker, cuz the map is unforgiving ;)

Tubby Rower 30-05-2007 12:52

OK... I was able to open the save here at work, but I don't have c3c. I do have a laptop that has c3c on it, but I won't be able to play it until lunch. So here is my start and I'm intending on settling in place instead of going after the sugars since there's no fresh water over there.

I'm Ottoman and start with BW and MAsonry. KR starts with Bronze Working and Pottery and is Russia
Here is how the map is set up... we told him to surprise us.

quote:Originally posted by Beorn

The map is laid out:
Continents, small, 70% water, arid, sedentary barbs, emperor.

The starts are 'fine', if you want really easy starts I'll put that under your christmas tree. I was a bit more evil in other places though. Again, if you want no pointy tail action in the mapmaking, It's easily fixed.

X and Y wrapping are both on. The map is quite asymmetrical and from the way it came up, I thought it would be nice that way. This too is a click away from being cancelled if you'd rather.

There are 3 AI, should I randomize, sheepen or beefen them up? Right now they are all tier 1 civs, but with weaker tiles.

digger760 30-05-2007 13:16

Hmm are you sure? if you move onto the hill you get 4 sugars in the city radius, a bonus grassland and you still reach the wheat. You dont really look to loose anything except a turn by moving.

Also i looks to me as if there could be desert peeping out of the fog to the south west beyond the sugar (I could be wrong its hard to tell), so it could be real crap to settle out that way. So i think it is better to get all the sugars now.

barbu1977 30-05-2007 13:34

Move your worker on the mountain and take a peak on the other side. the spot 1 NE of the montain might be real good.

Tubby Rower 30-05-2007 13:42

I assume Pottery is the tech for me to start off as? I'm loading the save onto the laptop now

worker to mountain reveals.....

Tubby Rower 30-05-2007 13:44

that's 3 bgs, 3 hills, and a wheat on the tile to the NE of the mountain. Also my AI friends are Celts, Carthage and Rome. No idea what their starting techs are though.

Tubby Rower 15-06-2007 22:09

well I screwed up and didn't mm for happiness one my capital grew to 3. So I had one turn of fires, looting and general fun in my capital. But I should have a settler in a couple more turns.. I'll need to find a spot for the rufians to settle.

Any ideas?

BCLG100 16-06-2007 03:21

can you not mm it to grow quicker and produce the settler later?

grahamiam 16-06-2007 04:06

i think the king is gonna kick your ass if you keep letting the peons setting your shit on fire ;)

Tubby Rower 16-06-2007 22:58

yteah... I suspect that this might not last long due to my lack of nerve impulses in my head.

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