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Tubby Rower 14-11-2006 18:04

Civs vs Civs - Open Thread

we're finally underway.

Here is the thread where this was started if you care to read it.

Basically each player has 2 leaders from the same civ. except IglooDude and he has Native American civs (as a reward for acquiring a hosting computer :D Thanks ID)

Here is the roster

America (George & Roosevelt) - Robboo
China (Mao & Qin) - Socraynnek
England (Vicky & Elizabeth) - barbu1977
France (Louis & Nappy) - krysABunchOfLetters
Germany (Bismark & Freddy) - Darkness
India (Asoka & Ghandi) - Robi D
Mongolia (Kublai & Ghengis) - BCLG3001
Russia (Pedro & Cathy) - Tubby
Incans and Aztecs - IglooDude

IglooDude 14-11-2006 18:06

I'll get Civstats going as soon as we have a couple reports of the game working properly.

BCLG100 14-11-2006 18:30

tubby dont forget to post a picture of your capital so we can all see our summer retreats

Tubby Rower 14-11-2006 18:36

Which capital? I think that I might name mine after random drinks made with vodka [:p]

oh and I need the city called Uranus so that Buddhism can spread to Uranus [lol]

BCLG100 14-11-2006 18:43

you liked that one huh? :D

im not sure what to name mine this time, i think i may go for interesting places to spread....

Socrates 14-11-2006 18:48

What is CivStats ?

I think I'll also name my cities for once. And fact is, we almost (or all ?) have the same civ twice, which means there is redundancy here, not sure how the game copes with it.

BCLG100 14-11-2006 18:50

Civstats is basically a program that runs alongside pitboss that ID sets up made by some fella at cfc which allows you to check on the internet how long left on each turn there is without actually going through the hassle of logging in and looking for yourself :)

Tubby Rower 14-11-2006 19:23 is the site. You can register and then you can actually conduct diplomacy there if you don't have an email address or PM location. It will also give you information available to everyone in game such as when people log in and out, when people's scores increase or decrease, when someone is eliminated, etc.

IglooDude 14-11-2006 20:36

Looks like Darkness just finished both his civs' turns. [coool]

Darkness 14-11-2006 20:37

OK, I logged on just fine for both my civs, but when I had moved all my units I didn't get the "press enter for next turn" announcement on the bottom of my screen (for both civs).

IglooDude 14-11-2006 20:45


quote:Originally posted by Darkness

OK, I logged on just fine for both my civs, but when I had moved all my units I didn't get the "press enter for next turn" announcement on the bottom of my screen (for both civs).
So you just logged out?

Odd, given that the pitboss admin panel is showing the asterisk next to both your civs, which indicates that your turn is complete. [confused]

barbu1977 14-11-2006 20:56

could it be that the default seting on the map does not have "always wait the end of turn" box checked?

Darkness 14-11-2006 21:10


quote:Originally posted by IglooDude


quote:Originally posted by Darkness

OK, I logged on just fine for both my civs, but when I had moved all my units I didn't get the "press enter for next turn" announcement on the bottom of my screen (for both civs).
So you just logged out?

Odd, given that the pitboss admin panel is showing the asterisk next to both your civs, which indicates that your turn is complete. [confused]
No, I ended my turn by pressing [SHIFT][ENTER]
That works just fine. I just wanted to say that I didn't get the "press enter for next turn" message at the bottom of the screen. After ending my turn I got the "waiting for other civilizations", like always.

IglooDude 14-11-2006 21:23

Civstats is up for the game:

The registration password for this game is the letter c. (If you don't have an account at civstats yet, you need to create one before you can register for this particular game.)

And I'm not sure if it'll matter, or for that matter if anyone can even tell, but if I've got your two civ leaderheads in the wrong order just let me know.

Tubby Rower 14-11-2006 21:24

I didn't get the message either...btw, DArkness and I are tied for the lead :)

IglooDude 14-11-2006 21:33

I'll see if that setting can be changed via Gyaathar's utility.

Socrates 14-11-2006 22:06

How do you play a PitBoss game ? [:p]

barbu1977 14-11-2006 22:22

In the civ menu, you select Multiplayer -> Direct IP connexion.

Then you enter the IP sent to you by PM, hit connect, select your leader, enter PW, wait a little and you play your turn!

That's about it.

IglooDude 14-11-2006 22:58

On one of my civs, it prompted me to hit enter when all moves were done, but it didn't do that for the other civ...

Socrates 14-11-2006 23:36

I played. :) I didn't get the End-of-turn message for either civ.

barbu1977 15-11-2006 00:49

Is there a way to switch leader without logging out?

BCLG100 15-11-2006 01:00

i dont think so barbu

Robboo 15-11-2006 01:52

nope you have to log out....

played no problem.

Robi D 15-11-2006 08:00

Logged in for both civs no problems, will play in a few hours when i have the chance to sit down for more than 5 mins.
Anyway big thanks to akots and ID for the map and server respectively :)

socralynnek 15-11-2006 10:19

Played with no problems, but didn't get the message either but as it waited til I pressed th green button, it's fine.

Robi D 15-11-2006 10:31

Lookoing at civstats everyone who has been in has ended their turn, just BC left to play to take us to turn 2

BCLG100 15-11-2006 14:55

my bad, knew i forgot to do something, ill go in and check it now :)

IglooDude 15-11-2006 15:11


quote:Originally posted by BCLG100

my bad, knew i forgot to do something, ill go in and check it now :)
Looks like you need to hit your turn in the 32-player pitboss game, too.

BCLG100 15-11-2006 16:01

i was just about to go into that now [:p]

everytime i go into 32 player though it literally kills my comp :(

BCLG100 15-11-2006 16:10

the mod for the 32 played game wont open :(

maybe could be to do with how ive patched up now... any ideas anyone?

IglooDude 15-11-2006 16:12


quote:Originally posted by BCLG100

the mod for the 32 played game wont open :(

maybe could be to do with how ive patched up now... any ideas anyone?
That'd certainly be my assumption - the game is running unpatched still, so unless you install an unpatched Warlord game or the game patches, you're SOL.

BCLG100 15-11-2006 16:14

hmmmm. We'll i patched up so i could play the civIVor warlords game

IglooDude 15-11-2006 16:21


quote:Originally posted by BCLG100

hmmmm. We'll i patched up so i could play the civIVor warlords game
Right, I think most people that are also in other multiplayer Warlords games (this doesn't happen to include me) are running both versions at once.

BCLG100 15-11-2006 16:32

plus i patched to see the blake thing, havnt played SP yet :)

IglooDude 15-11-2006 17:00


quote:Originally posted by BCLG100

plus i patched to see the blake thing, havnt played SP yet :)
What's the blake thing? [confused]

BCLG100 15-11-2006 17:13

makes the AI actually clever, theres a thread both at cfc and poly listing what he's done and basically he's made the AI think like a human- its pretty amazing tbh. Makes the game harder without just giving the AI bonuses

Robi D 16-11-2006 23:31


quote:Originally posted by BCLG100

makes the AI actually clever, theres a thread both at cfc and poly listing what he's done and basically he's made the AI think like a human- its pretty amazing tbh. Makes the game harder without just giving the AI bonuses
That sounds interesting, which part of the forum is it in?

Edit- Never mind, found it

BCLG100 17-11-2006 18:51

new turn is up :)

oh and it appears im at war now :)

socralynnek 17-11-2006 18:58

i'm at war too.
evil ********************************************** declared on me twice, no, four times.
or so...

Tubby Rower 17-11-2006 19:06

so ynnek and BCLG are at war.. do tell... I'm at work and won't be able to check the game until a bit later.

EDIT:: nevermind I have once again confirmed that I'm a moron... everyone is at war in this game... duh. I confused this with the CDZ pitboss game [wallbash]

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