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BCLG100 25-04-2010 00:29

Check in please if you want to play because I can't be bothered sifting through two threads to find who wants to play!

akots/furiey (maybe)

Beam 25-04-2010 01:37

Count me in plz! Fractal sounds ok to me if no modder to do the map and plz turn Vassal States off for the Colonization penalty.

akots 25-04-2010 03:50

I might be able to provided that there is a sub since I heavily anticipate to be away from compouter in June and August-September-October.

BCLG100 25-04-2010 12:19

We should probably get someone to check it still, such as I would say we should start with a couple of settlers, couple of workers and a couple of warriors to give us all something to do at the start.

Furiey 25-04-2010 12:36

I'm not sure if I'll be able to play so would be happy to sort the map out as long as I know the process to go through to do so.

BCLG100 25-04-2010 14:10


Originally Posted by Furiey (Post 126593)
I'm not sure if I'll be able to play so would be happy to sort the map out as long as I know the process to go through to do so.

You and akots could always team up if both of you are having problems? Feels wrong having you host pitboss and then not playing! :)

Furiey 25-04-2010 14:42

That would probably work. I seems silly being out of work and struggling with time but I'm currently going through a feeling very guilty stage and really have to get my finger out and get a decent CV out there and circulating. The old PC will be on and folding anyway. I'm an absolutely awful Civ 4 player, hoping to pick up some tips in the MTDG to improve my game, but I've never seemed to gel with it in the same way I did Civ 3.

barbu1977 25-04-2010 15:23

I'll play

Robi D 02-05-2010 09:10

I don't have the time to play at the moment but i can make the map if you want

Furiey 08-05-2010 12:38

That sounds like a plan!

Robi D 12-07-2010 02:41

The Cut more Crap MP just finished so we might get a bit more interest in this MP game, maybe we can see if anyone not looking here would like to join in as well.

I'm happy to play since i have more time now but since i've already offer to help out with the map i'll honour that if no one else is willing to

Furiey 12-07-2010 12:14

I'm still happy to host.

socralynnek 14-07-2010 00:57

Great, I am still in!

BCLG100 14-07-2010 01:56


Originally Posted by socralynnek (Post 127722)
Great, I am still in!


Shabbaman 14-07-2010 11:00

You know this thread is in a private forum right? Only team members can read this. Let me know if you want to have this placed in Opponent Finding.

grahamiam 14-07-2010 14:33

I'd like to play if there's room :)

BCLG100 14-07-2010 15:29


Originally Posted by Shabbaman (Post 127726)
You know this thread is in a private forum right? Only team members can read this. Let me know if you want to have this placed in Opponent Finding.

who on the forum doesn't have access here though?!

Robi D 14-07-2010 15:55

Well we could put it in there anyway there might be someone

Shabbaman 15-07-2010 18:05


Originally Posted by BCLG100 (Post 127731)
who on the forum doesn't have access here though?!

People like Stapel.

Robi D 16-07-2010 15:13

I think we have 5 or 6 confirmed. If we can get 8 that would make for a good game

socralynnek 16-07-2010 15:47

Didn't SilentConfusion sound like he's interested?

Azza 18-07-2010 09:57

I'll play.

barbu1977 18-07-2010 14:47

I'm back from vacation...

I'm in.

Stapel 18-07-2010 18:25


Originally Posted by Shabbaman (Post 127766)
People like Stapel.


And I am interested!

SilentConfusion 18-07-2010 18:25

I am interested. Count me in. Thanks for the message Robi.

BCLG100 19-07-2010 00:02


Originally Posted by Stapel (Post 127813)

And I am interested!

Maybe you should join team CDZ to be more awesome!

Robi D 19-07-2010 02:58

Well we got 9 players, so how are we going to do civs, random or choice. Also there was a suggestion of a fractal map is everyone happy with that?

SilentConfusion 19-07-2010 09:09


Originally Posted by Robi D (Post 127820)
Well we got 9 players, so how are we going to do civs, random or choice. Also there was a suggestion of a fractal map is everyone happy with that?

I'm happy with a fractal map.

I also don't care about chosen leaders versus random leaders. Do we want restricted leaders or unrestricted?

Furiey 19-07-2010 13:28

I always find having a leader from a different civ terribly confusing, Ghandi of the Aztecs? So would prefer to stick with the standard leaders. Fractal map is fine and I would be happy to go with random civ.

Azza 19-07-2010 15:03

Fractal map is fine, random saves me from having to pick a civ.

socralynnek 19-07-2010 16:03

Yeah, I am fine with random civ, fractal, restricted leaders and no tech trading as well.
I prefer "No city razing" but could also live without.

Stapel 19-07-2010 17:58

I really do prefer a smaller map, with wars starting rather sooner than later. Civ V is around the corner and it would imho be a possible show stopper if the game drags on for months after that.

Short and ful of action!

BCLG100 20-07-2010 02:45

Restricted for me otherwise I don't mind. I do think standard sized map but starting off with perhaps 3 settlers, 3 workers and 3 scouts/warriors. Though I can't remember if were getting a map check so if not then sod it :)

Robi D 20-07-2010 04:15


Originally Posted by BCLG100 (Post 127847)
Restricted for me otherwise I don't mind. I do think standard sized map but starting off with perhaps 3 settlers, 3 workers and 3 scouts/warriors. Though I can't remember if were getting a map check so if not then sod it :)

Well i said i would.

Also since its fractal, there can be people isolated pre astronomy on seperate island, did you want galley routes for all.

And isn't the usual CDZ start 2 settlers, 1 worker, 2 warriors?

Robi D 20-07-2010 05:37

Also city razing, on or off

Stapel 20-07-2010 08:54


Originally Posted by Robi D (Post 127851)
Also city razing, on or off

I don't really care, as long as I KNOW what it is!

Robi D 20-07-2010 10:14

Well from reading the thread i can see 9 players;
BCLG, Stapel, Ynnek, Azza, Furiey, Silentconfusion, Barbu, Graham and Beam.

I had a chance to play around with the map settings today and i'd propose for a 9 player fractal map a small size with low seas. From that i'll be adding some land to make sure everyone at least has galley routes so as not to be isolated. I'll also minimise useless land (ice, desert) and make sure everyone is spaced out evenly and has the basic resourses in their area. That should give everyone enough room for 4-5 cities before bumping into others which with a 2 settler start will be filled out fairly quickly.

I also suggest that everyone should start with the 6 base tech, which would speed up the start and more importantly make sure no one is left with a worker scratching their arse while they have to research a tech to give them something to do. but i'll leave it up to you guys to decide

I assume the standard cdz no tech trades, but i need to know about city razing to start working on the map, the other stuff i can add in or take away after. Also i have this week off work so i could have the map ready to go for the weekend, otherwise it will probably take me a couple of weeks to do.

socralynnek 20-07-2010 10:25

I guess, with small size, "no city razing" should be the way to go. With far stretched empires that might be very tedious, but with small sizes it helps defending whereas normally the war-wagers would be in favor.

Azza 20-07-2010 11:04

"No city razing" on.

Beam 20-07-2010 11:23

I'd be happy to host this MP again, but I'll be on holiday the first 2 weeks of August.

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