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Beam 07-12-2003 12:55

Tourney ideas, interest, etc.
Couple of people already have expressed interest in reviving the Tournament and ProPain and me were already thinking along a combination with KoD.

First of all it would be nice to know how much interest there is and how we can make it work.

There is line in the sand from my side and that is results processing, the admin efforts in particular. If we are going to do it that should be far more efficient compared with the way we did it in the Tournament.

Also, imo if we have multiple divisions the easiest would be on Emperor level. Hardest on Sid?

col 07-12-2003 21:22

If you simply grade games by earliest finish on a particular victory type, it would make rankings much easier.
Monarch games would be Ok too, if looking for fastest designated finish by culture for example.

Beam 07-12-2003 22:31


quote:Originally posted by col

If you simply grade games by earliest finish on a particular victory type, it would make rankings much easier.
Thnx [kiss] col!

More than happy with that. But we had an extensive discussion on that, final conclusion being that we wanted to keep some pop points in as well AFAIK.


quote:Originally posted by col

Monarch games would be Ok too, if looking for fastest designated finish by culture for example.
Just an open question col, who would be playing Monarch on CDZ? Agree that OCC will be a challenge but a 5CC handles most of the OCC issues imo.

col 07-12-2003 22:50

Maybe it was the penultimate conclusion. I dont think adding points in does much to the game and just complicates the scoring.

I'd enjoy 5CC on monarch. I enjoyed the commercial domination game too. I'm all in favour of variants but would find them a bit tough on Emperor. Not a problem though, I can always submit losses.

Maybe we just need two divisions here. One for Anarres, Erikk, PP and co. And one for the lessor mortals. Of course, thats how we all met up in the first place...

Ribannah 08-12-2003 00:39


quote:Originally posted by col

If you simply grade games by earliest finish on a particular victory type, it would make rankings much easier.
Hear, hear! [yeah]

Sir Eric 08-12-2003 00:50


quote:Originally posted by col

Maybe we just need two divisions here. One for Anarres, Erikk, PP and co. And one for the lessor mortals. Of course, thats how we all met up in the first place...
I think that there would be enough of people like myself that are not up to playing diety but can play monarch or even have a dig at Emporer for there to be a "Lesser Mortals" division.

WildFire 08-12-2003 01:12

I would love the lesser mortal dvision :D

Melifluous 08-12-2003 12:23


quote:Originally posted by WildFire

I would love the lesser mortal dvision :D
Me too...


col 08-12-2003 12:25

I've always regarded myself as one of the strongest players - I hold up everyone else on the ladder.

Darkness 08-12-2003 13:10

I'd also prefer the lesser mortals division... ;)

Eklektikos 08-12-2003 19:39

Even a lowly schmuck such as myself might be tempted to have a shot at the "lesser mortals" division if sufficient free time presents itself :D

Beam 08-12-2003 19:51

How about the Lesser Mortals playing Emperor most of the games with sidesteps to Mon and Demi? The Upper Beings can enjoy themselves then with Deity and Sid, maybe with a touch of hard Sid :)

WildFire 08-12-2003 20:32

Sounds good! I will play the tourney sometime when I am not lazy!

col 08-12-2003 22:41

Sounds good to me too - can we have a monarch Always War variant?

Beam 08-12-2003 23:18


quote:Originally posted by col

Sounds good to me too - can we have a monarch Always War variant?
Always the peaceful builder right?[lol]

col 09-12-2003 08:17

I'd be happy for a monarch Never war variant too. I like different styles of games that force me to play in a different way.

Skyfish 10-12-2003 15:16

Monarch Always War is real hard ! Not far from Deity...

col 10-12-2003 15:25

Too true - thats why I'm not in favour of 'Its not worth playing unless its Emperor or Deity'. You can have some great games on Regent or Monarch if you have restrictions too.

Beam 11-12-2003 00:08

Agree with that, we discussed "always at war" in the Tourney as well and the issue we had was how to verify this apparently simple condition afaik. C3C editor allows embassies for all players and that could be part of the solution.

Another thing: in the "thread about a certain individual" Matrix asked the question where the Tourney was different from the GOTM. Annares responed right to the point imo by saying that one could play at a diff. level of choice. No way I intend or want to recreate that thread, I'd just like to share views how we can get the best of those worlds into a CDZ tourney. Imo (again) a lot of the sentiment with the GOTM is in the post-Matrix era.

Would really appreciate if PP and Matrix respond, without making all other responses less meaningfull.

Let's talk about another fun item on CDZ!

Melifluous 11-12-2003 01:06


quote:Originally posted by Beam

Agree with that, we discussed "always at war" in the Tourney as well and the issue we had was how to verify this apparently simple condition afaik.
Two words for ya...

Locked Alliances...

Alliance 1 = You.
Alliance 2 = Everyone else.

You set both at war with each other.


ProPain 11-12-2003 09:30

I'm in favor of different divisions, but I also think regular deity players can enjoy a lower level game with some restrictions like AWW. Or at least I will. I think divisions should be about game difficulty in general and not just game difficulty level. FOr now I think starting out with 2 divisions should be ok.

I'm also a big fan of easy scoring. Although sometimes being ridiculed for it (RIP Simple Ladder System ;). I'd say earliest date of finish determines winner, when people end on same date, civ score decides.

I agree processing results should be automated in some form, I'm prepared to look at it but as you all know by now, my programming skills are a 'bit' flimsy. I have reserved time to finish web entry for the ladder during the x-mas holidays, so I can take a look at tourny then too. It would be very helpfull if someone with asp/php skills could help out.

In C3C I don't think we can hold up all random maps. Just the start position placement alone is so crummy (how do they manage to break something that worked ?????) that maps should be looked at. I'm prepared to make a map once in a while, but not all the time because I wanna play myself too :D

I'd say let's try and start a 'season' on the 1st of january!!

Skyfish 11-12-2003 10:00

Well maybe we should not get too over-excited here, there has been numerous attempts to have a Single Player game played by everyone here at CDZ and none ever worked. Its very much a PBEM forum where ppl rather spend their time on their PBEMs
We should really check how much feedback we get from KoD2 in order to then launch a Tourney or not.
No ?

Melifluous 11-12-2003 11:05

But KoD is on Demi-God and I for one wont be playing it for that very reason alone.

Unlike some people I like to start a game I think I can win.

Taking a poll from KoD players seems like a great idea for the Harcore Division but its precisely the softcore players that this 2 tiered system would attract.

How about we just open a poll anyway?

1) Hardcore Div (Deity equivalent and Beyond)
2) Softcore Div (Lesser mortals)
3) Aint gonna play, uh-uh not me sonny...


col 11-12-2003 13:15

The most popular tournament division operated at Monarch / Emperor level. Competitive for the lesser mortals yet still a chalenge for fastest win for the hot shots. I'm with Meli. I'm not interested in deity / demi / Sid games that I probably will lose.

Shabbaman 11-12-2003 13:21


quote:Originally posted by Skyfish

Well maybe we should not get too over-excited here, there has been numerous attempts to have a Single Player game played by everyone here at CDZ and none ever worked.
Don't be too pessimistic... I think there's an interest in single player, a new tourney might attract new members as well. I always enjoyed reading threads, even when I didn't play.
I for one will try to play, but anything above emperor is beyond me. I've tried the first sp challenge, but I didn't complete it due to "other interests" (not even a pbem, not even playing atm).

ProPain 11-12-2003 22:15

Also high difficulty is much more time consuming than lower difficulty. So that might help to get some people to play too.

Melifluous 12-12-2003 10:15


quote:Originally posted by col

I'm with Meli.
Well fuck me! [:o]

There's a first time for everything...!


And shabba? Skyfish is always pessimistic, somink to do with being French I think ;)


Beam 12-12-2003 11:04

We indeed might attract players that are for some reason not playing PBEM. Just because they only have a shitty phoneline for example. And not be looking for numbers either which means more admin. I would be perfectly happy with 10 active ppl per division. :)

Division naming, how about:
- Upper Beings (Deity and Sid)
- Lower Mortals (Monarch to Demi)

or something like:
- Micromanagers
- Governators

For the rules we could start with a dressed up version of the old tourney rules with modifications on simple scoring, divisions and schedule. The tourney site still resides at CFC (and locally on my desktop as well):

Do we still like the one game / 2 weeks schedule, that could be a bit to much imo, one / 4 weeks prob. a better fit in everyones pbem affairs.

Comments appreciated!

Melifluous 12-12-2003 11:14


quote:Originally posted by Beam

Comments appreciated!
Sounds peachy [goodjob]



Shabbaman 12-12-2003 11:19

One in four sounds better to me, I don't play that fast.

Beam 12-12-2003 11:21


quote:Originally posted by Melifluous


quote:Originally posted by Beam

Comments appreciated!
Sounds peachy [goodjob]


Van Dale says about peachy:

peach·y ['pi:tsi] (bijvoeglijk naamwoord; vergrotende trap: peachier; bijwoord:
peachily; afleiding: peachiness)
perzikkleurig, zacht, donzig
(Amerikaans-Engels; informeel) reuze
fijn, leuk, puik, prima

I assume you mean the 2nd option, otherwise you're on pot early friday morning [smokin]

col 12-12-2003 11:44

One in four sounds triff. (find that in your dictionary ;) )

I'm all in favour of fun variants though. I played a resourceless game once. That was certainly different. And a game with no UUs. CRacker's commercial domination was a fun game too. (Had to reach a specified gpt and gp to win).

col 12-12-2003 11:46

Btw - if you need someone to collate the results for a division, well, I've done it before and dont mind doing it again. (And I got the results out on time unlike some people .... ;) )

Melifluous 12-12-2003 11:46


quote:Originally posted by Beam

Van Dale says about peachy:

peach·y ['pi:tsi] (bijvoeglijk naamwoord; vergrotende trap: peachier; bijwoord:
peachily; afleiding: peachiness)
perzikkleurig, zacht, donzig

Searching for most of these...

A Dutch-English dictionary gave me this for Zacht

zacht [a] (dulcet, honeyed, mellifluous, mellisonant, sweet) pleasing to the ear.



Shabbaman 12-12-2003 12:20

Wouldn't it be an idea to start before christmass. I for one have way too much spare time during the holiday...

Beam 12-12-2003 13:07

Just being practical here. KoD2 is already available on demi-god. I do not know if PP created that one from a scenario. If so a sav on emperor level could be created as well and we can start well before christmas.

@col, help very much appreciated and yeah, we could come up with nice fun variaties. Population, number of wonders, a city of every AI are all verifyable goals.

Some more about the rules: do we really want a promotion / demotion system? In the tourney it never worked and if we abandon it the concept of seasons also is subject to discussion. Seasons however have the advantage that ppl entering at a later time have chance to win something compared to a ladder system. And allows for ranking based for 3 out of 4 or 5 games in case ppl are away for some time.

My 2 cts (paid by the customer I am "at work" right now).

Ribannah 13-12-2003 19:44

A rating system could provide a continuous ranking. It has two advantages:
- you don't have to play all the games in order not to drop;
- newer games automatically weigh more but older results still count.
People could have two ratings, one for each division.

The ratings would be based on ranks in individual games and adjusted according to the difference between expected rankings (based on the existing ratings of all participants) and actual ones.

ProPain 14-12-2003 12:15

I created KoD as a random game start, so it's no scenario. But why not start a tourny gamne before the x-mas holidays. Reading thru this I think most people are looking for a slightly easier game than demi-god so I think a tourny will have more followers anyway.

I for one have time to do both games :)

Ribannah: I think the rating system is fine for a continuous ranking but not for a season oriented play. I was thinking to work in seasons, you can easily skip a season when you dont have the time to play. Also you can change division easily when a new season starts and be competitive from the start.

But if the general feeling is a continuous ranking would be more fun that's fine with me ok.

Ribannah 14-12-2003 13:12

It also is possible to combine the two. To qualify for a seasonal victory, you must play a minimum number of games in one at the same division, while for the continuous ranking every game counts.

And we should have prizes, of course. The GOTM used to rename cities after the winners, that was a cool idea (I got a town in Spain, of all places!). What if when you win a season, you can design your own civ? :)

Stapel 15-12-2003 12:35

Time to reveil the basics...

What does KoD mean?

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