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Aggie 14-04-2004 13:08

How's Aggie?
I've just had my first appointment with someone of an institute that should help me recover and get back to work.

The good news is that I haven't got a burnout yet. It appears that I stopped working in time. But I have to be careful with what I do and shouldn't overcommit myself. After a month at home I think that I am doing well there, despite my renewed activity in SG's and PBEM. I have a lot of free time, so the time I spend on CFC and CDZ should be seen in that light. I was told that as long as I like doing these things I should do it, because it give me new energy. But too much is obviously not good.

So I will sometimes not be able to do things as fast as I'd like it to do, but I will notify you (in map reuqests, during pbem's and SG's) and take an extra day (or two).

Lt. Killer M 14-04-2004 13:36

aggie, take it easy, smell the roses, enjoy life, get a wife, marry, have kids..

oops, that would be counterproductive [lol]

civ on! ;)

Socrates 14-04-2004 14:36

Tihs is very important. I myself wonder about my future Civ activity. But if I find the time and energy for it, if it doesn't kill me, if I like it, then there shouldn't be any reason for me to stop. CDZ lets me civving at my pace. :)

Aggie 25-06-2004 20:25

Two months later I know that I had a burn out. I took me quite a while (3 weeks) to get in an active mode again. But organising SG's really did help me there. I have done things I liked to do that required me to make an effort even when I didn't feel like it. I'm still not 100%. I notice that when I'm running my standard track. I'm still 1 minute away from my record, although I run 3 minutes faster than 2 months ago. The track takes little more than half an hour. And the record is really not such a good time. I should be able to go 3/4 minutes faster when I'm really in top shape.

Yesterday I had an appointment to get me back to work again. I will start working on Monday, 2 hours a day. This should go up towards 8 hours a day after 4 weeks. I am looking forward to work. It won't be the same job I had. I can't commit myself to that, I would again be in the position of defending a stupid error which I warned the company for, but in vain. But probably challenging nontheless.

microbe 25-06-2004 21:06

What was the original story Aggie?

Aggie 25-06-2004 21:10

It's in my "I end all my PBEM's" thread.

Lt. Killer M 26-06-2004 01:53

aggie, it is really good to hear you are making progress! Please, take it slow ;)

Aggie 17-08-2004 11:44

At July 1st I started with a reintegration program at work and last week was my first full working week. Although I am pleased with the progress (because I don't expect miracles), I am aware that I should be alert to not make the same mistake as last year. I still have troubles to keep my concentration for a longer period and I have to allow myself more rest to improve this. So I decided to drop something from my busy schedule. The choice between work, sports, holiday preparations, CIV and other RL things was easy. Especially because I don't see a lot of challenges in C3C unless it gets patched (and AI's know how to use and oppose armies). Winning difficult games (like beating Sid in SP's and SG and winning OCC Conquest on emperor) are reasons for that. Right now I think it is more important to invest in my mental and physical condition than in a computer game and an internet forum. I will finish my last 3 SG's and 2 PBEM's (anarres, DDPP) but won't start up something new.

Thank you all for a great civ time and expect me back in full swing with CIV4 (a C3C patch will probably only spark my interest for two or three months, to try out the game without the overpowered armies).

Lt. Killer M 17-08-2004 14:11

aggie, take it easy, relax! if you have gotten to the point in C3C where only a really tough challelge offers something to you (which, then, is not relaxing) I think everybody will undrstand you won't do it.
Plan for Australia and enjoy it - just do not forget us here @CDZ ;)

Stapel 17-08-2004 14:38

Well, have fun in Australia first.

Life is always 'just about priorities' Whether it is money or time, usually both are only there in limited portions.

Take your time! I know you will be back for 'just another game', before CIV IV is out ;) .

Shabbaman 18-08-2004 09:33

Your boss is probably very happy with you Aggie, finally back at work and leaving immediately for a holiday ;) But it's good to know that things are catching up for you again! Have fun in australia, and I hope we'll see you here at CDZ at least now and then.

Aggie 18-08-2004 09:43

The very first day I returned to work I told that I would be going to Australia if it would be OK. Luckily they said that I could go. I'm trying to fight the feeling of guilt. One of my bad traits. This feeling of responsibility is one of the triggers for the burn out... And the company knows it.

Shabbaman 18-08-2004 10:28

Well, you still got the right for a decent holiday. You've been ill, that's no holiday.
If your company has a decent P&O system they know that as well. My guess is that they're really thrilled that you're not getting into the WAO, since that'd cost them a fortune. And if they're a good employer, they're also glad that you're back, as a person. So it's a win-win situation, in fact.

yndy 18-08-2004 11:32

What's a WAO?

I'd have some other things to comment about but I'd rather not complain. Glad you're feeling better Aggie.

microbe 18-08-2004 23:48

Maybe you can try something like one SG at a time, just for relax!

Aggie 19-08-2004 06:34

microbe, I'd better not. Despite the great idea you have with the berzerks. I think it would be good for me to totally switch my attention to something else.

@yndy: WAO is a law for people unfit to work (any work) for a long period. The employer has to pay a penalty when someone gets in the WAO. My absence was too short for this.

Aggie 28-10-2004 20:14

Finally back in full swing! I got a new appointment at my work, under my conditions.

At the start they were a bit hesitant to give me more responsibility or a more critical assignment. Understandable, but in the end I like a challenging job. They understood that soon enough and now I am building my own new team, to support the biggest bank-to-bank transaction system of our client. An area in which I have 5 years of experience, but which I abandonned at one point when nothing exciting was happening there anymore. Now they have rediscovered it and soon all bank-to-bank traffic of the client will go through our system! It has nothing to do with bestshore locations in India [dance] I have very motivated colleagues and that really does give me energy as well.

I'm very confident that this is the right way for me to proceed, even when it means staying at this company. But with a decent salary and an absurd number of holidays I can't complain. I can always look for another job at another time. No rush there.

I still won't start any new CIV3 games (unless things get patched), though I might want to start another game through CDZ...

Plux 28-10-2004 21:14

Congrats Aggie! Good for you! [goodjob]

Coincidentally, I got sorta sacked today from my current job, although I did ignited it myself. Not terrible tho, coz I was supposed to go look for smth better/ higher level anyway..

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