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Beam 13-04-2014 18:40

Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth
Found this on :) :

Nieuwe Civilization speelt zich af in de toekomst
Het nieuwste deel in de Sid Meier's Civilization-reeks zal zich afspelen in een sci-fi-setting. Voor het eerst is niet planeet Aarde het toneel van de game, maar een onbekende planeet.

Foto: Firaxis
In Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth wordt er aan het begin van het spel bovendien niet voor landen of naties gekozen, zoals in de voorgaande spellen, maar speelt de speler als één van de acht expeditiesponsoren, die ieder de buitenaardse planeten willen koloniseren met hun eigen mensen.
Net als in zijn voorgangers is het op de nieuwe planeet de bedoeling dat de speler legers bouwt, technologiën ontwikkelt en uiteindelijk een nieuwe samenleving neerzet.
De nieuwe setting zal veel spelers doen denken aan Alpha Centauri, het sci-fi-strategiespel van dezelfde ontwerper als de Civilization-reeks, Sid Meier. De titel is inmiddels eigendom van gamestudio EA, niet van Firaxis.
"Beyond Earth is een nieuwe toevoeging aan de Civilization-reeks. We zijn zeker geïnspireerd door Alpha Centauri, maar dit is een ander spel en bedoelt om op zichzelf te staan", vertelt gameplay-ontwerper Anton Strenger tegenover Time.
Civilization: Beyond Earth verschijnt deze herfst voor Mac, Windows en Linux. Net als de voorgaande keren zit er dus weer vier jaar tussen de nieuwe game en de relase van de vorige game; Civilization IV kwam uit in 2006, Civilization V in 2010.


Beam 13-04-2014 18:48

More information: :D

Sid Meier's Civilization®: Beyond Earth™ is a new science-fiction-themed entry into the award-winning Civilization series. Set in the future, global events have destabilized the world leading to a collapse of modern society, a new world order and an uncertain future for humanity. As the human race struggles to recover, the re-developed nations focus their resources on deep space travel to chart a new beginning for mankind.

As part of an expedition sent to find a home beyond Earth, you will write the next chapter for humanity as you lead your people into a new frontier and create a new civilization in space. Explore and colonize an alien planet, research new technologies, amass mighty armies, build incredible Wonders and shape the face of your new world. As you embark on your journey you must make critical decisions. From your choice of sponsor and the make-up of your colony, to the ultimate path you choose for your civilization, every decision opens up new possibilities.


Seed the Adventure: Establish your cultural identity by choosing one of eight different expedition sponsors, each with its own leader and unique gameplay benefits. Assemble your spacecraft, cargo & colonists through a series of choices that directly seed the starting conditions when arriving at the new planet.
Colonize an Alien World: Explore the dangers and benefits of a new planet filled with dangerous terrain, mystical resources, and hostile life forms unlike those of Earth. Build outposts, unearth ancient alien relics, tame new forms of life, develop flourishing cities and establish trade routes to create prosperity for your people.
Technology Web: To reflect progress forward into an uncertain future, technology advancement occurs through a series of nonlinear choices that affect the development of mankind. The technology web is organized around three broad themes, each with a distinct victory condition.
Quest System: Quests are injected with fiction about the planet, and help to guide you through a series of side-missions that will aid in resource collection, unit upgrades, and advancement through the game.
Orbital Layer: Build and deploy advanced military, economic and scientific units that provide strategic offensive, defensive and support capabilities from orbit.
Unit Customization: Unlock different upgrades through the tech web and customize your units to reflect your play style.
Multiplayer: Up to 8 players can compete for dominance of a new alien world.
Mod support: Robust mod support allows you to customize and extend your game experience.

Beam 13-04-2014 18:51

Looks like they'll be using the Civ V engine. Best of all it will be available on Linux!

Can this please be moved to the main Civilization section?

Shabbaman 13-04-2014 21:11

Yeah, pretty cool (hopefully).

barbu1977 14-04-2014 04:53

Alpha Century II?

Socrates 14-04-2014 11:54

As usual, a useless trailer with no gameplay. This turns me off more and more. But we get to see and hear some French at 0:50, how cool is that. :D

Shabbaman 14-04-2014 12:28


Originally Posted by barbu1977 (Post 139754)
Alpha Century II?

It is, but they can't use the name because the IP is owned by EA.


Originally Posted by Socrates (Post 139755)
As usual, a useless trailer with no gameplay. This turns me off more and more. But we get to see and hear some French at 0:50, how cool is that. :D

It's just civ5, but with a tech web instead of a tech tree.

Socrates 14-04-2014 15:37


Originally Posted by Shabbaman (Post 139756)
It's just civ5, but with a tech web instead of a tech tree.

So they are going to sell it at half price, obviously. :rolleyes:

Shabbaman 14-04-2014 16:40

Or else... PTW compensation plan [mwaha]

ProPain 14-04-2014 20:49


Originally Posted by Shabbaman (Post 139758)
Or else... PTW compensation plan [mwaha]

That plan carries a long way :D

Although ACII is a great idea I fear a 'colonization 2 on Civ IV engine' disaster coming up

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