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socralynnek 19-07-2010 16:03

Yeah, I am fine with random civ, fractal, restricted leaders and no tech trading as well.
I prefer "No city razing" but could also live without.

Stapel 19-07-2010 17:58

I really do prefer a smaller map, with wars starting rather sooner than later. Civ V is around the corner and it would imho be a possible show stopper if the game drags on for months after that.

Short and ful of action!

BCLG100 20-07-2010 02:45

Restricted for me otherwise I don't mind. I do think standard sized map but starting off with perhaps 3 settlers, 3 workers and 3 scouts/warriors. Though I can't remember if were getting a map check so if not then sod it :)

Robi D 20-07-2010 04:15


Originally Posted by BCLG100 (Post 127847)
Restricted for me otherwise I don't mind. I do think standard sized map but starting off with perhaps 3 settlers, 3 workers and 3 scouts/warriors. Though I can't remember if were getting a map check so if not then sod it :)

Well i said i would.

Also since its fractal, there can be people isolated pre astronomy on seperate island, did you want galley routes for all.

And isn't the usual CDZ start 2 settlers, 1 worker, 2 warriors?

Robi D 20-07-2010 05:37

Also city razing, on or off

Stapel 20-07-2010 08:54


Originally Posted by Robi D (Post 127851)
Also city razing, on or off

I don't really care, as long as I KNOW what it is!

Robi D 20-07-2010 10:14

Well from reading the thread i can see 9 players;
BCLG, Stapel, Ynnek, Azza, Furiey, Silentconfusion, Barbu, Graham and Beam.

I had a chance to play around with the map settings today and i'd propose for a 9 player fractal map a small size with low seas. From that i'll be adding some land to make sure everyone at least has galley routes so as not to be isolated. I'll also minimise useless land (ice, desert) and make sure everyone is spaced out evenly and has the basic resourses in their area. That should give everyone enough room for 4-5 cities before bumping into others which with a 2 settler start will be filled out fairly quickly.

I also suggest that everyone should start with the 6 base tech, which would speed up the start and more importantly make sure no one is left with a worker scratching their arse while they have to research a tech to give them something to do. but i'll leave it up to you guys to decide

I assume the standard cdz no tech trades, but i need to know about city razing to start working on the map, the other stuff i can add in or take away after. Also i have this week off work so i could have the map ready to go for the weekend, otherwise it will probably take me a couple of weeks to do.

socralynnek 20-07-2010 10:25

I guess, with small size, "no city razing" should be the way to go. With far stretched empires that might be very tedious, but with small sizes it helps defending whereas normally the war-wagers would be in favor.

Azza 20-07-2010 11:04

"No city razing" on.

Beam 20-07-2010 11:23

I'd be happy to host this MP again, but I'll be on holiday the first 2 weeks of August.

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