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DrAlimentado 10-03-2005 17:29

congrats KR [smokin]

I know where you are coming from with the lack of bits of paper thing, sounds like you have landed on your feet with the new job though :)

I can't even begin to comprehend fatherhood though [:|] heh, good luck with that!

Melifluous 10-03-2005 18:16

Hey nice one KR!

Would like to add my top tips for would be parents.

1) Get your gf to hoover as much as possible, gets the baby used to loud noises in the womb and may mean that they will not easily wake in the night.
2) Buy a tumbledrier. Babies use a lot of clothes and hanging out all of it makes your house look like a bombs gone off in a clothes shop.
3) Teach them the alphabet phonetically before they get anywhere near a school.
4) Dont teach your child the concept of 'not liking' food. Then they will eat anything.
5) If none of your friends have kids, get used to turning down each and everything they suggest to go when going out. They dont understand how much work a baby is.

and most important.
6) Dont let anyone tell you how to care for your baby or how to feed them. That is your choice and a very important one. Nobody knows how to look after your child but you. You will be living everyday for at least the next 12 years with them.

Enjoy yourself. Kids are great!


Swingue 10-03-2005 22:08

He KR,

Didn't know you got a new job, great!!
BTW we still have a christmas card of Aristo for you to burn if you want?


Kingreno 25-04-2005 22:19

Short update.

The GF is at 39 weeks now. This basicly means that as time progresses the chance increases it will happen. I am freakin nervous and concentrating is not that easy. Luckily I have a job now and I also got a lot of housework to do now; Cooking (good) and cleaning/washing/vacuming/ectect (ranging from less good to very annoying) keep me busy for quite some time as well.
It is a very strange idea that I will have a baby soon (well, hopefully), I guess other fathers here get my point especially. I feel ready and the gf is rather confident as well and that is a plus. I guess all we can do is wait.

As for domestic issues, those of you currently engaged in Pbems with me, please do be patient if the save suddenly does not arrive pronto. I know you understand and I will get on with playing them as soon as I possibly can.
I'd like to make a special request for the pound-6-player-game as I'd like to ask another player to take over temporarily when the baby comes. It would be a shame to let 5 people wait when the game is still so young and turns take only a minute to play. Please let me know if you're interested, it is quite amusing I can asure you!

grahamiam 25-04-2005 22:46

39 weeks? she must be ready to pop [lol] good luck and enjoy some quiet time with the baby, it makes up for all the crying and fussing :) nothing is more relaxing than having a little one fall asleep on your shoulder while in a rocking chair. got a nursary ryme to sing to it yet?

Darkness 25-04-2005 23:47

Sound exiting KR! Good luck to the both (three ;)) of you... :)

Pastorius 25-04-2005 23:55

As we spoke about before, you have irrigated the cow, so growth will happen soon. Remember that luxury slider must be adjusted, or the new citizen will become unhappy. In fact, make sure the existing citizen is happy as well.

Domestic advisor says: Hail to the King's baby ;):D

grs 26-04-2005 00:21

Best luck to you. I can only second what grahamian already said. Have a really nice time!

Banzai 26-04-2005 00:34


quote:Originally posted by Paalikles

you have irrigated the cow
..... Right! ;) [crazyeye]

Rik Meleet 26-04-2005 09:13

Good luck KR. Enjoy it; It's the memory of a lifetime (so I've heard).
Looking forward to some pictures of "Prince Reno".

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