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JerichoHill 24-04-2007 20:15

password glovier

Beorn 28-04-2007 22:21

BC the LG has been spotted to our general NE, South bound.

Whomp 29-04-2007 20:32

I saw that. My quechas could be useful creating some havoc around them. Workers etc.

Beorn 01-05-2007 04:05

Bump to JH for his turn, we need a research partner.

I also wondered: how do you change your civ's name and infos on the civ selection menu? I found no interface for that anywhere...

JerichoHill 01-05-2007 14:34

I changed my research to AH for you guys.

Also, please note that I am defenseless right now, getting a workboat out, then a warrior...going for fast growth and whippage.

I figure with you guys covering me, its all good sweet

Whomp 01-05-2007 19:52

I've never figured that out how to change it either B.

Remember I'm gone on Friday and back Sunday. B can you grab our turns?

Beorn 01-05-2007 20:25

I'll be gone by thursday night ...

JerichoHill 01-05-2007 21:02

I can grab everyone's turn thursday night...B you get friday-sunday

Beorn 02-05-2007 03:16

I'm sorry JH, my point being that I'll be gone for the better part of a month, maybe more.

Whomp 02-05-2007 04:10

OK I'll check with Matrix to see if he can grab our turns over the weekend. JH--Beorn is traveling from Quebec to Florida on a bike trip....crazy kids. :D

Beorn 02-05-2007 04:26

What we can do is put our units on automove and queue down builds and techs. We'll end up losing a bit but heh, time is what it is.

JerichoHill 02-05-2007 15:17

cant we just get a substitute player?

Whomp 02-05-2007 17:13

I pm'd Matrix to see if he can do it. I'll try to find a backup just in case. Stapel maybe.

Whomp 03-05-2007 15:48

Matrix is going to take our turns while we're away. I think having JH's scout continue into Raisin Bran's territory is worth the risk. One of my scouts is headed for a goody hut and my quecha is headed northeast towards Raisin Bran's area. He might be able to cause some havoc.

Beorn 03-05-2007 17:34

That BC's outpost town is going to eat it so bad ! We need to get archers out and raid it asap.

Beorn 05-05-2007 15:15

My Bike has not shipped in and I'm en tabarnack. But I'll play our turns.

JerichoHill 17-05-2007 05:13

it looked to me like we had an island unto our own aside from the one enemy civ, is this a correct assumpttion? i also dont see any warriors in the city.

Beorn 17-05-2007 05:35

I'll send my scout to the eastern tip so we have a 100% certainty, but this would be awesome. Fortress of stupidity right there. Should I hold before popping the goody hut? The longer the better right?

Whomp 17-05-2007 15:27

There's no warrior in the city. However, he's at pop 2 working a 0f3h tile and a 2f1h tile. He'll likely get one up before my Quecha can get there but another is following. Beorn you have a unpromoted warrior ready to move in too. I'm not sure if he's better off with city attack or woodsman promotion. If we do woodsman he'll be cornered.

I also waited till we got BW before I popped the hut (JH's scout I think). What's our next tech? Archery so we can work on getting HBR or pottery to start making workers so we can get our economy rocking.

Beorn 17-05-2007 17:46

I'll leave him unpromoted for now and we'll see what's best when we get there. Maybe with both of our units on raider we can crack the nut. Otherwise we'll have to mount up something larger, like 3-4 archers.

Whomp 17-05-2007 20:22

Here's the good news regardless of whether we take the city or not. We can start settlers/workers because they're boxed in and will destroy themselves if they try to fight their way out of there. Remember there's forests and hills they have to fight through just to get out of the city.

Robi D 18-05-2007 13:16


quote:Originally posted by Beorn

I also wondered: how do you change your civ's name and infos on the civ selection menu? I found no interface for that anywhere...
In the game, when you press escape in get the menu with exit game, save game ect, go into "Your Details" tab near the bottom, you can change it there :)

Whomp 18-05-2007 15:19

BC has a warrior in the capital now. I'm 4% win possibility with my quecha so I think we should just cordone him off until we get enough units to hammer him. I'll have two along with the 2 scouts to box him in. We can focus on getting some workers/settlers out in the meantime. While you guys go for pottery I can start on archery -->HBR. I'll have fish this turn and started another quecha (sp?).

Beorn 19-05-2007 22:48

I wondered how to place landmarks, so I right clicked on the ground ... with my double woodsman, into a non-forest tile right beside a hungry lion. I'd count that guy out.

Beorn 25-05-2007 04:02

I took the liberty of moving Whomp's scout over the forest BC was working on for 2 food, he's now on a 1F 2H tile. I'm not sure how much better that is, but anyways we can't block every useful tile he has, yet.

Whomp 25-05-2007 05:25

As it is he's using the fish offshore. I think he'll keep pop rushing warriors (or archers) till he chokes on them.

We have to decide how we're taking him out. Do we wait till axes or overwhelming brute strength?

Beorn 25-05-2007 14:03

As I see it, his best move right now is to use that civ researching for as long as possible, pumping out warriors and archers non-stop. The earlier we strike, the easier it will be. We may have 3% win chance right now but with city raiders it might go up a significant notch.

Considering he has plenty of food either way, I moved my warrior to deny him hammers.

Whomp 25-05-2007 16:58

OK. I don't know if there's a way to calculate our odds but will 3 quechas, 3 of Beorn's warriors and ?1? of Jericho's warriors we may be able to pull it off.

btw I pop rushed JH's worker build so he can start building. Feel free to do my turns whenever btw..I've been doing all the turns when I see them open.

JerichoHill 27-05-2007 03:43

I see beorn is 10 turns away from a going to finish my stable on the pigs on the hill, the move my worker and escorting warrior the bronze spot. Beorn can settle there and we can have him start pumping out axemen, keeping bclg pegged in.

Beorn 27-05-2007 04:29

Sounds good with me, though you'll probably have to share these moves. I'll be gone May 29 - June 12 without civ access.

Whomp 27-05-2007 05:58

OK B. Have fun and be safe.

JerichoHill 30-05-2007 02:38

bclg had a warrior, took out my scout.

Whomp 30-05-2007 03:15

I saw that. I wonder if we should hit him now that he's down a bit? The third quecha will be there soon too.

JerichoHill 30-05-2007 03:32

beorn has 3 warriors, I have 1. you have quechas.

He has nothing but warriors, and soon, archers. His guys have the Combat 1 and Anti-Melee

But he can't break against our fortified warriors on the hill (or forest)

so I am still in favor of having beorn's settler move to the bronze and settle 1 tile away, so we can grab that. Your worker can come over escorted, and mine has an escort, and we can build the mine and link it quickly... I will immediately be able to produce axemen too.

Let's get sailing next so we can build a galley and ruin his sea production

Whomp 30-05-2007 18:08

That sounds like a plan. Should we turn off HBR for the time being and go back later?

Beorn 19-06-2007 00:30

May I suggest either of you guys send a Trireme North for some fishing supervision at our neighbor's place?

Whomp 19-06-2007 02:19

I think JH's should go. I was thinking of exploring the island near me. Wouldn't that make sense?

Beorn 19-06-2007 03:29

It would. Reinforcing the trireme up there with another one of its kind when we can afford it wouldn't sound like a bad idea to me either, it would force him to build a couple himself to counter our efforts.

Whomp 19-06-2007 15:31

OK I'll try to get another out before I get a barracks built.

JerichoHill 20-06-2007 20:05

fyi: internet at home being sporadic and sucky.

so thats why I havent been on time with turns.

sorry guys, verizon stinks, hopefully resolved shortly

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