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Whomp 13-06-2005 17:31

No problem regentman.
I will send the settler to blue dot instead.

Haruka 19-06-2005 03:33

Lookie this.

Whomp 19-06-2005 05:52

Yeah boy! Very sweet, very sweet.
I just sent a curragh on a suicide mission too.

Haruka 19-06-2005 06:39

The bad thing is that, since none of us is Seafaring, even with the Great Lighthouse, we wouldn't get a safe passage without ship chaining.

Whomp 19-06-2005 15:32

True but at least we'll know what's it looks like before them. My curragh sunk on the last IT.

RegentMan 19-06-2005 18:43

Woot! Great luck Hakura! Pray that it doesn't sink this time around...

From what I'm seeing on the power/culture graph, we pwn them in score and power, but unless they built their capitals really early, they're building some early culture because they're beating us in culture. Good job Iroquois too - first to 200!

Haruka 19-06-2005 19:07

Well, if they're building some early culture, it's not that good for them, I think. When will culture actually play a part in this game? :D

Haruka 19-06-2005 19:42

It survived!!!![party]

RegentMan 20-06-2005 00:39


quote:Originally posted by Haruka

Well, if they're building some early culture, it's not that good for them, I think. When will culture actually play a part in this game? :D
Exactly what I thought when I saw the chart.

:D @ the curragh. Hopefully we've landed on the other continent, and not some misc. island chain. It's kind of weird that we don't see any units/borders, though. Keep us informed, Hakura!

Haruka 20-06-2005 01:14

Maybe their island is like ours, with a peninsula on the south? Like the one to my south.

Whomp 20-06-2005 15:54

A little update from me. Sorry I forgot to send lit until 34. I started on currency so we can get some markets up. I didn't see a huge need for ducts as we're still in expansion mode. The first MW is being built and I think maybe 2 more settlers before Stealth switches to other things. I don't want to crowd you two too much. 2 turn settler and 1 turn worker factories are awesome!! I saw their culture too. What's up with that? Keep up the power rankings! Tell me if I need to hook up the iron at any point. I have 10 or so workers going and a new one every turn.

BTW I'm not real swift. I see people write woot! and pwned all the time. What do they mean?

Haruka 20-06-2005 15:59

Don't worry about crowding, me, I still have a lot of work to do settling the south.

I'm going Polytheism --> Monarchy, which will get me a two-turn settler factory. (And short Anarchy) :D

Woot (alt. w00t, W00t) is just a "hurray!" or "Woohoo!"

Pwned is a common typo of "owned" originating from Starcraft (I think) that stuck.

RegentMan 20-06-2005 19:37

Right, woot is like woohoo! and pwned is a typo from StarCraft meant to be owned, which is to be heavily defeated.

Melifluous 20-06-2005 20:00

or as it says here.


w00t was originally an acronym for "we owned other team" but used 1337$p34|< for some of the letters(w00t instead of woot). It is now commonly used as an interjection of joy.
"w00t! I pwn3d j00!"
"Oh! You see that hs??!?! W00T4G3!"
and pwned here


A corruption of the word "Owned." This originated in an online game called Warcraft, where a map designer misspelled "owned." When the computer beat a player, it was supposed to say, so-and-so "has been owned."

Instead, it said, so-and-so "has been pwned."

It basically means "to own" or to be dominated by an opponent or situation, especially by some god-like or computer-like force.
"Man, I rock at my job, but I still got a bad evaluation. I was pwned."


"That team totally pwned us."


akots 20-06-2005 20:15

Russian is a peculiar language for that. "We owned other team" would be as possibly polite (as it can be) form of "We have fucked the other team in all their holes and stuff. And we enjoyed that and we don't care what the other team thought of that."

Haruka 20-06-2005 20:38

OMFGz we need to get the Great Lighthouse. :D

Whomp 20-06-2005 20:40

Akots would it be ok to name a coastal city "Owned" in this PBEM? Would they find it funny or an insult?

Very interesting Haruka.
Bummer only one of us would benefit from the Lighthouse.

Haruka 20-06-2005 20:52

So who should it be? I have a coastal capital, but using it would cramp my expansion... Spicy would be a good city, but maybe a bit slow. What's it like for RegentMan?

Whomp 20-06-2005 20:56

I would let RegentMan continue to expand. I can try to get Giddyup up to speed. I think I can afford to do it.

Haruka 20-06-2005 21:39

Okay, then.

Pastorius 20-06-2005 22:02

Some picture wizard that can make a screenie where all of your lands are on?
It's interesting to see how you guys divide the available land between yourselves

akots 20-06-2005 22:47


quote:Originally posted by Whomp

Akots would it be ok to name a coastal city "Owned" in this PBEM? Would they find it funny or an insult?
[confused]Have no idea. Probably OK. Just try not to name it something like "ScrewURussians". [lol]

RegentMan 21-06-2005 00:00

I'm on the other side of the continent, but the extra move could benefit me. My only problem is that I don't really have a high-shield city. Plus I need to expand some more.

Whomp 21-06-2005 02:33

Regentman I got a little confused when I saw the Lit come back. I sent it again.

My best coastal shield city did a chop so I may have to wait a couple turns before I start. Giddyup isn't capable for close to 68 turns.

RegentMan 21-06-2005 05:04

You need to hit "accepted" on the bottom before it'll go through. If you're simply gifting something to one of us, please send it accepted.

Whomp 21-06-2005 15:43

Yeah, yeah. I realized it after I did it. Of course Haruka was next and I accepted my gift.

Haruka 21-06-2005 18:31

SGLs are off, right?

Whomp 21-06-2005 18:57

Yes SGL's are off but SoZ is on from what I read in the CFC thread.

Haruka 21-06-2005 21:42

Does anyone wanna have a go at the SoZ? I would do it in Bitter if I had ivory.

Whomp 21-06-2005 22:12

I have a settler on the way to the ivory now. I could trade it to you once I get a road hooked up.
What do you think? It seems a waste if we can't get ships across till late MA.

BTW I will be out of town June 30th through the 4th of July. I'm taking the vessel known as Juicy to Milwaukee for Summerfest!!!

Who wants to take my turns?
Or any quality lurkers want to give it go?

Haruka 21-06-2005 22:30

That's right... I'll have to reconsider it.

RegentMan 23-06-2005 21:32

Iroquois, is that mounted warrior and archer headed towards an undefended Persian city? ;)

Ooh! I just remembered warrior --> immortal upgrades are only 30 gold with AP on. Sweet...

Whomp 23-06-2005 21:45

Yes, yes. I want to make sure all the neighborhoods are safe.

akots 23-06-2005 21:58

You have locked alliance, no way can attack each other.

Whomp 23-06-2005 22:04

Emphasis on ;) akots.

BTW who is taking my turns next week?

Haruka 24-06-2005 06:34

Oh shit!

I forgot that I'm going away for three weeks, starting Sunday. Internet access is iffy, and definately no civ.

RegentMan 24-06-2005 09:05

Looks like I'm the main player. Just post/PM me your passwords and specific instructions. Be forwarned: I'll do my best, but please don't hate me if I don't do something that you would have.

Whomp 24-06-2005 16:47

No probs kid. I leave you some instructions because I think it's time for Stealth to transition out of settler mode.

RegentMan 24-06-2005 19:20

Any up to date dot maps with specific city build queues would be greatly appreciated. Plus tech research and general long term goals. Unit/worker movement too.

Whomp 24-06-2005 20:21

Well I just found out my DSL is offline till Tuesday 6/28 so I've pm'd both of you my password. There's a possibility I can use hotspot with my wireless. Have either of you used a wireless (blue tooth) public area? They're at Starbuck's and there's one in my building.

Now I have to remember what is going on in my head. My dot map is on the the first page of this thread.
The Blue Dot was just established and named Pink Dot.
The south settler was headed to the Pink Dot ivory on the river
The west settler was headed to the light greenish dot south of Giddyup near the oasis.
I think I had a north settler was headed to the brown dot.
The one being produced in Stealth I was going to place on the dark green dot as my last one.

Beware is a worker pump knocking out 1 turn workers. Keep it at 5 fpt and 5spt. I would like to have 2 -2 1/2 per city so keep cranking them.
I would start Stealth on rax after the next settler. Make sure to put the citizen on the forest back on a grass square to keep the growth at 5 fpt.
River Hills keep pumping MW's.
Coastal cities I have focused on primarily naval type things. Harbors and galleys. I would like to keep a combination of regular galleys and vet galleys. Vets galleys to carry lesser units and the regs to carry the valuable units.

Worker actions: I need to continue to develop River Hills, Stealth, Giddyup and Nightmare (connecting silks now). Roads to Nob Hill and the other cities as a secondary need when the core has its tiles better developed.

My next research path I was thinking either construction or CoL. What do you think?

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