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Skyfish 27-11-2003 19:40

Beautiful progress !
Too bad u got the shittiest of terrains...and a bad idea about the GLib ;)

ProPain 01-12-2003 00:03

Took Pharsalos and Argos and made peace. Alex gave me: Republic, Monarchy, Construction, Currency, Ephesus, Mycenae, Rhodes, 23 gold, 5 gpt, WM [rotfl]

Traded republic+33gold for feudalism with babs iirc. Went into 1 turn anarchy for republic. STill no GLeader [cry]

ProPain 11-12-2003 23:29

Babs build GreatLib, bad news for both killer and me. Although I can ferry troops to bablans easier than he can once I eliminate the mongols.

Killer declares war on Egypt and quickly razes some major egyptian cities. Seems he's out for a quick pointy stick war! So I ally egypt and they are so kind to offer me feudalism and engineering for 36 gpt and a lux (iirc) for it. Next turn Cleo makes peace with Killer and he even has to pay to get a few techs in the deal.

I start peace negotiations with Killer who didnt even notice I declared war. We make peace for 40 turns. He gets monarchy from me and he pays me 15 gpt for 20 turns in return. He still lacks philosophy and another aa tech. Hopefully this means he's gonna revolt and become a monarchy!

I turn later he's at war again with Cleo, she declared on him when he demanded her to leave his territory. A pity. He also bought philosophy somewhere, still lacks republic. Cleo has Chiv and invention. All other AI just have invention. Cleo wont sell chiv to me :(

I'm massing my troops near the mongol border and planning an attack that will cripple Temujin so bad I can finish him of easily after 20 turns peace is over. His most important cities are in the east side of his lands, the western ones are mostly tundra. I now have 10 med inf, 6 swords (elites) 3 pikes and 3 horsmen at his border. I;m thinking a few more horsies and we're off. Things will work best if they dont have knights yet.

ProPain 29-01-2004 10:05

The game has been going slow for awhile but is back on track now.

Massed my troops near Mongol border. Moved in a stack consisting mainly of med inf (10+), few pikes, a few elite swords (I WANT A LEADER!!!!!!) and 2 horses. First interturn no attack [eek] I take Erdenet without losses, only 2 pikes in there for defense [eek][eek] Move rest of stack on Hovd doorstep, I wont bother with resistance for now, I wanna take out the mongol core so I won't have to worry about him any more. interturn sees a mongol med inf killing a pike, but that's it. I think I'll take and raze Hovd and move towards the small iron city. Take that and then deal with remaining pikes and med inf untill Temujin is down to archers and spears.

Meanwhile Killer is mopping up Egypt, bad news for me. Can't ally egypt for cheap techs as long as Killer is paying me. Hopefully he'll extend this war for awhile...

ProPain 30-01-2004 10:42

Took Hovd with considerable losses, but what happened in the interturn was complete disaster. Damn mongols decimated my invasion force. Next turn tactical retreat to erdenet. Reinforcements are sent to the front, I'll try to repell the attack and send a pillaging party to the iron. I think pillaging that iron is essential to this war. If everything fails I have to go for peace, which shouldn't be a problem after taking 2 of his large towns.

Skyfish 30-01-2004 11:44

I dont understand how you can beat the Mongols or where Hovd is : was it a naval invasion ?
In short we need a zoomed out pix of the battlefields and a minimap :D

ProPain 30-01-2004 12:26

will do Sky!

Beam 14-04-2005 22:26

Melifluous 15-04-2005 00:50


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