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anarres 05-12-2003 16:45

Strategy for the early turns: Lean and mean!

Only build granaries and barracks for improvements.

Only build workers and settlers (from granary cities), warriors (very early for exploration), carracks (for exploring) and military units (i.e. horses, or warriors for upgrade if no horses).

Basic stuff I know, but if we deviate and build silly improvements we will get stomped (at least from my experience). Even on Deity you can deviate quite a lot, but on Sid I wouldn't dare...

Also worth noting that "anti-RCP" placement is useful for lower corruption (never more than 2 at same distance, and preferably only 1. Also make sure not to 'waste' a distance by not placing a city there).

Skyfish 05-12-2003 17:08

We should have a weaker player in between anarres and Kemal, I'll sacrifice myself to get the [whipped]
Everybody has C3C now since SinterKlaas came to Holland today so my propsoed play order :

Also lets be kind and gentle on Kemal's first ever SG [lol] I'll keep the veto stamp in the drawer to the max :D

Kingreno 05-12-2003 17:18

Remember it is "us" against SID.[}:)]

We're a team, how nice. [:X]

Ok, I'll play my 10 turns and keep everybody wellinformed. I will then send the game to PP who just informed me he got c3c! [goodjob]

Kingreno 05-12-2003 17:24

Ok, build 3 warriors and started a setler. the warriors are scouting.
We have growth in 3, setler in 5, we're size 2. I say setler-granary, and granary in Rottedam to be founded near the second wheat.

Sent to PP.

anarres 05-12-2003 20:02

I suggest you post the game here rather than emailing it. That way if someone is missing for 24hrs+ we can skip them, and also others can download it jsut to see the general progress.

ProPain 06-12-2003 13:37

Here's a quick dotmap I made. Had to brush up my knowledge of RCP ( thanx Sky)

I entered 3 dots to mark best spot imo. Still leaves the purple circled area. We must settle there too imo. And the 2 sqaures near the arrow which could be alternates for blue dot.

For now I say settle red dot 1st, followed by yellow dot.

For those who wanna make new dots, here's a file without the dots.

ProPain 06-12-2003 14:00

write up

turn1 - move warriors (M.W.)
turn2 - M.W.
turn3 - M.W. move lux to keep A'dam happy
turn4 - Settler finished. Start Curragh.Fiddle with science slider. It was at 90% but no matter how high we maintain a 50 turn rate. Set it back to 10%. We lost some cash here the 1sy 14 turns
turn5 - M.W.
turn6 - M.W.
turn7 - M.W.
Turn8 - M.W., found R'dam, meet vikings. The lack pottery and have WC and BW. No tech deal possible for pottery, 8gpt, 22gold!!! I trade pottery for 2 workers (!!) and 10 gold. Ragnar has 5 cities alrdy! MOve workers to deerforest for chopping

turn9 - Curragh done, start granary
turn10- Meet spain, tech deals possible for 8gpt and 43 cash. Interesting detail their boat came from the NORTH!!! probably they're on our island. They have WC, CB and BW just as Ragnar.

I didnt open any huts yet, but it seems smart to do that now before the Spanish and Scand. ladn unit and do it for us. This is gonna be a hard game.

Download Attachment: [img]icon_paperclip.gif[/img] SG3000 BC.SAV

Kemal 06-12-2003 14:10

Wow pp, you're blazing fast!

Too late to propose an alternative city roster I worked on now I guess...[sad]

Good job on getting those workers from Scandinavia!

Kingreno 06-12-2003 14:20

I disagree on the money lost PP, if we found more cities the "invested" beakers will begin to show! Tested it multiple times. I am certain that we will get writing in 30-35 turns overall and that would mean a hell of a difference with 50 turns!
Besides on Sid money is worth exactly nothing in this stage since the AI's will demand. demand. demand.

ProPain 06-12-2003 15:48

@KR: I'm no expert on the invested beaker fenomena, but if you're right we should put lux slider back up.
@Kemal: just founded one city, so plenty of alternate schemese possible I'd say! I'd like to say your proposal

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