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Whomp 22-05-2006 21:47

You must study!! I ban you from talking to me until this all of this is over and also request a Shabba banning too.
I say "no soup for you"! [:p]
Good luck kid and I'll let you in on a little secret....Uni rocks compared to 6th form. You won't miss a minute of those days next year. Trust me.

BCLG100 22-05-2006 22:14

yer i know what you mean and i figure that yes i will have an awesome time but im leaving my girlfriend behind as she is in the year below, thats the only thing making me unhappy about leaving school really because i know ill see all my mates again.

Not worried about talking to you ive got rik to talk poker with or tubby to talk hattrick with, though the 3 day ban from cfc might help i guess :D

Shabbaman 22-05-2006 22:16


quote:Originally posted by BCLG100

then i might go home take a shower etc but then friday night we're going out for the history night out!
Ah, people who take showers are always welcome at CDZ meetings.

BCLG100 22-05-2006 22:19

Smashing well ill be sure to attend one i can actually make, showering regularly. ive been told that i generally smell nice following one:)

BCLG100 05-06-2006 02:56

Well ive got 5 exams this week, 3 physics and 2 history exams.

2 history on the wednesday and 3 physics on the Friday- I expect to do fairly well on the History but physics is a complete other matter, i find it easiest to revise but theres just so damn much to learn!

BCLG100 22-06-2006 17:22

Just finished all my exams, its nice not having the worry of revision over me :)

Shabbaman 22-06-2006 17:23

Good work!

BCLG100 22-06-2006 20:24

And erm ive just become single:( which is why i cant play the save for TNT, sorry mtdg'ers but im really not in the mood.

romeothemonk 22-06-2006 20:30

Hey at least she didn't get your house or car!!

Always look on the bright side of life! (Whistle)

Sorry about the loss, but it just means that it wasn't meant to be.

BCLG100 16-08-2006 20:17

Im Shitting myself now because i get my A-level results tomorrow which decide whether i get into University. i really hope tomorrow never comes.

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