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Lt. Killer M 11-12-2004 10:20

if this one isn't in the bag I will play you again - I might win ;)

Kingreno 11-12-2004 22:23

Invasion plans made!

I got Nav and traded my world map around, got to see the entire other island including all of Banzailand.

The land, with arrows:

The northern fleet hold 10 MW, a pikeman and an empty army. The southern boat has one MW. Landing the troops on the Dyes will give me the best defensive bonus, but more importantly, will place me withing range of 3 cities. Banzai will very likely have his main troops in the south. He may have knights so he can get to Palenque from Tikal, but the rest will simply be too late. My army will provide a 2-square Line of sight as well, making all three cities visible. I want Palenque razed, but any city will do.
The southern MW will try to land in dutch territory and using RoP with the dutch attack Lazapa when it's troops have been sent north in despair. It may work.
Annoying thing is that England has just moved some shitty troops near an empty city and will declare war next turn. grrrr.

Lt. Killer M 13-12-2004 09:59

is it a small town that is threatened by the English? if you can spare it you can try renegotiating peace and gifting it to them in the process...... not a good option, but may give you a free back for a few turns.

Rik Meleet 13-12-2004 13:18

I wouldn't worry about the city the English are threatening. It can't be worth much if you have it unprotected. And the sooner Banzai is attacked, the sooner you win (if the invasion is succesful). If Banzai already has contact with the English he'll probably sign them against you anyway.

Lt. Killer M 13-12-2004 14:37

hmmm, did I read in Banzais spoiler that the two of you made a 20 turn peace treaty?

if so:


Kingreno 13-12-2004 16:54

Hehe. several misunderstandings here. [crazyeye]

First. As I moved my fleet the next turn I was happy not to see anyy mayans yet. However. Banzai had the Awesome luck of sailing a galley in his turn when he spotted my 4 caravels. He then had that extra turn to move his knights north. My 10 Mounted warriors wouldn't have stood a chance.

England. They are threathning a rather corrupted city. but it is size 10 and a LOT nearer to their capitol. I protected it succesfully and allied the byzantines against them. Now, with the unexpected return of the Banzai-grupe, I will capture all of engalnd a.s.a.p.[swordman]

@Rik: Banzai and I agreed no MA's or MPP's in this game. It tends to get predictable and boring.:)

So how is Banzai Doing? not too good. The dutch are terrible neighbours with their Mercs. He should attack them soon though, once he got them out, the Romans and Mongols will be a piece of cake. The problem is, that by then I have infantry (by the way things are going now...). Techwise he lacks Invention to me and the Dutch, and also GP to the Dutch. In the upper half he lacks Astro, Navigation and Banking (in 2 turns) to me. He should still get his GA, I hope for him it will get him closer again...
He forgot to build an embassy, so I did that. I also sold him the entire WM for 150 gold.

for now, we are going for the next age and conquest of my island!

Kingreno 17-12-2004 11:54

Things are progreesing as planned. Engalnd is being sandwiched by me and Theodora. I am using the were-to-be-invaders of Mayan lands for this so my core has time for other things:

Production in the core is very low, due to the lack of hills and very little Bonus grass. It takes ages for universities and Banks to complete. Banzai has the same lands though so he suffers the same fate.
I expect England to fall in roughly 10 turns. By that time, I hope Banzai will finaly have attacked the Dutch...

Kingreno 18-12-2004 12:56

Banzai attacked the Netherlands and got his GA! also, he set up his continent roughly the same way I did.Mongold and rome are at war with the Dutch too, drawback is for Banzai that they also are atw ar with eachother. I doubt they will be of much use!
In his GA Banzai now outproduces me naturally but I am still ranked first in Income. This means I am researching faster!

His lands, form my perspective. One dutch city razed.

I hope he won't kill of the dutch completely. They are also in a GA and my mein friends on that part of the world! They paid me for example 100gpt for Navigation!!.jpg

The rest comes from Mongols and Romans and not to forget 7gpt from the Mayans!
As can be seen as well, we now are researching ToG. Newtons will add very nicely to copernicus in Salamanca. I am still up economics on everyone, and now Physics too. The Dutch have Metallurgy and are racing towards cav! woohoo! feel the pain Banzai!

The war on the bright side of the world:

the 5 eastern cities were all english and the units positioned there are on flip control.
The grupe London is there...for London. I hope it is enough as lizzie has loads of pikemen.

To finalize, the minimap:

Kingreno 19-12-2004 17:52

The attack on London succeeded barely! My army of knights lost 12 hp (out of 14) defeating a vet pike. The three regular pikes cost me one elite and one vet Knight. A longbowman remained and one of the last Mounted warriors gave me leader#3.As I desperately need an FP well placed in former Incastan I am very happy with this guy.

As can be seen I had to use the MW-army as well. It dispatched a reg pike with just one hp-loss, attacking over a river. The RNG surely is very unpredictable.

I also made some deals! I buy Metallurgy and 7 gpt from the Dutch for Physics and Economics. I sell all three to the Mongols (in their GA!!) for Wines, 84 gpt and 130 lump sum (their max). I then sell navigation to byzantines for 11 gpt and 51 lump sum. I then gift them Banking and Economics. Banzai lacks met, physics and econ.

Needless to day that with 300+ gpt from foreign investors the economy is running rather smoothly.

Kingreno 30-12-2004 22:59

Update time!

Me and banzai have reached the next age. the age of railroad.
We have signed a peace treaty till the modern age as invading is hard with RR all over the place. Also, I am techleader, so peace is good. for now.

the end of teh Middle ages was celebrated in the old way:

Too bad it does not double up on copernicus'... Salamanca has 143 beakers on 0.10.0 :D

The RR was a welcome addition to my not so productive core.

do not worry. The collosea are prebuilds for factories. [coool]

the great twins:

Allegny: Prebuild for Hoover. on 820 shields already [blush]
Salamanca: Building ToE, which I will get.

Techs: I am up medicine, Elec and SciMeth on everyone. Banzai has industriazation. I will get that in 3 turns from now. He may get elec or medicine, or if he gets luckier and hell freezes over he gets both by trading. He still needs scimeth then (stealing is no option for him, he has 700 gold).
Basicly I should be catapulted into this age when hoover completes simultaniously with the factories. I plan on sanitation soon too. I need those bigger cities with the commercial trait.
In the meantime, Banzai is at war with byzantines. They will make peace soon I guess. He will then have to kill the mongols and rome. I bet that will be harder when they have inf![goodjob]
To end this tiny update, the minimap:

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