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Ville 13-06-2005 13:59

Settler factory rolling and I can start building GSs too in 3 turns [happy]

Ville 16-06-2005 20:21

Octavarium founded, London captured->England destroyed, 2 turns and I have 4 warriors around the last city of the Mongols

Pastorius 19-06-2005 16:34

Ville, you should play a game vs Killer ;)

Ville 20-06-2005 09:41

Mongols destroyed, writing researched, map making started, I want contacts!

Ville 23-06-2005 20:35

I pwned them all! Now the continent is all mine! Bad side is that I had to trigger my GA but OTOH I can build about 10 settlers during it.

Ville 26-07-2005 16:00

New Guess the Song round started, please join. No need to download anything if you have Quicktime and Firefox... Just click the link and listen

Ville 26-07-2005 18:26

I researched The Republic and I'm now in Anarchy. I'm 1st in land area and points :D Screenshot after I'm out of Anarchy...

Ville 26-07-2005 22:02

I'll post the screenshot tomorrow. Got to Gogf's continent with my suicide galley. I would have to spend 1 turn in ocean even with Great Lighthouse, so early attack is out of question... That would cost too much, I'll spend more in temples, libraries and marketplaces. :)

Ville 27-07-2005 21:04

My small empire has improved a bit from last screenshot I see ;)

Ville 28-07-2005 20:32

I had 2 Gallics in my Galley. When I saw Gogf's capitals area, I decided to have a try, it worked perfectly. [happy]

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