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Matrix 29-03-2019 14:53

The southern scout continued due southeast and met Beorn! With that I met all veterans here, yet only one Finn so far.

Beorn is on the other side of some water though, so he might not even be on the same continent.

Matrix 13-04-2019 19:19

So here is our continent. Hmm, who to attack first? :rolleyes: I'd like to eliminate jakeri, because he's not been playing his turns regularly and thus slowing down the game. But the other two are a bigger threat. I guess I'd rather keep the northern two alive. Perhaps leave jakeri's elimination to socralynnek, so he and I can have an peace agreement: you attack jakeri, I attack Killer.

Matrix 24-04-2019 09:40

Killer first suggested to declare war on me as a decoy for marching on and attacking jakeri. I refused. Then he said that if I attack jakeri myself "I will NOT attack you on the assumption your troops are busy elsewhere." Whatever. He just plans to attack me and tries to find an excuse. And I'm a little too late building up military. His production is very high, so this is not looking good.

Shabbaman 24-04-2019 14:56

Killer attacking you? He'd never do such a thing :rolleyes:

Matrix 25-04-2019 00:35

The attack is called off. [talk]

I just offered Custa City in exchange for a mutual fight against jakeri. Thus also open borders. He will know he made the wrong decision only he sees I only have three archers. [:0)]

Matrix 16-05-2019 17:51

Time for a little update. Jakeri is a slacker and says he cannot get the game to work. He probably would've been eliminated if I didn't have to kick him to AI, after which it whipped archers. Now there are too many for Killer and me, so we have to wait until we have catapults. I'm working on that, but construction will cost me 18 turns at the moment. I'll do sailing first. And then building catapults, moving them north............. I didn't set up a pitboss to fight AI, but c'est la vie.

I still have two spots left for cities, so I'll build those in the mean time.

You might notice the wounded archer in my land. There was a barbarian uprise: five axemen. But I fended them off without casualties. [yeah]

Matrix 24-05-2019 10:08

Yikes, look at Beorn! He's got Pyramids and used it for the Representation civic. And he's got a huge food production, so I assume he's got massive cities with libraries and a lot of science specialists producing 6 science each.

Shabbaman 24-05-2019 22:34

What could possibly go wrong!

Matrix 06-06-2019 13:03

Kudos to Beorn for his diplomatic language. :D

The holy bible is being distributed in our libraries to eager readers. Some time soon, it may even become convenient to recognize it officially. Another step forward for our travelling salesmen.

And now, for something completely different. A barb uprising with 3 buttocks.

Python reference aside, have you seen the famed axemen surge that took place behind the great wall? I heard about it, scoured the coast but couldn't find a soul. I'm just curious, you know, we get so little excitement over on Bear Island.

Matrix 18-06-2019 11:33

Sami eliminated Vili and Killer and I took over Rome from jakeri.

Killer suggests to continue straight to socralynnek. I'm ok with that, but wonder what he wants to get in return, so I asked him. He can keep some of socralynnek's cities, but I don't want to offer him any of mine.

Meanwhile Beorn is doing scarily well. He's on an island and I'm going to scout there, which is why you can see a galley of mine in the south. But just recently he expanded on our continent in the northeast.

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