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barbu1977 20-03-2008 15:35

Your new apartment burned to the ground!

Matrix 20-03-2008 18:33

Your goldfish died!

Banzai 21-03-2008 08:37

You are transfered to the office in Lyon and now you have to travel between Paris and Lyon every day.

Shabbaman 21-03-2008 08:50

You slipped backwards in the bathroom and landed on the shampoo bottle.

Socrates 21-03-2008 20:13

You guys are funny. :)


quote:Originally posted by barbu1977

Your new apartment burned to the ground!
This has to be the closest guess, although it's not as awful as that.

I've just learned that the basement of my new building has been shitty since some underground pipes flooded the place during a whole month in 1995. I've been hidden this during the whole sale (3 months), until the company managing the building revealed it to me. What's so shitty about it ? As a (new) owner in that building, I'm bound to financially take part in the reparation to come in 2 years. Even if I stop living (furniture, night, weekend, holidays...), I may not have the money for this in 2 years !

The latest owner (what I now should call a dirty, old bitch), whose main flat was NOT this one, probably wanted to get rid of this shit and make a nice profit out of the sale (price got multiplied by 3 in eight years [eek] ). The housing agency, which was the middle man, was aware of the shit and hid it to me ; to add injury, their saleswoman (a super-super bitch) lied to me multiple times when I asked to visit the cave attached to the piece of estate : she said they couldn't find the keys for the moment, while in fact there were many holes in the caves for architects to probe the ground (so as to have a good idea of the mess down there). Now the holes are gone, it seems, but of course this isn't a good incentive to buy a flat, eh ? I forgot to mention on paper that I actually didn't visit the cave back then. :(

My notary (?) was sent the paper mentioning the shit one day before I signed for real last week. I don't know if he read it entirely (despite the company managing the building specially added a first page to attract attention), ie. I don't know if he did it on purpose, but the result is that he didn't mention it during the sale. This is also a professional fault.

Today, I'm in the middle of my installation, with many, many fees paid and contracts signed. I have no money left and am stucked with a flat I don't really want anymore (this shit, I mean the actual problem in the building, will last for years...). Fortunately I have a sweet home and my parents to help me, so I'm not desperate. :) I decided not to move myself to my new flat for the moment, until I can see clearer. I'm on my way to a lawyer, something I'd never had imagined ! I'm determined to make them pay hard for this, I consider this as some kind of challenge too. In the meantime my dream is broken. :(

BCLG100 21-03-2008 20:34

Im sorry to hear about that krys.

Lt. Killer M 21-03-2008 21:12

krys, I have no idea how French law handles this, so I can only tell you how things would run in Germany: you'd be entitled to make the deal undone - that is return everything to the state before the purchase, at the expense of the seller. GET A LAWYER!!!!!

and good luck!

barbu1977 21-03-2008 21:31

This indeed sucks. From what you said, there is no way they can get out of this.

But I know how it is with house buying, when you think it's over and you find out you feel you've been screwed is awfull. We had something a bit similar but way less expensive than what you had and a layer had to come in play (Fortunatly she was my cousin and didn't charge a dime). In our case it everything settle down on the first "mise en demeure".

With a good layer, you should realy see clearly and know where to go. If you are not sure about his advice I'd recommend you see another one. 100$ an hour migth seem expensive at first, but you are probably talking abour a few 1000$ in the deal so get a good one.

Shabbaman 21-03-2008 21:38

I'm with Killer here, this is prohibited under dutch law. Still terrible though!

Socrates 21-03-2008 22:11

Of course this is prohibited in France too. The thing now is to prove things, and so I have to check out what I have signed, etc...

I made a mistake in my previous post : in fact the reparation of the basement should be due this very year, and I don't have a spare penny for that. [lol] This is just ridiculous.

And my feeling is that, on top of that, I've been screwed by everyone in the affair : ex-owner, housing agency, technical company, notary, banker... All of them may have got more from what I should have paid, they're all dirty pigs that I have fed. Especially, the technical company (which charged me 125 € for a hypothetical checking of the flat, in order to deliver a paper for one of my loans (BTW the checking is full of errors)) is friends with the housing agency (one is recommended by the other) ; a lump of money I had refused to give until last week. The guy from the "syndic" (company managing the building) has more or less been asked for bribing by the guy from the housing agency. It has all ended up in the opposite party (ex-owner + her notary) being ready late for the signing day because of this, and then I had to pay an extra 20 € for my bank check to be delivered quickly to the notary... [lol]

I type as I think, so it's all messy in this post. To sum up : I've been fucked in the arse, but the petroleum jelly worked fine.

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