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BCLG100 13-05-2012 11:18


Originally Posted by barbu1977 (Post 136680)
This is why I don't train anything with 50% at some positions.

Well I've bought a winger and intend to buy another so was just seeing what bonuses they could get really. A skill boost a year isn't anything to be sniffed at.

BCLG100 06-06-2012 12:47

How can i improve my tactic skill? I swear it hasn't changed for ages and I have been using the same one repeatedly since it was introduced!

Shabbaman 06-06-2012 12:54

I think that has to do with player attributes. If you want better AIM or AOW, your inner mids need passing to convert those attacks. Something like that.

socralynnek 06-06-2012 15:43

I think, tactic skill for AIM, AOW, CA is sum of all passing skills (IIRC defenders count twice for CA)

Pressing depends on stamina level of all your players (+something with defenders as well)

So, to get better skill, you need better players...

arne1 06-06-2012 17:32


Originally Posted by socralynnek (Post 136838)
I think, tactic skill for AIM, AOW, CA is sum of all passing skills (IIRC defenders count twice for CA)

Pressing depends on stamina level of all your players (+something with defenders as well)

So, to get better skill, you need better players...

AIM and AOW is passing of all squad

CA is passing and defending of defenders

pressing is defending of all players and you need more stamina for your player not to loose abillity during the match

BCLG100 06-06-2012 23:43

Cool, cheers guys. Working on passing the season after this coming one so hopefully should start going up then!

Mistfit 16-06-2012 15:58

AOW/AIM Tactics level = [sum of passing]/5 - 2

Sum of Passing skills of your players (excluding the GK):

30 - Weak Tactic level
35 - Inadequate
40 - Passable
45 - Solid
50 - Excellent
55 - Formidable
60 - Outstanding
65 - Brilliant
70 - Magnificent
75 - WorldClass
80 - Supernatural
85 - Titanic
90 - Extra-Terrestrial
95 - Mythical
100 - Magical
105 - Utopian
110 - Divine.

Example: Sum of Passing for your players is 60.
Formula: [sum of Passing]/5 - 2 = 60/5 - 2 = 12 - 2 = 10
So your AOW/AIM tactical skill is Outstanding (10).

CA Level Formula = 0,017272a + 1,042313
where a = sum of [Form{(2*defense passing skills)+(defense defending)}]

Or better yet: CA Skill Calculator

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