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Beam 07-10-2010 13:19

What does the recently not so overwhelming number of posts about Civ V mean? Still not good, not interesting, everybody is learning to play, s'thing else?

I ordered Intel I5 based gear today and to be delivered next week, just like to know if the game is worth buying already or shall I wait until it is going to be discounted.

Darkness 07-10-2010 13:59


Originally Posted by Beam (Post 129460)
What does the recently not so overwhelming number of posts about Civ V mean? Still not good, not interesting, everybody is learning to play, s'thing else?

I'm still playing it and learning the game. I like the basics of the game, though I must admit that there are serious balance issues. Unit upgrades (I've upgraded scouts up to pikemen and multiple occasions) are ridiculous. City States are way too easily exploited. The different Civ traits seem to be quite unbalanced. Some are quite good (Alexander, Darius), while others are completely useless (Elizabeth, Catherine). Some unique units are way too strong (companion cavalry (Greece) for instance) and the same goes for some unique buildings (Paper maker (China)). The AI doesn't deal very well with 1 unit per tile and the game appears to be easier than Civ4, also on higher difficulty levels. Another big issue: The AI is absolutely helpless against horseman. It simply has no defense for them, even on deity.

I see loads of potential, and good new ideas for the game, but the implementations (especially for the AI) of these ideas leave a lot to be desired. Some serious patching is needed (especially for multiplayer, because the current game would be woefully unbalanced, and any win would more than likely be the result of some random lucky event or map generation (a couple of close maritime or cultural city states for example)...

But after a few patches, I believe this could be a very good game. Definately Civilization-worthy, IMHO.

Shabbaman 07-10-2010 14:03

I'm with Darkness on this one. And Beam, just try the free demo.

Beorn 07-10-2010 17:49

I agree with the distateful randomness and need to patch bugs (I still cannot play the game with sounds and without sounds I can't promote units(!) - I'm in warmonger hell), but I'm only not playing because I've got an essay to write for December and 40 bad copies of elementary school didactics homeworks to grade for tomorrow.

grahamiam 07-10-2010 19:06

I've been playing pretty much every night, focusing for the last week or so on cultural victories. I'm enjoying it and have gotten my money's worth.

ProPain 07-10-2010 20:58

- fun game in SP, albeit unbalanced ( see other posts for details)
- still have to have a go at MP, but when I do it will be just for fun and not too serious as the game is way to unbalanced for MP
- AI way easier than Civ IV and easier abusable
- Some stuff is explained badly if at all (like what the fuck is the use of a 'pact of secrecy????)
- You're gonna need a serious machine/graphics card to have this running smoothly in the late game.

Personally I consider this to be a SP civilization which coexists with Civ IV. V is more of a leisurely game, sort Civ Rev bumped up. IV is more of an old school civ, more difficult and balanced, harder to master.

Furiey 07-10-2010 21:26

I pretty much agree with what's been said. I'm enjoying it but it is different and from what I've read it's best to forget about multiplayer at the moment - you can't save, can't rejoin a game if you're disconnected to name but a few annoyances. Hopefully once they release the pitboss it may be debugged enough to be worth a try.

My PC (i7 6GB ATI DX11) plays it pretty smoothly and I've yet to run into problems with excessive lag, although I've yet yo play large maps.

Beam 14-10-2010 18:36

1 Attachment(s)
:D :D

ProPain 14-10-2010 20:58

So, are you playing already or still downloading/checking file integrity?

Beam 14-10-2010 23:22

Well, my i5 arrived today and I just finished setting up the core Ubuntu / Win7 installation. Played the first 10 turns or so from the default Civ V start-a-game and technically it runs like a charm. Expect more play this weekend. :)

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